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  1. #46
    wan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11790406]Tell me what is the groups of Muslims that are killing another people ???
    Don't say All of the Muslims I want NAMES for people or groups!
    If you want them so bad, find them.
    There are many Islamic terrorist groups, a little googling will help you find the information you need.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11790406]Islam don't need a reformation It is created by the god and if you agree it needs a reformation then you agree that humans are better than the god who made them.
    People made Gods to fill the void of not understanding things. There is no god.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11790406]If you think there is no god then it's your problem and really do you have a brain? If I said : this is a pie, who made it? you would answer : the cooker (whoever is he)
    But if I said : No, no one made it, it made it self. you will say that i am crazy because the pie can't exist without someone to make it! You also!
    That's the argument you're going to use?
    Where did god come from? If your answer is something along the lines of "he just exists", I can use that same argument for where the universe came from, though science would go more in-depth than that using actual facts instead of looking at an ancient book that was written by people that didn't know where the sun went at night.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11790406]also you don't discuss Islam and the translated to English version of Quraan Because ِِArabic is More eloquence than English
    I've stopped the video when I saw him talking on "He" word and just for saying that, he is not a person that can discuss something like that because he don't know the both languages.
    Probably just stopped watching it because you don't like questioning your faith.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11790406]and this is the right translation : "if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind."
    No, that's your morals and religious beliefs clashing. To make up for it, you try to interpret it in a different way to make it easier for you.

  2. #47
    Sharkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yep123 View Post
    I'm sorry, but this is the most ignorant thing i've heard in a while. There are also hardcore Christians, Hindus, Jews that do terrible things as well but you chose to close your eyes to that and focus only what you're being told by others and the news of your country.
    What acts of these religions come close to that of domestic terrorism? What you're saying is ignorant itself.

  3. #48
    Lift's Avatar
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    Yeah I mean after all those years of them evoluting and suicide bombing, their bodies must be pretty prone to explosions. Their skin must be pretty tough.

    That's a joke

  4. #49
    Ace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post
    If you want them so bad, find them.
    There are many Islamic terrorist groups, a little googling will help you find the information you need.
    There's also non-Islamic terrorist groups, Just like the Mafia...
    You can google it just type in Terrorist groups in America, Europe and you can search your country.

    If we took ISIS as an Islamic terrorist group (and they are not considered Muslims, Even Allah will punish them) their number of members is from 200K to 300K
    and that number isn't anything for the Muslims, Islam has 1.6 billion adherents in 2010

    and if they are Muslims (BUT THEY AREN'T), would you tell me that all Christians are good and kind, all Americans or Australians are good and kind, of course not
    The same goes for Islam and any religion + These fucked up groups are not considered Muslims and Allah didn't command us to do what they are doing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post
    People made Gods to fill the void of not understanding things. There is no god.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post
    That's the argument you're going to use
    Where did god come from If your answer is something along the lines of he just exists, I can use that same argument for where the universe came from, though science would go more in-depth than that using actual facts instead of looking at an ancient book that was written by people that didn't know where the sun went at night.

    The question you asked is completely wrong because God weren't made.
    and it's just like you are asking What's the smell of the blue color?!

    The question itself is wrong because the blue color is not tapped under the "Things that have smells"
    The same for god, god is not a thing that is made and no one has made him, he just exist.

    You will ask and how can I know this ?
    We all know that there's nothing coming from no where, and that's leads us it's impossible that a something didn't exist in the past made what there is in the present and this proves that there was someone who always exists and that is God.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post
    Probably just stopped watching it because you don't like questioning your faith.

    No, I've stopped it for the reason I said and it's : He don't know the both language, the translate is not completely right and he must read the Quraan to discuss the Islam, Quraan or Allah....
    Not just watching some photos in the social media.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post
    No, that's your morals and religious beliefs clashing. To make up for it, you try to interpret it in a different way to make it easier for you.
    No, It's not my translation or my beliefs, it's the Quraan I didn't change it, next time go to an English website that translated the Quraan before saying that.

