Conversation Between Domokun_index and Lonesome Cowboy

23 Visitor Messages

  1. Dude, what's been going on with the Wiki recently?
  2. okay c: .
  3. As you wish
    Add in all new items/blocks from recent updates, new mechanics, update the updates page.
  4. Tasks! D:
    but I could do with a banana...
  5. Good night!
  6. ...a dick?
    ...a calculator?
    ...a mouse?
  7. You know what my hands are empty of?
  8. Stop having fun and come baaaakk.
  9. .
  10. I'm on my phone
  11. There's the send private message thingy on the left
  12. *how to send a pm - misclick
  13. Hey just to let you know I'm travelling the next few days so I don't know how it'll pan out. Hopefully I can get some work done on the wiki. And I have no idea h
  14. Where is yo ass? D:
  15. c: tasks done.
  16. <3 you're the best. ^_^
  17. Okay, hope you had fun
  18. Tomorrow
    Am going to party now.
  19. No tasks?! D';
  20. It's a .txt file but okay
  21. Upload 2 virus scans to txt! Or post the contents directly into the thread.
  22. What's up with you man?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 23 of 23