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  1. #1
    joi's Avatar
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    Apr 2012

    VB6 codes sending Function Keys to my online games

    Hello friends ! I'm just a newbie and not good in programming. I have couple of questions that i want to ask regarding to my codes that i used in my application.
    The application i made is an auto key presser. These codes are working fine in my favorite online game but not perfect.

    vbKeyNumbers, vbkeyAlphabet, vbkeyReturn, vbKeyESC and other keys are working in my online game. Except Function Keys(F1 to F12).

    But in notepad. Function Keys are working perfectly.

    Here's the codes i used.

    '--------- Class Name: clsKeys
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function MapVirtualKey Lib "user32" Alias _
       "MapVirtualKeyA" (ByVal wCode As Long, _
       ByVal wMapType As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function VkKeyScan Lib "user32" Alias "VkKeyScanA" (ByVal _
       cChar As Byte) As Integer
    Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal _
       bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As _
       Long) As Integer
    Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2
    Public Enum enumKeys
        keyBackspace = &H8
        keyTab = &H9
        keyReturn = &HD
        keyShift = &H10
        keyControl = &H11
        keyAlt = &H12
        keyPause = &H13
        keyEscape = &H1B
        keySpace = &H20
        keyPageUp = &H21
        keyPageDown = &H22
        keyEnd = &H23
        keyHome = &H24
        keyLeft = &H25
        KeyUp = &H26
        keyRight = &H27
        KeyDown = &H28
        keyInsert = &H2D
        keyDelete = &H2E
        keyF1 = &H70
        keyF2 = &H71
        keyF3 = &H72
        keyF4 = &H73
        keyF5 = &H74
        keyF6 = &H75
        keyF7 = &H76
        keyF8 = &H77
        keyF9 = &H78
        keyF10 = &H79
        keyF11 = &H7A
        keyF12 = &H7B
        keyNumLock = &H90
        keyScrollLock = &H91
        keyCapsLock = &H14
    End Enum
    'Presses the single key represented by sKey
    Public Sub PressKey(sKey As String, Optional bHold As Boolean, Optional _
       bRelease As Boolean)
        Dim nVK As Long
        nVK = VkKeyScan(Asc(sKey))
        If nVK = 0 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim nScan As Long
        Dim nExtended As Long
        nScan = MapVirtualKey(nVK, 2)
        nExtended = 0
        If nScan = 0 Then
            nExtended = KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY
        End If
        nScan = MapVirtualKey(nVK, 0)
        Dim bShift As Boolean
        Dim bCtrl As Boolean
        Dim bAlt As Boolean
        bShift = (nVK And &H100)
        bCtrl = (nVK And &H200)
        bAlt = (nVK And &H400)
        nVK = (nVK And &HFF)
        If Not bRelease Then
            If bShift Then
                keybd_event enumKeys.keyShift, 0, 0, 0
            End If
            If bCtrl Then
                keybd_event enumKeys.keyControl, 0, 0, 0
            End If
            If bAlt Then
                keybd_event enumKeys.keyAlt, 0, 0, 0
            End If
            keybd_event nVK, nScan, nExtended, 0
        End If
        If Not bHold Then
            keybd_event nVK, nScan, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP Or nExtended, 0
            If bShift Then
                keybd_event enumKeys.keyShift, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
            End If
            If bCtrl Then
                keybd_event enumKeys.keyControl, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
            End If
            If bAlt Then
                keybd_event enumKeys.keyAlt, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    'Loop through a string and calls PressKey for each character (Does not
    ' parse strings like SendKeys)
    Public Sub PressString(ByVal sString As String, _
          Optional bDoEvents As Boolean = True)
        Do While sString <> ""
            PressKey Mid(sString, 1, 1)
            Sleep 20
            If bDoEvents Then
            End If
            sString = Mid(sString, 2)
    End Sub
    'Presses a specific key (this is used for keys that don't have a
    ' ascii equilivant)
    Public Sub PressKeyVK(keyPress As enumKeys, Optional bHold As Boolean, _
       Optional bRelease As Boolean, Optional bCompatible As Boolean)
        Dim nScan As Long
        Dim nExtended As Long
        nScan = MapVirtualKey(keyPress, 2)
        nExtended = 0
        If nScan = 0 Then
            nExtended = KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY
        End If
        nScan = MapVirtualKey(keyPress, 0)
        If bCompatible Then
            nExtended = 0
        End If
        If Not bRelease Then
            keybd_event keyPress, nScan, nExtended, 0
        End If
        If Not bHold Then
            keybd_event keyPress, nScan, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP Or nExtended, 0
        End If
    End Sub
    'Returns (in the boolean variables) the status of the various Lock keys
    Public Sub GetLockStatus(bCapsLock As Boolean, bNumLock As Boolean, _
       bScrollLock As Boolean)
        bCapsLock = GetKeyState(enumKeys.keyCapsLock)
        bNumLock = GetKeyState(enumKeys.keyNumLock)
        bScrollLock = GetKeyState(enumKeys.keyScrollLock)
    End Sub
    'Presses a sequence of keys, attempts to parse strings like
    'SendKeys() does.
    Public Sub PressSendKeys(ByVal sKeys As String)
        Dim nPos As Long
        Dim sPart As String
        Dim colModify As Collection: Set colModify = New Collection
        Dim bBrace As Boolean
        Dim i As Long
        Dim nCount As Long
        Dim nVK As Long
        nPos = 1
        Do While nPos <= Len(sKeys)
            Select Case UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1))
                Case "+", "^", "%"
