Pretty much just as the title says, the accounts can have any Pokemon on them (except Far fetch'd). It probably won't come with too many candies as I evolve pokemon so the accs level faster. Might have some rares, might have a zubat, I don't check them. Contact me at malkorok69(gmail) if you have any questions or if something goes wrong.

How to buy:
1. Send an email to vbasicacc(gmail) (it can contain anything)
2. Once the email is sent, you will automatically receive a response containing the link to the account store.
3. Once at the store, make your purchase and you will automatically receive an email containing the username and password for the purchased account.

If something is wrong with the account let me know and I'll get in touch and I'll issue a refund or replacement account.

(5 in stock as of making this thread, more coming soon)

DISCLAIMER: These accounts were leveled using artificial player input (aka botting). This should not affect the status or safety of the accounts.