Conversation Between Royce and SellingAcc's

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Why...After i clearely told not to trade with him.... Open a scam report and follow this
  2. Too late he scamed me allrdy for Origin acc.. and eaven Origin support have problems... he alweys retrive acount
  3. ... Just dont trade with him at all... like what does that even mean a mm will not even help you, that's what they are for and it's only flengo, busted! and symmetrical atm.
  4. He did not say he is untradset.. he say that HE.. Ra... is trusted and theyfore MM will not hellp us.... but I dont trust him.... so I w8 for some MM.... how to find quick MM here?
  5. What do you mean ra said symmetrical isn't trusted his a an official middleman, I would recommend you not trade with ra if he told you that
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5