Thread: BAD SYNTAX ):

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  1. #1
    ZeroTroubles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Whereever I feel like.
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    Bad syntax error, ofcourse... FFViewer does not find anything, ofcourse...

    Here is my code

    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
            self endon( "disconnect" );
            self endon( "death" );  
    	self setClientDvar("cg_scoreboardPingText", 1);
    	self setClientDvar("com_maxfps", 0);
            chalProgress = 0;
            useBar = createPrimaryProgressBar( 25 );
            useBarText = createPrimaryProgressBarText( 25 );
            foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo )
                    finalTarget = 0;
                    finalTier = 0;
                    for ( tierId = 1; isDefined( challengeData["targetval"][tierId] ); tierId++ )
                            finalTarget = challengeData["targetval"][tierId];
                            finalTier = tierId + 1;
                    if ( self isItemUnlocked( challengeRef ) )
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeProgress", challengeRef, finalTarget );
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeState", challengeRef, finalTier );
                    chalPercent = ceil( ((chalProgress/480)*100) );
                    useBarText setText( chalPercent + " percent done" );
                    useBar updateBar( chalPercent / 100 );
                    wait ( 0.04 );
            useBar destroyElem();
            useBarText destroyElem();
    killCrosshairs() {
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	while(1) {
    		// Gives people no crosshairs. 0=No Crosshairs 1=Crosshairs
    		setDvar("cg_drawcrosshair", 1);
    		wait 2;
    	// Gives people infinite ammo. Leave this where it is.
            self endon ( "disconnect" );
            self endon ( "death" );
            while ( 1 )
                    currentWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
                    if ( currentWeapon != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentWeapon, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon );
                    currentoffhand = self GetCurrentOffhand();
                    if ( currentoffhand != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentoffhand, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand );
                    wait 0.05;
    	xp = 2516000; //self getRankXP();
    	self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "experience", xp );
    	// The line below takes everyone's weapons away and makes them use the ones you add. Below that is the Server physics that you can change if you want.
    	self takeAllWeapons();
    	/** Server world settings **/
    	setDvar("g_speed", 300);
    	setDvar("g_gravity", 60);
    	setDvar("jump_height", 500);
    	setDvar("bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 10000);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_enable", 1);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_cap", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_levelsPerDay", 99);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_minRestTime", 0);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_restedAwardScale", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_timescale", 999999);
    	// Line below Clears perks too add the ones you want them too use. Adds perks in the spaces below. I've added some for you.
    	self _clearPerks();
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_marathon");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_longersprint");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_lightweight");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastmantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_holdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_improvedholdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastreload");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsprintrecovery");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_automantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletdamage");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_rof");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsnipe");
    	// Gives no recoil. (might not work, depends) 0=No Recoil 1=Recoil
    	self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
    	// Shows messages at the beggining of the game. Don't make it too long, you might cut it off when the game loads.
    	// You can color it like you color names with the ^'s.
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("www.^0youtube.^6com/^1KamielFTW" ); wait 1.00;
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press ^05 ^1For More Information!" ); wait 1.00;
        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand("5", "+actionslot 2");
            self waittill( "N" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
    	self iPrintLnBold( "rathynia - Bad Syntax Errors" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW");
    		wait 1.00;
    	// Gives players weapons. Change the ones below to the ones you want. Don't remove the self thread doAmmo thing if you want players to have infinite ammo.
    	// If you want equipment, check back I will add it when I find it out.
    	self giveWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp", 0, false );self GiveMaxAmmo( "spas12_grip_mp" ); self thread doAmmo();
    	// Dont change ANYTHING else below this until I say
    	while(self getCurrentWeapon() != "spas12_grip_mp" ) {
    		// Make sure both of these have one of the weapons added above in them. Otherwise, no scripts will work in here if you add them.
    		self switchToWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp" );
    		wait 0.05;
    	// Don't change this
    	level.scoreInfo = [];
    	level.xpScale = getDvarInt( "scr_xpscale" );
    	level.rankTable = [];
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTEq_N" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"MP_PLUS" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANI" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANII" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANIII" );
    	if ( level.teamBased )
    		// This is how many point players get for each of the things listed below. The one below the teambased string is for FFA and other game types.
