Hey guys so i think i found a way to fake the online player-count for your servers.I will post the code here but it`s not working 100% yet , the Assembly-CSharp.dll still has to be modified but i don't manage to do it. SO if anyone would be nice enough to help me out here, id be really thankful.

using Facepunch.Steamworks;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Oxide.Plugins
    [Info("OnlineFaker", "HAVEFUN", "1.0")]
    [Description("Fake it till you make it")]
    internal class OnlineFaker : RustPlugin
        public bool Active = true;
    //Starting value fake online
        public static int FAKE_ONLINE;
		public int test;
        const int MAX_FAKE_ONLINE = 32;
    //Maximum possible fake online
    const int MIN_FAKE_ONLINE = 32;
    /* // The maximum change in online, when upgrading
     const int MAX_STEP_FAKE = 4;
The minimum change is online, when updating
     const int MIN_STEP_FAKE = -4;*/
    static readonly System.Random random = new System.Random();
        void OnServerInitialized() => GenerateOnline();
        void GenerateOnline()
            timer.Once(30, GenerateOnline);
			test = random.Next(MIN_FAKE_ONLINE, MAX_FAKE_ONLINE);
			test = test+BasePlayer.activePlayerLis*****unt;
			if (test<Rust.Global.SteamServer.MaxPlayers)
			FAKE_ONLINE = test;
				FAKE_ONLINE = test;
        void OnUpdateServerInformation(string tags)
            if (BasePlayer.activePlayerLis*****unt >= FAKE_ONLINE || !Active) return;
            Rust.Global.SteamServer.GameTags = tags.Replace("cp" + BasePlayer.activePlayerLis*****unt, "cp" + FAKE_ONLINE);
            Rust.Global.SteamServer.BotCount = FAKE_ONLINE;
        int GetFakeOnline()
            if (BasePlayer.activePlayerLis*****unt >= FAKE_ONLINE || !Active) return BasePlayer.activePlayerLis*****unt;
            return FAKE_ONLINE;
thanks in advance if anyone can help me to finish this