Conversation Between sebamajes3 and Ravallo

13 Visitor Messages

  1. kk, thanks for info
  2. I am no longer Staff
  3. You should be able to edit your email/password settings somewhere under Account Settings, depending what game we're talking about.
    Let me know if I have to confirm any email messages.
  4. Yes I still have the email address, you can request a change for password/email.
  5. Just re-added you, should be fine now.
  6. Well you say that you have added me on MSN but I never saw u on. Also it didn't changed email to ur nick after add like time one... Are you sure that you added me ?
  7. Hey, add me on MSN, beacuse Time is offline all the time
  8. Alright, added you on msn.
  9. OK, I've made an MSN account add me
  10. So should I go to MSN site and download messenger right?
  11. We don't use Skype due to safety reasons, MSN only ....
  12. Hey Ravallo can you be a MM for me? add me on skype ewcpro. Thx !
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13