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    Michael Jackson is Alive

    Michael Jackson "died" June 25th, 2009. Did he? We'll get into it....

    MJ(Michael Jackson)'s Bod guard calls 911 at percisely 12:25 PM on the afternoon of June 25th, 2009. If you look even a little bit under the surface, you will find out that the Person who called (Which was MJ's real bodyguard) Called from a different address then where MJ was "dying" at. If you listen to the call, he sounds a little bit rushed, no? Sure, that's perfectly understandable when you're calling 911. When he says the address, does it sound like he's reading off something? Or like someone is telling it to him? Yes, it does. "But PB, someone could be telling him".... The body guard recorded the only other person with him was MJ, and MJ was passed out from"cardiac arrest". A few days later, the Body Guard says that "Dr." Conrad Murray was with him. Like I said, the original call came from a completely different address then where MJ was.
    Watch the call:
    The medics went into the building, grabbed "MJ", and put him into the Ambulance. The ambulance reportedly rushed to the hospital. Definition of rushing: A quick manner of doing events.
    The ambulence carrying "MJ":

    Why would the Ambulance rush and create public panic if MJ wasn't in any trouble?

    When "MJs body" was being moved into a Helicopter, it looked a bit longer(taller) and the feet were straight up, unlike when the body was covered the feet were almost flattened. Also when the body was in the helicopter, it seemed to move a little:

    MJ was reported dead in the ambulance
    A video was later put out about MJ supposedly walking out of a coroners van, as a body gaurd blocks him from view. Before I show that video, I must say this... A Channel or webshow in Europe said that they made the video as proof that rumors can pass, They also showed a "How to" or a "Making of" Video, if you will... They showed the how to, and all that. If you watch the how to, its a different bosy guard, MJ is smaller, the van is bigger, and the stickers and such are way different. Well done, you european dipshits.
    The ORIGINAL vid:
    At the 2010 Grammy's, Celine Dion, Usher, Jennifer, Carrie Underwood and Mr. Smokey Robinson all sang an absolutely fantastic cover of MJs Hit song, Earth song. The parts in which MJ sang(the original recording) were 'boosted' up, or were they? Was Michael Jackson, the man who "died", sing live at the grammy's?
    Judge it for yourself:
    The Infamous "secret funeral" was not meant to be seen by anyone that wasn't invited. Diana Ross, Chris Tucker, Liz taylor, and MJs babies Mother were all invited to the funeral BEFORE it was suppose to go on the air. All 4 were suppose to give little speeches BEFORE it was suppose to go on the air. When they scheduled to put it on the air, NO speeches. HMMMMMMMMM??????
    At the Funeral, there was a man that looked like he was disguised, like he wasn't suppose to be there? Who do we know that shouldn't be there, ALIVE?!?!

    Did you notice that all the ushers were dancers in This Is It? Not the actual staff of the funeral parlor? Maybe MJ didn't want them to know he alive? That he was working the camera? We'll get back to that.

    The Memorial: If it's not obvious, MJ put this all together. "BUT PB, HES DEAD!" Shut up, He's alive and I'll prove it.
    MJ "died" 12 days before this memorial, how do you put together an amazing memorial with stars that were in different parts of the world, and with all the choergraphy and everything 12 days?! Actally, I'll say take awat 1 oe 2 days, since the family had to be grieving. So 10 days to put this all together, really? No, just No. Michael Planned this before he died.

    kenny at the memorial(Spoiler: theres a slip-up)
    Watch this vid first.....

    He says, and I quote "We were here, a little less than a week ago, Michael Jackson and the company were here practicing" ORLY??!?!?! because MJ died about 2 weeks before this. A Clue? A slip-up? A mistake? I beLIEve a Slip-up.

    In the Song Will You Be there, at the end, Michael speaks the end instead of singing it, it's amazing, and beautiful. But in the original, he says "Pain", in the memorial version he says "Pains" Hm????I dare you to try to find an original recording with "pains" in it, I DARE YOU! Proof you ask?

    Weird, I know.

    To more important news. Was Mikey there? Was he at HIS OWN Memorial? I'm not talking about in the casket, I'm talking, in the audience? Now, when you walk into a building, what are common things to do? Put an umbrella down, take your hat off, maybe take your shoes off, right? Absolutely, that's just manners. Unless it's your house, correct?
    Thats the supposed man of mystery, is it MJ? NO

    He's a close friend of Michaels, the name idk, but he's a real man, with no manners.

    Michael was actually, A WOMAN!
    Thats MJ, like it or not. Or should I say, beLIEve it or not.

