Okay this is a double thread because I need two things...

Laptop Parts
I need a laptop for roughly $500, and I want you guys to help me choose.
I'll sort this into two parts "Needs, and Wants".

- Windows 7
- Good Processor
- Minimum 4GB RAM
- Good Fan (I can't have my laptop over heating)
- Smaller than 18" Screen (I would prefer near 15 inch)

- Decent Video Card
- Decent Harddrive (Near 300-500GB will do)
- Decent Sound Card
- Decent Battery Life (I'll have it plugged in most of the time)

You guys can just fill in whatever else with your own preferences.
Thanks + Rep for helpers (When I get on my computer)


Facebook Chat App
I need a chat app for iPhone that works with Facebook and makes you go idle when you aren't there.

It must have these two things:
- Push Notifications (So I know when someone messages me)
- Idle (So my friends don't think I'm on Facebook 24/7)

I'm using eBuddy right now and it keeps my Facebook "Green Dotted" even if I'm not there or my iPod is turned off.

Thanks + Rep to anyone who helps (When I get on my computer...)