Conversation Between yousefaliq and saleem.16

6 Visitor Messages

  1. يوسف ازيك ممكن ترسلي UAV ؟؟؟ ارجوك؟؟؟
  2. man please send the hack to me man in skype isent you an budy reseqt and please send me the hacks i like the hack alah ao akbar ok alah ao akbar
  3. i did make but dont know why the delet it i will make new
  4. all hacks has been detecteed?
    why yosif make an hack UAV and EORU plss
  5. all detected i will update it in 2 hurs
  6. can u make an working hack pls no the UAV DOSENT AND THE EURO what injector U use??
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6