Normally don't do this whole introduction thing... more of a recluse.
Would be human like for me to do this as I also applied for a coding position.

Quick rundown...
Ryan, 28, US, non-****** (need to clear that up it seems)
Least to Favorite...
women, programming, sleeping, gaming
Substance abuse falls between all those categories.

I have a pretty open opinion base and personality. That being said, I don't have much of a tolerance for ignorance. It's not beyond my realm of reason to lose my shit on someone that I feel would be justifiable in the end.

Besides my mental lack of stability, I feel like I'll fit in just fine around here. Then again... I may just dip my stuff in the potato salad and get thrown out of this party. We all win in the end though!

If that didn't suit well with anyone... disregard everything and let's start again.