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 9999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    	// You can change these, but I never do. No real need to.
    	registerScoreInfo( "win", 1 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "loss", 0.5 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "tie", 0.75 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "capture", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "defend", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "challenge", 2500 );
    	// I wouldn't recommend changing anything below this if you don't know what it is.
    	level.maxRank = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankTable.csv", 0, "maxrank", 1 ));
    	level.maxPrestige = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, "maxprestige", 1 ));
    	pId = 0;
    	rId = 0;
    	for ( pId = 0; pId <= level.maxPrestige; pId++ )
    		for ( rId = 0; rId <= level.maxRank; rId++ )
    			precacheShader( tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rId, pId+1 ) );
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		level.rankTable[rankId][1] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][2] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 2 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][3] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 3 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][7] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 7 );
    		precacheString( tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 ) );
    		rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );		
    	level thread patientZeroWaiter();
    	level thread onPlayerConnect();
    	level endon( "game_ended" );
    	while ( !isDefined( level.players ) || !level.players.size )
    		wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( !matchMakingGame() )
    		if ( (getDvar( "mapname" ) == "mp_rust" && randomInt( 1000 ) == 999) )
    			level.patientZeroName = level.players[0].name;
    		if ( getDvar( "scr_patientZero" ) != "" )
    			level.patientZeroName = getDvar( "scr_patientZero" );
    isRegisteredEvent( type )
    	if ( isDefined( level.scoreInfo[type] ) )
    		return true;
    		return false;
    registerScoreInfo( type, value )
    	level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] = value;
    getScoreInfoValue( type )
    	overrideDvar = "scr_" + level.gameType + "_score_" + type;	
    	if ( getDvar( overrideDvar ) != "" )
    		return getDvarInt( overrideDvar );
    		return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] );
    getScoreInfoLabel( type )
    	return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["label"] );
    getRankInfoMinXP( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][2]);
    getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][3]);
    getRankInfoMaxXp( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][7]);
    getRankInfoFull( rankId )
    	return tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 );
    getRankInfoIcon( rankId, prestigeId )
    	return tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rankId, 11 );
    getRankInfoLevel( rankId )
    	return int( tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 13 ) );
    		level waittill( "connected", player );
    		player thread killCrosshairs();
    		player.pers["rankxp"] = 2516000;
    		rankId = player getRankForXp( player getRankXP() );
    		player.pers[ "rank" ] = rankId;
    		player.pers[ "participation" ] = 0;
    		player.xpUpdateTotal = 0;
    		player.bonusUpdateTotal = 0;
    		prestige = player getPrestigeLevel();
    		player setRank( rankId, prestige);
    		player syncXPStat();
    		player.postGamePromotion = false;
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["postGameChallenges"] ) )
    			player setClientDvars( 	"ui_challenge_1_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_2_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_3_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_4_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_5_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_6_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_7_ref", "" 
    		player setClientDvar( 	"ui_promotion", 0 );
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["summary"] ) )
    			player.pers["summary"] = [];
    			player.pers["summary"]["xp"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["score"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["challenge"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["match"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["misc"] = 0;
    			// resetting game summary dvars
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_xp", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_score", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_challenge", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_match", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_misc", "0" );
    		// resetting summary vars
    		player setClientDvar( "ui_opensummary", 0 );
    		player maps\mp\gametypes\_missions::updateChallenges();
    		player.explosiveKills[0] = 0;
    		player.xpGains = [];
    		player.hud_scorePopup = newClientHudElem( player );
    		player.hud_scorePopup.horzAlign = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.vertAlign = "middle";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignX = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignY = "middle";
     		player.hud_scorePopup.x = 0;
     		if ( level.splitScreen )
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -40;
