I apologize if this is in the wrong section, I do not know where this topic would go.

WPE Pro is a Packet Sniffer, and Packet Editor.

I want to hack a specific game at the moment but would like to know how to hack every game that is possible to hack using WPE pro. I know for a fact that the game I am playing atm can in fact be hacked using WPE pro.

I have captured item values for a different game and i found the offsets only to slots change like |_||_|____|_||_|... Example A7 38 and A8 B4 and everything else in packet is the same. I am trying to find the values for a certain item but i dont have it yet so i cant scan for it i have to type every possible combination for the 4 digits and that is hundreds. Can you teach me a faster way to find value of certain shop items. I got the values of 6 items from my inventory. All i need help with is either editing value of cash, the cost of item, or being able to buy item without needing cash. How can I find values for any shop item? Please help. The game is Absolute force.

I am basically looking for someone that is experience in this sort of thing, that can teach me how to search for IDs, and addresses of certain items, and such.