    I didn't reply to your post because the quotes had a problem and no notifications were popped-up in my profile
    If you have any other questions about god or you want to know some proves on somethings, I will be happy to talk with you, make sure you mention me in the post.
    Last edited by Ace; 07-08-2016 at 04:55 AM.
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  5. #50
    wan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]There's also non-Islamic terrorist groups, Just like the Mafia...
    You can google it just type in Terrorist groups in America, Europe and you can search your country.
    Never said there weren't.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]If we took ISIS as an Islamic terrorist group (and they are not considered Muslims, Even Allah will punish them) their number of members is from 200K to 300K
    and that number isn't anything for the Muslims, Islam has 1.6 billion adherents in 2010
    It doesn't matter how you and others feel about them; they are Muslims. There are a lot of radical Islamists, not all of them are a part of terrorist groups.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]and if they are Muslims (BUT THEY AREN'T), would you tell me that all Christians are good and kind, all Americans or Australians are good and kind, of course not
    They are and obviously not. Nice strawman.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]The question you asked is completely wrong because God weren't made.
    and it's just like you are asking What's the smell of the blue color?!
    The same logic could be applied to the universe.
    No, it's not. It's like asking do colours exist and how they exist, which has a logical answer with evidence to back it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]The question itself is wrong because the blue color is not tapped under the "Things that have smells"
    The same for god, god is not a thing that is made and no one has made him, he just exist.
    That answer was wrong because the universe is not under the category of "being made".
    The universe just exists, and there is no creator. Feel free to prove me wrong with real evidence.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]You will ask and how can I know this ?
    We all know that there's nothing coming from no where, and that's leads us it's impossible that a something didn't exist in the past made what there is in the present and this proves that there was someone who always exists and that is God.
    So, where did God come from? I still haven't had that answered.
    The universe didn't just show up. There are many theories about how the universe came to be that are backed up with actual scientific evidence. There is no proof of a divine creator; there is just a book made by regular people that preach bullshit.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]No, I've stopped it for the reason I said and it's : He don't know the both language, the translate is not completely right and he must read the Quraan to discuss the Islam, Quraan or Allah....
    Not just watching some photos in the social media.
    He acknowledges that the translation of the quote is not entirely accurate, perhaps you should watch the video before criticising it.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]No, It's not my translation or my beliefs, it's the Quraan I didn't change it, next time go to an English website that translated the Quraan before saying that.
    The breakdown of what they mean is you turning it into what your morals tell you it should mean, not what it means.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11804853]I didn't reply to your post because the quotes had a problem and no notifications were popped-up in my profile
    If you have any other questions about god or you want to know some proves on some =things, I will be happy to talk with you, make sure you mention me in the post.
    All good.
    I'm open to the belief of God; there's only one, simple thing that is stopping me from dropping to my knees (metaphorically speaking) and following the God's will; evidence that one exists. Why would a God who wants people to follow them allow themselves to be hidden completely?
    Why would they allow people to follow religions they were raised in? If a particular religion is pressured onto you as a child, it's not very likely that you will change your beliefs later in life. It's not a person's fault if they believe in a religion that was forced on them at a young age, it's insane that an all-knowing creator would send a person to hell for something that wasn't in their control very much.
    If you can prove God exists and somehow demonstrate that it is your God and not one of the other 2000~ that supposedly exist, I will believe in that religion and follow it without hesitation.

    EDIT: I realised why you aren't getting notifications, your name confuses the quoting system. @[A]CE
    Last edited by Cohen; 07-08-2016 at 05:47 AM.

  6. #51
    Vice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post

    If you want them so bad, find them.
    There are many Islamic terrorist groups, a little googling will help you find the information you need.

    People made Gods to fill the void of not understanding things. There is no god.

    That's the argument you're going to use?
    Where did god come from? If your answer is something along the lines of "he just exists", I can use that same argument for where the universe came from, though science would go more in-depth than that using actual facts instead of looking at an ancient book that was written by people that didn't know where the sun went at night.

    Probably just stopped watching it because you don't like questioning your faith.

