Conversation Between Ryguy and DocUK

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I said maybe because I didn't know your main account and I meant around the graphics section.
  2. Not been here long enough, ****** please lol it's gg2gg ive been here since october 2005

  3. Maybe you haven't been around long enough to know everything that went on before. The graphics team asked a few times if they could design a new skin for the site and a new logo. However as I expressed to Dave and Liz before they can't expect an exact copy of what's in their minds without a thorough explanation of exactly what they want. We have designed a few things for them but none of which they wanted. As for the challenges, there have been a few user run challenges in which rewards were from the user running them such as money or steam accounts and those challenges consisted of art other than signatures. As for tutorials people just show people what they did to make their signature and you can learn from that, those are called signature tutorials, or you can get photoshop tutorials which teach the tools in a more general sense. I understand what you're saying, it's all been said before. If you care to talk more add me on msn:
  4. \/ Which is why no ones in a rush to rebuild the graphics team, they undertake no projects, just run pointless events in which they even give renders, color themes and then people to just follow tutorials.

    graphics contests should be designing logo's and posters designed to transmit information for fictional business/mpgh

    art contests should be on interpreting a subject in a original way, as i did with my city image
  5. dave does care, i've been talking to him about it. and it's not the fact its from an outside source its the fact users are re posting stuff they've shared with others beforehand, mpgh gfx section was designed for helping users with projects relating to themselves or mpgh, not for people who are too shit to stand out on graphics forums to post there crap on a un dedicated graphics site because it looks better in comparison to the shit that gets posted.

    Signatures aren't graphics, or art, they are just shit. art needs to be artistic and original, tutorials should be of methods not entire images, they should show you how to do photofilters ect not tell you what colours to use to get a pre designed effect. graphics need to be apply able commercially and get a message across, not just the users name in a font they downloaded.
  6. Thanks for actually showing me them instead of flaming about it in that thread. Anyways as for the tutorial I would not say that's really a problem only because it's not linking people back to the site. Also it's not really a rival site. Dave could really care less what happens in the graphics section and we're constantly linking people off the site to places like deviant art and planetrenders, etc. Anyways, I am the law in the graphics section so if you see anything else just report it to me. We're a small community so I try to be fair to everyone but if there's something important that I miss, send it my way.
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