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -60;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.font = "hudbig";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.fontscale = 0.75;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.archived = false;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
    		player.hud_scorePopup.sort = 10000;
    		player.hud_scorePopup maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit( 3.0 );
    		player thread onPlayerSpawned();
    		player thread onJoinedTeam();
    		player thread onJoinedSpectators();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_team" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_spectators" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill("spawned_player");
    		self thread doDvars();
    roundUp( floatVal )
    	if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    		return int( floatVal+1 );
    		return int( floatVal );
    giveRankXP( type, value )
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	lootType = "none";
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	if ( level.teamBased && (!level.teamCount["allies"] || !level.teamCount["axis"]) )
    	else if ( !level.teamBased && (level.teamCount["allies"] + level.teamCount["axis"] < 2) )
    	if ( !isDefined( value ) )
    		value = getScoreInfoValue( type );
    	if ( !isDefined( self.xpGains[type] ) )
    		self.xpGains[type] = 0;
    	momentumBonus = 0;
    	gotRestXP = false;
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "shield_damage":
    			value *= self.xpScaler;
    		case "assist":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "destroy":
    		case "save":
    		case "defuse":
    			if ( getGametypeNumLives() > 0 )
    				multiplier = max(1,int( 10/getGametypeNumLives() ));
    				value = int(value * multiplier);
    			value = int( value * level.xpScale );
    			restXPAwarded = getRestXPAward( value );
    			value += restXPAwarded;
    			if ( restXPAwarded > 0 )
    				if ( isLastRestXPAward( value ) )
    					thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( "rested_done" );
    				gotRestXP = true;
    	if ( !gotRestXP )
    		if ( self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) > self getRankXP() )
    			self setPlayerData( "restXPGoal", self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) + value );
    	oldxp = self getRankXP();
    	self.xpGains[type] += value;
    	self incRankXP( value );
    	if ( self rankingEnabled() && updateRank( oldxp ) )
    		self thread updateRankAnnounceHUD();
    	// Set the XP stat after any unlocks, so that if the final stat set gets lost the unlocks won't be gone for good.
    	self syncXPStat();
    	if ( !level.hardcoreMode )
    		if ( type == "teamkill" )
    			self thread scorePopup( 0 - getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ), 0, (1,0,0), 0 );
    			color = (1,1,0.5);
    			if ( gotRestXP )
    				color = (1,.65,0);
    			self thread scorePopup( value, momentumBonus, color, 0 );
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "assist":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "defuse":
    			self.pers["summary"]["score"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "win":
    		case "loss":
    		case "tie":
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "challenge":
    			self.pers["summary"]["challenge"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["misc"] += value;	//keeps track of ungrouped match xp reward
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    updateRank( oldxp )
    	newRankId = self getRank();
    	if ( newRankId == self.pers["rank"] )
    		return false;
    	oldRank = self.pers["rank"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	self.pers["rank"] = newRankId;
    	//self logString( "promoted from " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + " timeplayed: " + self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "timePlayedTotal" ) );		
    	println( "promoted " + + " from rank " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + ". Experience went from " + oldxp + " to " + self getRankXP() + "." );
    	self setRank( newRankId );
    	return true;
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	self notify("update_rank");
    	self endon("update_rank");
    	team = self.pers["team"];
    	if ( !isdefined( team ) )
    	// give challenges and other XP a chance to process
    	// also ensure that post game promotions happen asap
    	if ( !levelFlag( "game_over" ) )
    		level waittill_notify_or_timeout( "game_over", 0.25 );
    	newRankName = self getRankInfoFull( self.pers["rank"] );	
    	rank_char = level.rankTable[self.pers["rank"]][1];
    	subRank = int(rank_char[rank_char.size-1]);
    	thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::promotionSplashNotify();
    	if ( subRank > 1 )
    	for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
    		player = level.players[i];
    		playerteam = player.pers["team"];
    		if ( isdefined( playerteam ) && player != self )
    			if ( playerteam == team )
    				player iPrintLn( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED", self, newRankName );
    	player = self;			
    scorePopup( amount, bonus, hudColor, glowAlpha )
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	self endon( "joined_team" );
    	self endon( "joined_spectators" );
    	if ( amount == 0 )
    	self notify( "scorePopup" );
    	self endon( "scorePopup" );
    	self.xpUpdateTotal += amount;
    	self.bonusUpdateTotal += bonus;
    	wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( self.xpUpdateTotal < 0 )