    No, that's your morals and religious beliefs clashing. To make up for it, you try to interpret it in a different way to make it easier for you.
    ISIS LOL such a googler bro u know what ISIS attacked 4 Islamic cities in 1 week and u say they bomb u? Get a brain over 250+ people dead

    u made up a thinking of not understanding how this world was made... Islam is a true religion...

    again cancer replies lol u are tryna say the world made it self? were u made yourself? u had parents such is the case of the world. God made 7 heavens and we are a tiny speck in it it takes about 500 years to get to another heaven we dont know at what speed... u made ur self still lol

    other things what @[A]CE said about humanities killing is true bro

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Vice For This Useful Post:

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  8. #52
    wan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    ISIS LOL such a googler bro u know what ISIS attacked 4 Islamic cities in 1 week and u say they bomb u? Get a brain over 250+ people dead
    What about it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    u made up a thinking of not understanding how this world was made... Islam is a true religion...
    Prove (with testable evidence) why God is real and Islam is the true one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    again cancer replies lol u are tryna say the world made it self? were u made yourself? u had parents such is the case of the world. God made 7 heavens and we are a tiny speck in it it takes about 500 years to get to another heaven we dont know at what speed... u made ur self still lol
    You just proved how uneducated you are when it comes to scientific theories about how the universe came to existence.
    Again, I can use your argument against you; are you saying the creator of all created itself? God must have had parents, right? If you can come to the conclusion that God just exists, your argument above is useless.

  9. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post

    What about it?

    Prove (with testable evidence) why God is real and Islam is the true one.

    You just proved how uneducated you are when it comes to scientific theories about how the universe came to existence.
    Again, I can use your argument against you; are you saying the creator of all created itself? God must have had parents, right? If you can come to the conclusion that God just exists, your argument above is useless.
    if there was a bombing at your house and i said what about it? lol

    Your question uses the word testable. Do you mean under laboratory conditions? If so, you make yourself into your own god.

    Since Allah is spirit, he cannot be seen by men. As he himself says, "No man may see me and live." He describes himself as having such an abundance of dynamic energy as to create the universe and keep in in motion.

    He can only be observed by what he has done. Today many people close their eyes, stop up their ears and turn off their minds to what they see here and feel. They ignore the fundamental laws which govern creation and claim everything originated out of nothing.

    But there is one thing you can analyze to your hearts content and never explain satisfactorily. And yet it is all around you. You can see it. Feel it. Pinch it. Hear it. Smell it. And yet you cannot test it or even understand how it came to be. It is impossible to make in a lab. What is it? What is it that the most knowledgeable researchers scientists and experimenters hit and bounce?

    Life. And God is the source. Have fun trying to explain life. No one can. But you can modify and manipulate living things. Understand it? No.

    Psalm 36:9 God is the source of life

    Well believing in the unseen is the part of faith angels/jinns/God include in it
    well the secret about Gods existence will be revealed on the day of judgement

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Cohen i will be held accountable for what i have explained to you

    Allah warns every Muslim against speaking without knowledge, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And follow not (O man, i.e., say not, or do not, or witness not) that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned (by Allah)”

    [al-Israa’ 17:36]

    - - - Updated - - -
    Those who have knowledge are the quickest of people to understand the truth and believe in it:

    “And that those who have been given knowledge may know that it (this Qur’aan) is the truth from your Lord, so that they may believe therein, and their hearts may submit to it with humility”

    [al-Hajj 22:54 – interpretation of the meaning]

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Cohen is there is a prob with ur notifications i think u dont get em

