Conversation Between Implify and Jim

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Swag .
  2. *No fucks given*
  3. *looking for fucks to give*
  4. Whether he started it or not, does that entitle you to be a baby and become a kindergarten all of a sudden because he insulted you on the INTERNET?
  5. Shhh, shhhh. Stop. He started it by calling me a tag hunter. Anyway, we sorted it out. You didn't need to barge in.
  6. I see you're trying to start shit with one of my friends. Well from my perspective, not because he's my friend, you need to calm your balls. He's not much of a spammer, he just actively posts. If you want to see a spammer, you should've been here in August when Death' was around, or the last 2 summers ago, there was Poison spamming a shit ton.

    TL;DR, stop starting shit about others spamming when you're probably doing the same, hypocrite.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6