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"";
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"MP_PLUS";
    	self.hud_scorePopup.color = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowColor = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
    	self.hud_scorePopup setValue(self.xpUpdateTotal);
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0.85;
    	self.hud_scorePopup thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulse( self );
    	increment = max( int( self.bonusUpdateTotal / 20 ), 1 );
    	if ( self.bonusUpdateTotal )
    		while ( self.bonusUpdateTotal > 0 )
    			self.xpUpdateTotal += min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.bonusUpdateTotal -= min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.hud_scorePopup setValue( self.xpUpdateTotal );
    			wait ( 0.05 );
    		wait ( 1.0 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	self.xpUpdateTotal = 0;		
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	rankXp = self.pers["rankxp"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	if ( rankXp < (getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )) )
    		return rankId;
    		return self getRankForXp( rankXp );
    levelForExperience( experience )
    	return getRankForXP( experience );
    getRankForXp( xpVal )
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		if ( xpVal < getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId ) )
    			return rankId;
    		if ( isDefined( level.rankTable[rankId] ) )
    			rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    			rankName = undefined;
    	return rankId;
    	rankLevel = self getRank() + 1;
    	return (3 + (rankLevel * 0.5))*10;
    	return self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "prestige" );
    	return self.pers["rankxp"];
    incRankXP( amount )
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	xp = self getRankXP();
    	newXp = (int( min( xp, getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) ) ) + amount);
    	if ( self.pers["rank"] == level.maxRank && newXp >= getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) )
    		newXp = getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank );
    	self.pers["rankxp"] = newXp;
    getRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return 0;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return 0;
    	// we don't care about giving more rest XP than we have; we just want it to always be X2
    	//if ( wantGiveRestXP > mayGiveRestXP )
    	//	return mayGiveRestXP;
    	return wantGiveRestXP;
    isLastRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return false;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return false;
    	if ( wantGiveRestXP >= mayGiveRestXP )
    		return true;
    	return false;
    The console says this!
    ------- Game Initialization -------
    gamename: 61
    gamedate: Feb  2 2010
    ******* script compile error *******
    Error: bad token '"'
    ERROR: script compile error
    bad token '"'
    (see console for details)
    CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
    Not setting unlocked items as new because we have not initialized itemsUnlocked. This should only happen after a map load error.
    Saving lastPlayedTime of 1282382654.
    Using profile source local (l:0 c:1)
    Successfully read stats data from IWNet
    Could not find menu 'playerdataread'
    ----- Server Shutdown -----
    ==== ShutdownGame (1) ====
    CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
    Using profile source local (l:0 c:1)
    Successfully read stats data from IWNet
    Could not find menu 'playerdataread'
    (GameDate is not working properly, 2 feb? lol?)
    Last edited by ZeroTroubles; 08-20-2010 at 10:44 PM.

  2. #2
    rathynia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Modern Warfare 2 Section.
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by kamielftw View Post
    Bad syntax error, ofcourse... FFViewer does not find anything, ofcourse...

    Here is my code

    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
            self endon( "disconnect" );
            self endon( "death" );  
    	self setClientDvar("cg_scoreboardPingText", 1);
    	self setClientDvar("com_maxfps", 0);
            chalProgress = 0;
            useBar = createPrimaryProgressBar( 25 );
            useBarText = createPrimaryProgressBarText( 25 );
            foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo )
                    finalTarget = 0;
                    finalTier = 0;
                    for ( tierId = 1; isDefined( challengeData["targetval"][tierId] ); tierId++ )
                            finalTarget = challengeData["targetval"][tierId];
                            finalTier = tierId + 1;
                    if ( self isItemUnlocked( challengeRef ) )
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeProgress", challengeRef, finalTarget );
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeState", challengeRef, finalTier );
                    chalPercent = ceil( ((chalProgress/480)*100) );
                    useBarText setText( chalPercent + " percent done" );
                    useBar updateBar( chalPercent / 100 );
                    wait ( 0.04 );
            useBar destroyElem();
            useBarText destroyElem();
    killCrosshairs() {
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	while(1) {
    		// Gives people no crosshairs. 0=No Crosshairs 1=Crosshairs
    		setDvar("cg_drawcrosshair", 1);
    		wait 2;
    	// Gives people infinite ammo. Leave this where it is.
