Level 21 - 63785/75000 XP
Team - Valor

Pokedex - Caught: 80 Seen: 84
Top 3 CP Pokemon -
Gyarados - 1654
Poliwrath - 1290
Tentacruel - 1200


Current amount of eggs: 9

x31 - Potion
x3 - Super Potion
x83 - Hyper Potion
x73 - Revive
x4 - Lucky Egg
x5 - Incense
x24 - Great Ball
x60 - Ultra Ball
x5 - Lure Module
x62 - Razz Berry
x1 - Camera
Unlimited - Egg Incubator

Account Type - Google w/ email access.

Name can be changed if you do not like it.
Payment must be made in PayPal

To add me on skype, my user is - pserverlink, in the request put "WTB Pokemon Go Account" so I know what it is about, price can be discussed about, but around $13.