                    If Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1) = "+" Then
                        nVK = keyShift
                    ElseIf Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1) = "^" Then
                        nVK = keyControl
                    Else 'Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1) = "%" then
                        nVK = keyAlt
                    End If
                    PressKeyVK nVK, True
                    colModify.Add nVK
                    If Mid(sKeys, nPos + 1, 1) <> "(" And Mid(sKeys, _
                           nPos + 1, 1) <> "{" Then
                        sKeys = Mid(sKeys, 1, nPos) & "(" & Mid(sKeys, _
                                nPos + 1, 1) & ")" & Mid(sKeys, nPos + 2)
                    End If
                Case "~" 'enter
                    PressKeyVK keyReturn
                Case "("
                    'do nothing
                Case ")", "}"
                    If colModify.Count > 0 Then
                        If colModify.Item(colModify.Count) <> 0 Then
                            PressKeyVK colModify.Item(colModify.Count) _
                                       , , True
                        End If
                        colModify.Remove colModify.Count
                    End If
                Case "{" 'Brace
                    colModify.Add 0
                    nCount = 0
                    FindSpecial nPos, sKeys, sPart, nCount, nVK
                    If Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1) = " " Then
                        nCount = 0
                        Do Until Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1) = "}" Or _
                                 nPos > Len(sKeys)
                            nCount = (nCount * 10) + _
                                     Val(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1))
                            nPos = nPos + 1
                        nCount = 1
                    End If
                    For i = 1 To nCount
                        If nVK = 0 Then
                            PressKey sPart
                            PressKeyVK nVK
                        End If
                    nPos = nPos - 1
                Case Else
                    PressKey Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1)
            End Select
            nPos = nPos + 1
    End Sub
    Private Sub FindSpecial(nPos As Long, sKeys As String, _
       sPart As String, nCount As Long, nVK As Long)
        Dim bFound As Boolean
        nCount = 1
        nVK = 0
        sPart = ""
        nPos = nPos + 1
        bFound = True
        Select Case UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 2))
            Case "BS": nVK = keyBackspace
            Case "UP": nVK = KeyUp
            Case "F1": nVK = keyF1
            Case "F2": nVK = keyF2
            Case "F3": nVK = keyF3
            Case "F4": nVK = keyF4
            Case "F5": nVK = keyF5
            Case "F6": nVK = keyF6
            Case "F7": nVK = keyF7
            Case "F8": nVK = keyF8
            Case "F9": nVK = keyF9
            Case Else
                bFound = False
        End Select
        If bFound Then
            nPos = nPos + 2
            Exit Sub
        End If
        bFound = True
        Select Case UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 3))
            Case "F10": nVK = keyF10
            Case "F11": nVK = keyF11
            Case "F12": nVK = keyF12
            Case "DEL": nVK = keyDelete
            Case "END": nVK = enumKeys.keyEnd
            Case "ESC": nVK = enumKeys.keyEscape
            Case "INS": nVK = enumKeys.keyInsert
            Case "TAB": nVK = enumKeys.keyTab
            Case Else
                bFound = False
        End Select
        If bFound Then
            nPos = nPos + 3
            Exit Sub
        End If
        bFound = True
        Select Case UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 4))
            Case "BKSP": nVK = enumKeys.keyBackspace
            Case "DOWN": nVK = enumKeys.KeyDown
            Case "HOME": nVK = enumKeys.keyHome
            Case "LEFT": nVK = enumKeys.keyLeft
            Case "PGDN": nVK = enumKeys.keyPageDown
            Case "PGUP": nVK = enumKeys.keyPageUp
            Case Else
                bFound = False
        End Select
        If bFound Then
            nPos = nPos + 4
            Exit Sub
        End If
        bFound = True
        Select Case UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 5))
            Case "ENTER": nVK = enumKeys.keyReturn
            Case "RIGHT": nVK = enumKeys.keyRight
            Case Else
                bFound = False
        End Select
        If bFound Then
            nPos = nPos + 5
            Exit Sub
        End If
        bFound = True
        Select Case UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 6))
            Case "DELETE": nVK = enumKeys.keyInsert
            Case "INSERT": nVK = enumKeys.keyDelete
            Case Else
                bFound = False
        End Select
        If bFound Then
            nPos = nPos + 6
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 7)) = "NUMLOCK" Then
            nVK = enumKeys.keyNumLock
            nPos = nPos + 7
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 8)) = "CAPSLOCK" Then
            nVK = enumKeys.keyCapsLock
            nPos = nPos + 8
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 9)) = "BACKSPACE" Then
            nVK = enumKeys.keyBackspace
            nPos = nPos + 9
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If UCase(Mid(sKeys, nPos, 10)) = "SCROLLLOCK" Then
            nVK = enumKeys.keyScrollLock
            nPos = nPos + 10
            Exit Sub
        End If
        nVK = 0
        sPart = Mid(sKeys, nPos, 1)
        nPos = nPos + 1
    End Sub
    '--------- End of class: clsKeys
    'Form1 with timer
        Dim keys As New clsKeys
        keys.PressKeyVK vbKeyF 'Show Friend list
    End Sub
    Here's my questions.