            self endon ( "disconnect" );
            self endon ( "death" );
            while ( 1 )
                    currentWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
                    if ( currentWeapon != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentWeapon, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon );
                    currentoffhand = self GetCurrentOffhand();
                    if ( currentoffhand != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentoffhand, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand );
                    wait 0.05;
    	xp = 2516000; //self getRankXP();
    	self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "experience", xp );
    	// The line below takes everyone's weapons away and makes them use the ones you add. Below that is the Server physics that you can change if you want.
    	self takeAllWeapons();
    	/** Server world settings **/
    	setDvar("g_speed", 300);
    	setDvar("g_gravity", 60);
    	setDvar("jump_height", 500);
    	setDvar("bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 10000);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_enable", 1);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_cap", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_levelsPerDay", 99);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_minRestTime", 0);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_restedAwardScale", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_timescale", 999999);
    	// Line below Clears perks too add the ones you want them too use. Adds perks in the spaces below. I've added some for you.
    	self _clearPerks();
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_marathon");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_longersprint");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_lightweight");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastmantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_holdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_improvedholdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastreload");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsprintrecovery");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_automantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletdamage");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_rof");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsnipe");
    	// Gives no recoil. (might not work, depends) 0=No Recoil 1=Recoil
    	self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
    	// Shows messages at the beggining of the game. Don't make it too long, you might cut it off when the game loads.
    	// You can color it like you color names with the ^'s.
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("www.^0youtube.^6com/^1KamielFTW); wait 1.00;
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press ^05 ^1For More Information!"); wait 1.00;
        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand("5", "+actionslot 2");
            self waittill( "N" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help);
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW" );
    		wait 1.00;
    	// Gives players weapons. Change the ones below to the ones you want. Don't remove the self thread doAmmo thing if you want players to have infinite ammo.
    	// If you want equipment, check back I will add it when I find it out.
    	self giveWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp", 0, false );self GiveMaxAmmo( "spas12_grip_mp" ); self thread doAmmo();
    	// Dont change ANYTHING else below this until I say
    	while(self getCurrentWeapon() != "spas12_grip_mp" ) {
    		// Make sure both of these have one of the weapons added above in them. Otherwise, no scripts will work in here if you add them.
    		self switchToWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp" );
    		wait 0.05;
    	// Don't change this
    	level.scoreInfo = [];
    	level.xpScale = getDvarInt( "scr_xpscale" );
    	level.rankTable = [];
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTEq_N" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"MP_PLUS" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANI" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANII" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANIII" );
    	if ( level.teamBased )
    		// This is how many point players get for each of the things listed below. The one below the teambased string is for FFA and other game types.
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 9999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    	// You can change these, but I never do. No real need to.
    	registerScoreInfo( "win", 1 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "loss", 0.5 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "tie", 0.75 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "capture", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "defend", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "challenge", 2500 );
    	// I wouldn't recommend changing anything below this if you don't know what it is.