  10. #54
    wan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    if there was a bombing at your house and i said what about it? lol
    I said "what about it?" because it didn't have much to do with what we were talking about. They are a religious extremist group, I never said they didn't attack certain places/people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    Your question uses the word testable. Do you mean under laboratory conditions? If so, you make yourself into your own god.
    If your god is real, he would show himself or give a way to prove his existence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    Since Allah is spirit, he cannot be seen by men. As he himself says, "No man may see me and live." He describes himself as having such an abundance of dynamic energy as to create the universe and keep in in motion.
    Allah said this? Prove your god said this and it could add something to the empty pile of proof that god exists.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    He can only be observed by what he has done. Today many people close their eyes, stop up their ears and turn off their minds to what they see here and feel. They ignore the fundamental laws which govern creation and claim everything originated out of nothing.
    If your god is real, it allows rape, murder, many different types of cancer, disease and babies being born dead. If your god exists, it is a sadistic fuck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    But there is one thing you can analyze to your hearts content and never explain satisfactorily. And yet it is all around you. You can see it. Feel it. Pinch it. Hear it. Smell it. And yet you cannot test it or even understand how it came to be. It is impossible to make in a lab. What is it? What is it that the most knowledgeable researchers scientists and experimenters hit and bounce?

    Life. And God is the source. Have fun trying to explain life. No one can. But you can modify and manipulate living things. Understand it? No.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    Psalm 36:9 God is the source of life
    I could pull a similar quote from another religious text, it doesn't make it true. Quotes from your religious text mean nothing to me and are not an argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    Well believing in the unseen is the part of faith angels/jinns/God include in it
    well the secret about Gods existence will be revealed on the day of judgement
    Being a blind moron is also a part of faith.
    No, it won't. Judgement day is a fairytale you blindly believe.
    Last edited by Cohen; 07-08-2016 at 07:09 AM.

  11. #55
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    well ISIS is un-islamic and anti-islamic from the recent attacks on 4 cities

    who would give u a book and a test of same subject? same is with the God

    I told you this world is a test.... test of ur will power..the people who rape, murders etc will be in hell lol God is fair, it is His characteristics

    its a verse whatever ur say idc cuz ur ignorant

    this is enough for u

    who is moron? we will see on day of judgement when u will be in 1 of the losers

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    well ISIS is un-islamic and anti-islamic from the recent attacks on 4 cities

    who would give u a book and a test of same subject? same is with the God

    I told you this world is a test.... test of ur will power..the people who rape, murders etc will be in hell lol God is fair, it is His characteristics

    its a verse whatever ur say idc cuz ur ignorant

    this is enough for u

    who is moron? we will see on day of judgement when u will be in 1 of the losers
    leave graphics now u will revert the topic lol bought this shit video xD

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Cohen this video is best reply to you bro hope u watch it
    Last edited by Vice; 07-08-2016 at 07:41 AM.

  12. #56
    wan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    well ISIS is un-islamic and anti-islamic from the recent attacks on 4 cities

    who would give u a book and a test of same subject? same is with the God

    I told you this world is a test.... test of ur will power..the people who rape, murders etc will be in hell lol God is fair, it is His characteristics

    its a verse whatever ur say idc cuz ur ignorant

    this is enough for u

    who is moron? we will see on day of judgement when u will be in 1 of the losers

    - - - Updated - - -

    leave graphics now u will revert the topic lol bought this shit video xD

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Cohen this video is best reply to you bro hope u watch it
    The video is just an appeal to ignorance. A waste of time, it is basically saying what every religious person has said in an argument with an atheist thrown together in a video.
    Last edited by Cohen; 07-08-2016 at 07:53 AM.

  13. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post
    you should watch the video before criticising it.
    I've already watched it before I comment again and I know what I'm saying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cohen View Post
    All good.
    I'm open to the belief of God; there's only one, simple thing that is stopping me from dropping to my knees (metaphorically speaking) and following the God's will; evidence that one exists. Why would a God who wants people to follow them allow themselves to be hidden completely?
    Why would they allow people to follow religions they were raised in? If a particular religion is pressured onto you as a child, it's not very likely that you will change your beliefs later in life. It's not a person's fault if they believe in a religion that was forced on them at a young age, it's insane that an all-knowing creator would send a person to hell for something that wasn't in their control very much.
    If you can prove God exists and somehow demonstrate that it is your God and not one of the other 2000~ that supposedly exist, I will believe in that religion and follow it without hesitation.

    That's why god gave us brains...
    To use them to think that he made this brains that we think with, do tasks with and see his great creations.
    would a Mountain make it self ?