    Finally, I get to talk about This Is It. The movie made for MJs own personal use, but sadly he "died", so what's the first thing they do? Hey, lets put 2 hours of footage of shit people have already seen, but let's say it was them rehearsing and make it seem like he's singing and say it's real and put it into a Movie and make millions, then a DVD and make even more millions! That's what This Is It is, one big HOAX and one big SCAM. This Is It was only made for MJs personal Library. I'm going to Disect every single song and tell you the clues of what MJs message was.

    First selection: Wanna Be Startin Somethin
    This song is about someone who was walked all over, that's about it. Does this sound familar? Was MJ walked all over his whole life? Being bossed around? Being told he was gay, a child melostor, a drug addict by the media? He was bullied since he left the J5. The chant at the end means "Music Lives Forever In your Eyes" Clue?

    Second Song: Jam
    This song is all about how we need to come together and Jam together. Michael "never found it hard to jam" according to the song. He wanted us to become one big family, stop the hate, the war, the wanting of power, just to relax, and Jam.

    Third Song: They don't care about us
    The title explains it. How the Government have hated blacks, and even though we're now equal, they're still rascist. In the song, they stop and go into a very happy moment where it plays a quote from Dr. martin Luther King's famous I Had A Dream speech, and it says "And this will be the greatest demonstration of freedom of speech in the history of our nation" Then they sing "Waiting everyday to create our history" Then they go back into the song. Clue? Yes? Wouldn't faking your own death for your own well doing be the greatest demonstration of freedom of speecg you've ever heard? Look up any live version of this song to hear it, I'm not posting the video, no need.

    Fourth Song : Human Nature
    This one is kind of obvious, no? This song tells how people don't think before they speak. They automatically think what they read is correct. Speaking about the Media? Exactly

    Fifth song: Smooth Criminal
    Once again, it's not the song that has the message, but it's the thing that happened. The beginning short clip of Michael is him playing a character from the movie "Gilda". The character he played was "Ballin" A character that faked his death and came back when he was safe. Fucking Coinsidence? Michael faked his death, obviously, but to hide from what? The media? The fans? The people who wanted money from him? His $400 million dept? This is one of the Biggest clues in this investigation.

    Sixth Clue:The Way You Make Me Feel
    This song doesn't really have a message behind it, but of something that happens. At a point, it goes from the slow version into the upbeat version of the song. The change is triggered by a growl. The growl goes off but Mikey says "That cant trigger on its own, i gotta cue that, So guys, watch me for that, um, that... growl" The growl? The growl represents something that cues something Slow(Sad happy) Into something quite fast and upbeat(happy happy) SO mikey wants to cue something sad into something happy, Like his death to him coming back?

    Seventh Song: Shake Your Body
    This isn't really a 'Clue' Song. This just says that you should relax, dance, shake your body down to the ground, have a good time in life.

    Eighth Song: I just can't stop loving you
    Another message, not clue. He always loved his fans, but family was always first.

    Nineth Song: Thriller
    Probally has the most clues than any other song. Starting with the very beginning of this part of the movie. It shows Mikey directing with Kenny and Travis. Look way far back in the back of the screen, there's another mikey, SAY WHAT, just look for yourself. Another Clue, you remember when they started into the chorus but they stopped and they all stopped in poses that looked like Jesus Christ on the cross? With beautiful music, everyone is calm, then they start a song(no words) so just music, of the name of Threatened. WHAAAAT?!?!? So everyone is calm, then something scary happens? Someone that could threaten us? LIKE A DEATH?!? Another clue, how he came out in a giant spider. What does a spider Represent? Death, Rebirth, resurrection. RESUURECTION?!? Just like Jesus Christ did? HMMMMMMMMM?!?

    Tenth Song: Beat It
    Very famous song. A very good song. A song full of clues? Beat It, a term meant to scram, get out of the way, to leave. Hm?!? Leave? Like faking your own death? Watch the dance, towards the end they have pauses, they music, they a pause, then music, then pause, etc... And Michael Planned on taking off his jacket and setting it on it on fire and then putting it in the middle of the stage. At the end, MJ says "I'm going to throw it for all to see, and I'm going to let it burn, let it burn until I put it out" ORLY. HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE Clue. Lets disect it. Im going to throw it for all to see=Him telling everyone to say hes dead, for the whole world to see. Im going to let it burn= I'm going to let everyone beLIEve it and watch. Let it burn until I put it out= Let people beLIEve I'm dead until I'm ready to come back. Freaky? yes, yes it is.

