Conversation Between Gunlox and Rainbowdash

24 Visitor Messages

  1. Your welcome
  2. Thank you :3
  3. True, but your awesome!
  4. Nor you to me.
  5. You don't talk to me no more !
  6. Can I be admin of your CA clan again?
  7. Nice
  8. CSM5 /2short
  9. Lol wait.. and I am CSM1 now and you ?
  12. I will soon!
  13. You gonna apply yet? I bought a new account, I will be using it every now and then. Not as much because I have 2 months of NX shit on L2Spell. Its name is L-O-G-I-C , you can add it.
  14. Lol, okay !
  15. Ijust got back, Ill get on! Did you apply? Nigga better apply.
  16. Yeah.
  17. Ok cool. Im trying to not to play so much so I dont waste my passes. I barely have any left, and I am waiiting for the weekend :|. I guess I will take them off and play lol. I want to reach atleast CSM5 with the passes, which will only happen with the server bonus.
  18. I will apply later. I am rank MSG3 now !
  19. Yes you can. Apply again.
  20. Lol yeah.. can I still join RunLikeBelle ?
  21. Been one day and nearing my rank O_O. I'm CSM4 now. In two months, when my speed gear runs out, I am going gp speed .
  22. My new account rank is MSG2
  23. I let my brother use it .. I made a new account.
  24. Your CA account banned and reset -__-
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 24 of 24