    For the other things you said about not believing in god or you need proofs, I'm ready to answer your questions...
    Just specify it, 1: Question number one, 2: Question number two, and so...

    ISIS is not an Islamic group, It doesn't even do what god said to us, they think that raping is allowed and in fact it's one of the biggest faults you can do in Islam, same goes for killing people and you may go to the hell just by killing one person that didn't do anything.

    You bro said that you will not believe in god because some religions said that there is a god, but if you have the belief but have some doubts, we can get you the information you need, but if you don't want to believe in god then you will not believe in him because you are not able to hear from other or ask others.
    If the teacher says : 2 + 2 = 4 any you think it's 5 and don't want to hear the teacher to explain you then you will think 2 + 2 = 5 .
    Last edited by Ace; 07-08-2016 at 09:15 AM. Reason: Problem with the quote
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  15. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by [A]CE View Post
    I've already watched it before I comment again and I know what I'm saying.

    That's why god gave us brains...
    To use them to think that he made this brains that we think with, do tasks with and see his great creations.
    would a Mountain make it self ?

    For the other things you said about not believing in god or you need proofs, I'm ready to answer your questions...
    Just specify it, 1: Question number one, 2: Question number two, and so...

    ISIS is not an Islamic group, It doesn't even do what god said to us, they think that raping is allowed and in fact it's one of the biggest faults you can do in Islam, same goes for killing people and you may go to the hell just by killing one person that didn't do anything.

    You bro said that you will not believe in god because some religions said that there is a god, but if you have the belief but have some doubts, we can get you the information you need, but if you don't want to believe in god then you will not believe in him because you are not able to hear from other or ask others.
    If the teacher says : 2 + 2 = 4 any you think it's 5 and don't want to hear the teacher to explain you then you will think 2 + 2 = 5 .
    lol i am tryna explain him for 1 week thanks u did my job

  16. #59
    Ace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hydra Jr slave View Post
    lol i am tryna explain him for 1 week thanks u did my job
    No problem, Dude.
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  17. The Following User Says Thank You to Ace For This Useful Post:

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  18. #60
    wan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11805452]That's why god gave us brains...
    To use them to think that he made this brains that we think with, do tasks with and see his great creations.
    would a Mountain make it self ?
    If something is forced on you as a child you most likely will not change your beliefs later in life. Watch the video below to understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11805452]would a Mountain make it self ?
    They don't make themselves. They form from tectonic plates below the surface of the earth shifting over time. If you'd like to learn about how mountains form, continents move and other very interesting things I'm sure there'd be a video on youtube explaining it in detail. Your ignorance is obvious.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11805452]For the other things you said about not believing in god or you need proofs, I'm ready to answer your questions...
    Just specify it, 1: Question number one, 2: Question number two, and so...
    I'm not asking a question, I'm making a statement. Prove it your god exists without referring to your holy text or pleading to ignorance.
    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11805452]ISIS is not an Islamic group, It doesn't even do what god said to us, they think that raping is allowed and in fact it's one of the biggest faults you can do in Islam, same goes for killing people and you may go to the hell just by killing one person that didn't do anything.
    It is allowed, some of the earliest Muslims who followed the Quran pillaged, raped, took slaves etc. Though, I'm somewhat glad Muslims are realising that those things are bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11805452]You bro said that you will not believe in god because some religions said that there is a god, but if you have the belief but have some doubts, we can get you the information you need, but if you don't want to believe in god then you will not believe in him because you are not able to hear from other or ask others.
    I'm open to believing in God, I just need proof. Even if I did believe in God, you have no proof that the God that is the "true God".
    Quote Originally Posted by [A
    CE;11805452]If the teacher says : 2 + 2 = 4 any you think it's 5 and don't want to hear the teacher to explain you then you will think 2 + 2 = 5
    I'm open to learning, if I thought something and a teacher said I was wrong, I'd be open to learning the new information. The teacher would have to prove their claim, just like I expect religious people to prove the claim that God exists.

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