    Eleventh Song: Black Or White
    This song is about, it doesnt matter if youre black or white, just be yourself. The only clue there was was when the song was over, mikey was with the Lead Guitarish, her name escapes me, but it shows them and He wants her to play her highest note she can, then she says "You go there (her name), you go there and be proud, we'll be right there with you" ORLY MIKEY, ORLY!

    Twelvth Song: Earth Song
    Obvious stuff? He wanted us to take care of the planet and all that is wrong with it. He called our planet sick, and that we needed to heal it. He wanted us to HEAL THE WORLD... Before it was to late...

    Thirteenth: Billie Jean
    Michael Jackson's most popular song of all time, in this song is where he started the Moonwalk. At the beginning of this song, right before it begins, it shows mikey and kenny and crew and it explains how they want mikey to walk out and put a briefcase on a stool and put on all of his things(hat, his one gloves, etc). But everyone talks about something very strange, but if you didnt know he was telling you something, you would think it was just normal. He says "Kenny, I want to walk out in a pool of light" That means a spotlight is shining on him and him alone, "When I put my glove and hat and all of those things, I want to point the spotlight somewhere else, so like a light moving on my command, I want to be in control, then giggles a bit" This is just plain obvious. He knew we were going to look into his death and he knew he put clues into This Is It. And this was one of the biggest. What he says, in clue form, was saying "I want to be the center of attention, then I want to move all the attention somewhere else(or to something else), and the hes going to step back into that attention, with a smile on his face" BREAKTHROUGH!!!!!!!

    Fourteenth: Man In The Mirror
    I wouldn't say this song had the most clues, but this song had one of the BIGGEST clues in this whole business. First, they show everyone in the circle, Mikey takes the mic and says "We need to bring love back into the world, remind the world of love, L.O.V.E. love. We need to save the planet, its sick, we need to fix this earth. We have 4 years to fix it until we're to late" WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?! Ok too much! Next.... This clue gave me chills that went through my entire body and gave me butteryflies in my stomach..... They were starting to sing the song, and they showed the back-up singers in a room with an audio track. They were singing the part of the song where it goes "I'm starting with the man in the mirror" They were in a room where there was a glass window(Or mirror, if you will) and whos on the other side? MJs body guard. What did his body guard do you ask?!?!? MJS BODY GUARD MADE THE 911 CALL THAT SAID MJ WAS DEAD, AND HE WAS IN THE MIRROR???!!?! SO MJ STARTED WITH THE MAN IN THE MIRROR, THIS WHOLE THING STARTED WITH THE MAN IN THE MIRROR!!!!!!!!!! That clue is what proved to me MJ set all this up.

    Bonus Songs not on the CD: I'll be There
    Song is from The J5 and my fav song of theirs, its their best song of course. This song means nothing for clues, the title does. "I'll be there" Is MJ saying that he'll be here the whole time? Notice how he says "Look over your shoulders honey" TWICE, not once like the origina, but twice, hes saying he'll be there, he'll be walking amoung us when we need him.

    Other Song: I Want You Back
    With this song he's saying he wanted us back. But in the song, he has to stop because he feels that he has "someone pushing a fist into his ear, I can't hear you kenny". Is he saying that she was supposed and doesn't understand why we wanted him back? Or is he saying something was pushing him down so he couldnt do the tour sooner? Something like the Child molesting case the media started? Hmm...

    At the memorial and at the Funeral, there were pictures of MJ. That's perfectly fine, it was in honor of him. But what pictures did they use? Pictures from his vid Liberian Girl. What was this vid about? MJ was falling in love with, but in the vid MJ went missing, and at the end it shows MJ coming down from a crain of sorts, one that carried the camera for high shots, and he came down and he was recording everyone the whole time!!!! So they chose pics from a video about MJ leaving but coming back and he was recording everyone?!? ORLY. Huge huge huge huge clueeeeeeee.
    The vid:
    Coinsidence? NO, GOD DAMNIT NO.

    And Of course I must talk about Dave Dave. The burn victim Mikey took in and paid for most of his surgeries. Dave Dave's father started the fire and is still in jail, probally dead by now. Is Dave Dave real? YES, HE IS. But in the larry king interview, ITS MICHAEL JACKSON. Listen to the voice, the movements, his tenderness of his words, everytime he answers a question, his mouth was open before larry even finished the questions, almost like he knew what the questions were going to be? Number one question people have: But dude, his hands were burnt too, and he could move then, those cant be gloves! Answer: Very true, but look extreme close at the vid. Yes, the hands are burnt and they look real. BUT they're not, Everytime MJ, excuse me, Dave Dave moves his hands around, he put them under the desk. So what?!? Someone was under their taking the wax hands off and putting different forms back on, its a fact. Look how when he puts his hands under, his shoulders kind of move.
    Look for yourself:
    Last thoughts: At the end of This Is It, it shows Michael Doing Sign-Language, and with it he says "Forever will my music live, I will be there when you most need me" I dont need to comment, do I? Good.