    Can you give me an advice what strategy or what codes should i use or add to my Auto Key Presser to make the Function keys works in my online game?
    Sending Function Keys(F1 to F12) to an online game window. Is it possible in Visual Basic 6?
    Last edited by joi; 10-06-2015 at 07:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Gill Bates's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    I am having a hard time understanding what your specific problem is.
    What happens when you try to use them in-game? What do you mean they are working fine, but not perfect?
    Be more thorough.

  3. #3
    New Member
    joi's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    The questions is in my post. 1. "Except Function Keys(F1 to F12)". 2. "Can you give me an advice what strategy or what codes should i use or add to my Auto Key Presser to make the Function keys works in my online game?". 3. "Sending Function Keys(F1 to F12) to an online game window. Is it possible in Visual Basic 6? ".

    Using my Auto Key Presser. I can use the auto skill attack(Using Number keys) and Auto Pots(Using Alphabet keys) in my online game.
    But i cant use the Function Keys (F1 ~ F12) even though in note pad. Function keys are working. But In my game. It wont works. The function keys are used to switch between first set of skills to the next set of skills in my online game.

  4. #4
    Gill Bates's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by joi View Post
    The questions is in my post. 1. "Except Function Keys(F1 to F12)". 2. "Can you give me an advice what strategy or what codes should i use or add to my Auto Key Presser to make the Function keys works in my online game?". 3. "Sending Function Keys(F1 to F12) to an online game window. Is it possible in Visual Basic 6? ".

    Using my Auto Key Presser. I can use the auto skill attack(Using Number keys) and Auto Pots(Using Alphabet keys) in my online game.
    But i cant use the Function Keys (F1 ~ F12) even though in note pad. Function keys are working. But In my game. It wont works. The function keys are used to switch between first set of skills to the next set of skills in my online game.

    They might not be working because those keys are already being used for other functions by the actual game.
    Try to use different keys..

  5. #5
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    But Only the function keys are able to switch the set of skills to another.

    Do you have any idea how will i use function keys to my online games?
    Last edited by joi; 10-07-2015 at 08:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Filous's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    how do you have vb6 if you're a newbie?
    i'm hella confused. i tried to find it years ago but was unable.

  7. #7
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    I mean... I am new in this site.

    What do you mean "i tried to find it years ago"? Codes for auto key press? You can use my codes i posted in my 1st post.
    But i don't know if the vbKeyF1 to vbKeyF12 will works to your game.

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