Hey guys I am currently selling a private rank 3 account!

Reason I am doing this to get a shitty game called hurtworld all of my friends have it and I am the only one that does not have it... It better be fucking good... Anyways here is a link to the account

http : / / steamcommunity. com /id/ juicemygoose 123123/

For some reason or other I tried uploading a image and it did go through on steam but it was a horse cock and said that its only visible to me so here is the screenshot.

http : //img ur.c om/ RH H831z

You are going first or we use a middleman. Or we can do that Mexican hand off I can explain that to you in Skype.

Skype: ihaveamassivesack

Oh yeah the account will be priced at 20 dollars and we will be using paypal