    ALSO, the final straw in This Is It, was not the VERY END, after the credits. It shows "MJ" on stage singing human nature and he says this: "Ok we're gonna stop, I will come back in my own time, I might move around a little, button my shirt, snap my fingers, then BAM, I'll be back" Why put that at the very end? Nuff said!

    Michael Jackson WAS NOT In This Is It. It was proven many times, look at the videos, I will not show them, not enough room. Ladies and Gents. Michael Jackson is Alive, he was at his funeral in the audience, he was in the audience as the Blonde Lady, who gave a thumbs up to the people singing will you be there, heal the world, and We are the world, MJ, im sorry, Blonde Lady didnt clap, nope, she gave a thumbs up, weird huh? I thought so, too.
    This proves Mikey wasnt in This Is It at all: This guy it totally off beat, also watch what he does.
    [YOUTUBE] da7RQdxSZhq4DF-LX5QAcuiu_TUfZEkLpY4XpHmWVSUsyWCDr2jIh-Xb_TbF5ehV2oPq0xvClKRsHLlPioW0S71kWAMEolIR6ZkpB-isGJGdhMZmn3vmtcisZcfYmNxMofFllujnQv8OoW2FhfYlPpkR ONgROli5n3ZEJOEa3gnfy8DAs0RVzn8l9WU7pGQg1zgJQVXg3W M3GQqFfuKW6G8bc6sf1bpPl38yINER6T1kGQOZlX4fUxW7eGM_ Ih[/YOUTUBE]
    Thats not mikey

    When the facts are presented, I understand the Truth hurts. We lost an ICON, the single greatest musician, entertainer, and pop artist of all time.... Did we? Ladies and gentlemen, we have all be hoaxed. There is more proof Mikey is alive than dead, how? All of his passports have " Michael Joe Jackson" It is illegal to put a wrong name on a passport. On his "death certificate" It shows "Michael Joseph Jackson" It is also illegal to put a wrong name on a death certificate. But if hes not dead, and no one signed the death certificate but his father, and not the actual Doctors, then its not illegal. MJ IS ALIVE AND IS WALKING AMOUNST US. DON'T TRUST ANYONE WHO SAYS HES ALIVE, IF THEY SAY HES ALIVE, TELL THEM TEH STUFF I'M SHARING WITH YOU, YOU WILL PROVE THEM WRONG.

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    Hassan (08-06-2010)

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    Aaaand you fucked up the vids.

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    Son (08-06-2010)

  5. #3
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    I already know he is alive MJLover said me the whole story.

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  7. #4
    Son's Avatar
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    Not a single person on here is going to read all that. Good job wasting your time copying&pasting a bunch of bullshit.

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    iuztinrom (11-07-2012)

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    ddgghh123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meek Millz View Post
    Not a single person on here is going to read all that. Good job wasting your time copying&pasting a bunch of bullshit.
    Your welcome

  10. #6
    woody48420's Avatar
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    wow....thats a huge post... and does anyone really care about MJ anyway?

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    iuztinrom (11-07-2012)

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    Hassan's Avatar
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    Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 1 more supporter !!! Excellent Job seeing the truth mate !!!

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    Niku ・( ̄∀ ̄)・'s Avatar
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    another same thread..
    "Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harms we do, we do to ourselves."-Mitch Albom

  14. #9
    ChimiBang's Avatar
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    Not gonna lie u supported you in the 2012 thread but this...
    it's like me saying 2pac is alive


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    iuztinrom (11-07-2012)

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    Quote Originally Posted by ChimiWow View Post
    Not gonna lie u supported you in the 2012 thread but this...
    it's like me saying 2pac is alive
    Who do you think Michael Jackson is ????

  17. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xscapism View Post
    Who do you think Michael Jackson is ????
    A child molester nuff said


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    Quote Originally Posted by Xscapism View Post
    Who do you think Michael Jackson is ????

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    Quote Originally Posted by ChimiWow View Post
    A child molester nuff said
    Then save your children...he will be back !!

  20. #14
    Jailbroken671's Avatar
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    Faken thread is too long
    Get to ur point
    Im not gonna read all that
    If hes alive, where is he now?

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