Zoom Patch Revised 1.30.17 by Rant my other name.

-Coding cleaned and comments made into sense
-Reduced previous processer usage by about 60%(kind of useless given lack of processing requirements to begin with)
-Reduced the rediculous zoom height on start of maps
-Compacted size of coding(yay 3 kb less...)
-Added readme for dummies(yes you)
-Credits given to previous coder
-1 less trojan according to virscan.org? lol...

I noticed a lot of people were having problems with the released updated zoom hack that Shocking posted. The main issues being unreliable and stop working plus other crap.

If you're having any problems relate to the readme it may sovle them.

Otherwise post your issues I will try to resolve it if it's a coding problem.

1.Extract the Zoom Patch folder to wherever you can locate it for later.
2.Whenever you want to patch the camera zoom follow the next step.
3.Left Click and hold your mouse over the LoL Zoom Patch.lua .
4.Slide the lua file ontop of the Zoom patcher.exe .
5.If you've got a window that says Waiting for user to get into a match then
you've succeeded in following these steps.

Shocking for original post
usernamex32 for orginal source code I assume

Virus Scans:
Virus total -3/41 7.1%
Virscan.org - 2/37 5%

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