So, this happened to me about a month and a half ago, i was caually playing gta 5 with mods, i always used jordans but suddendly new noobedit came out with the UI redesign, so i tried it and few hours after using this mod menu, BAM weeks okay with jordans but insta ban when i used noobedit, i don't kno if this was delay by rockstar or just noobedit, but this wasn't an ordinary ban, it was rockstar admin ban. I couldn't play, meh play, log in to gta 5 even to play singleplayer, it said "this account was seized due to breaking the terms of somtething" i don't emember it properly.
but after a month, i was unbanned, it didn't say anything about expirity date on email nor game or socialcub. so my question is:
1. What is the diífference between rockstar admin ban and regular ban
2. Why wasn't i able to log in and play singleplayer.

please note that this isn ot important thing, you don't need to answer if you don't want to, but it would be nice, have a nice day!