I tried to make a teleport hack but it don't work.
This is the wrong vb code:
Private Sub Commandx_Click()
Dim xc1 As Long
Dim xc2 As Long
Call ReadALong("Warrock", &H8B5288, xc1)
xc2 = xc1 + &H17C
Textx.Text = xc2
End Sub

Private Sub Commandy_Click()
Dim yc1 As Long
Dim yc2 As Long
Call ReadALong("Warrock", &H8B5288, yc1)
yc2 = yc1 + &H184
Texty.Text = yc2
End Sub

Private Sub Commandz_Click()
Dim zc1 As Long
Dim zc2 As Long
Call ReadALong("Warrock", &H8B5288, zc1)
zc2 = zc1 + &H180
Textz.Text = zc2
End Sub
It should show me in three textboxes the position where I am standing.
Can you help me?
Sorry for my terrible Englisch!!!