Conversation Between NextGen1 and Hell_Demon

25 Visitor Messages

  1. danku danku
  2. Congrats on Program section minion
  3. Ouch, I didn't make your top favs, hassan beat me, that's sad
  4. Grats on mod big guy!
  5. Hai thar =D Do you still have me on msn or are you really offline? :P
  6. Never a problem, When I said keeps spamming, I meant in VB , I let him slide, he's cool and cool about it, he doesn''t mind, Think he likes being banned
  7. It's ok I appreciate your help

    Thanks for all your help =D
  8. You know I like you, C++ section is all yours, handle it the way you like. However, In VB section or Programming section I will ban all of his accounts iof he keeps spamming.
  9. Heh mate, arguing with Kallisti/Koreans/Ionizer/whatever other names he has is useless ;P I usually just let him have his way since he'll be back with other names anyway and my section doesn't seem to bothered by it(besides new guys who come here to leech ;P)

  10. PM me a desired username, your email address and Ill make a Password for you, which you can change if you like.
  11. I have to hand over a publisher CP, so I trust you and like 3 other people here, (lolland, Why06, xscape) with that said, you can right anything code related or tech related , other then hacking, and you don't have to right anything, if you have time on your hands and want to share an article, write one. Example: Comparison between IDE's or one day you hear something in the tech world that should be discussed or "reported" etc. I have a bot that will write it's own news based on articles I have done prior, but I rather not use it (if that makes sense)
  12. uuhhhh sure? The only things I code lately are hack related though o_O
  13. IM looking for publishers for my blog on my commercial design site, feel up to doing it? I give you publisher access to my site, and when ever you feel like it, you right a article tech related, C++ related. ?
  14. Thank You, and Glad to see you made Minion
  15. Dankuuuu =D
    I LOVE U MAN Glad you're back =)
  16. Gratz HD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Congrats, who's a daddy? thats rite, you are! =D Hope to see you back soon, We need your pimp slap to keep these hoes in line(although flamesaber is doing a great job helping the nubs so they don't throw too much tamper tantrum in there).

    <3 uuu
  18. NextGen1 for gmod <3 (no homo)
  19. NVM, it may be another alt I was thinking of ...

    :Rage Quits:
  20. We need a Minion, Dave told Pixie he will hold minionship elections "when he is ready" (as pixie told me), and that is fine (to an extent) , but we should start, in the meantime I am trying to keep things as "under control" as I can with no actual "authority" to do so, but because I am helpful they tend to respect my opinion, but that will only last so long, I am uncertain why we are minionless.
  21. You're not minion, Pixie's not minion, WHO TEH F* IS?! o__O
    VB = Minionless? :S GET PIXIE BACK NAO!!1 or ask dave for minionship nicely
  22. Yeah I posted (SSL) that before your post, just thought it was closed, Cool if it is open,
  23. 587 should still be open(last tested on 12-10-2009).
    Make sure to enable Ssl tho, it refuses connection if Ssl isn't enabled it seems
  24. If it works, Ill make a tut for VB, just like your verification, is port 567 still open in Gmail? By this , I mean does it work in C, if so it should work with VB, or does it require some change in authentication?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 25