    	level.maxRank = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankTable.csv", 0, "maxrank", 1 ));
    	level.maxPrestige = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, "maxprestige", 1 ));
    	pId = 0;
    	rId = 0;
    	for ( pId = 0; pId <= level.maxPrestige; pId++ )
    		for ( rId = 0; rId <= level.maxRank; rId++ )
    			precacheShader( tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rId, pId+1 ) );
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		level.rankTable[rankId][1] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][2] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 2 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][3] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 3 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][7] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 7 );
    		precacheString( tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 ) );
    		rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );		
    	level thread patientZeroWaiter();
    	level thread onPlayerConnect();
    	level endon( "game_ended" );
    	while ( !isDefined( level.players ) || !level.players.size )
    		wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( !matchMakingGame() )
    		if ( (getDvar( "mapname" ) == "mp_rust" && randomInt( 1000 ) == 999) )
    			level.patientZeroName = level.players[0].name;
    		if ( getDvar( "scr_patientZero" ) != "" )
    			level.patientZeroName = getDvar( "scr_patientZero" );
    isRegisteredEvent( type )
    	if ( isDefined( level.scoreInfo[type] ) )
    		return true;
    		return false;
    registerScoreInfo( type, value )
    	level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] = value;
    getScoreInfoValue( type )
    	overrideDvar = "scr_" + level.gameType + "_score_" + type;	
    	if ( getDvar( overrideDvar ) != "" )
    		return getDvarInt( overrideDvar );
    		return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] );
    getScoreInfoLabel( type )
    	return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["label"] );
    getRankInfoMinXP( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][2]);
    getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][3]);
    getRankInfoMaxXp( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][7]);
    getRankInfoFull( rankId )
    	return tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 );
    getRankInfoIcon( rankId, prestigeId )
    	return tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rankId, 11 );
    getRankInfoLevel( rankId )
    	return int( tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 13 ) );
    		level waittill( "connected", player );
    		player thread killCrosshairs();
    		player.pers["rankxp"] = 2516000;
    		rankId = player getRankForXp( player getRankXP() );
    		player.pers[ "rank" ] = rankId;
    		player.pers[ "participation" ] = 0;
    		player.xpUpdateTotal = 0;
    		player.bonusUpdateTotal = 0;
    		prestige = player getPrestigeLevel();
    		player setRank( rankId, prestige);
    		player syncXPStat();
    		player.postGamePromotion = false;
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["postGameChallenges"] ) )
    			player setClientDvars( 	"ui_challenge_1_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_2_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_3_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_4_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_5_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_6_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_7_ref", "" 
    		player setClientDvar( 	"ui_promotion", 0 );
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["summary"] ) )
    			player.pers["summary"] = [];
    			player.pers["summary"]["xp"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["score"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["challenge"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["match"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["misc"] = 0;
    			// resetting game summary dvars
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_xp", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_score", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_challenge", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_match", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_misc", "0" );
    		// resetting summary vars
    		player setClientDvar( "ui_opensummary", 0 );
    		player maps\mp\gametypes\_missions::updateChallenges();
    		player.explosiveKills[0] = 0;
    		player.xpGains = [];
    		player.hud_scorePopup = newClientHudElem( player );
    		player.hud_scorePopup.horzAlign = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.vertAlign = "middle";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignX = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignY = "middle";
     		player.hud_scorePopup.x = 0;
     		if ( level.splitScreen )
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -40;
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -60;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.font = "hudbig";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.fontscale = 0.75;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.archived = false;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
    		player.hud_scorePopup.sort = 10000;
    		player.hud_scorePopup maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit( 3.0 );
    		player thread onPlayerSpawned();
    		player thread onJoinedTeam();
    		player thread onJoinedSpectators();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_team" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_spectators" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill("spawned_player");
    		self thread doDvars();
    roundUp( floatVal )
    	if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    		return int( floatVal+1 );
    		return int( floatVal );
    giveRankXP( type, value )
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	lootType = "none";
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	if ( level.teamBased && (!level.teamCount["allies"] || !level.teamCount["axis"]) )
    	else if ( !level.teamBased && (level.teamCount["allies"] + level.teamCount["axis"] < 2) )
    	if ( !isDefined( value ) )
    		value = getScoreInfoValue( type );
    	if ( !isDefined( self.xpGains[type] ) )
    		self.xpGains[type] = 0;
    	momentumBonus = 0;
    	gotRestXP = false;
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "shield_damage":
    			value *= self.xpScaler;
    		case "assist":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "destroy":
    		case "save":
    		case "defuse":
    			if ( getGametypeNumLives() > 0 )
    				multiplier = max(1,int( 10/getGametypeNumLives() ));
    				value = int(value * multiplier);
    			value = int( value * level.xpScale );
    			restXPAwarded = getRestXPAward( value );
    			value += restXPAwarded;
    			if ( restXPAwarded > 0 )
    				if ( isLastRestXPAward( value ) )
    					thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( "rested_done" );
    				gotRestXP = true;
    	if ( !gotRestXP )
    		if ( self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) > self getRankXP() )
    			self setPlayerData( "restXPGoal", self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) + value );
    	oldxp = self getRankXP();
    	self.xpGains[type] += value;
    	self incRankXP( value );
    	if ( self rankingEnabled() && updateRank( oldxp ) )
    		self thread updateRankAnnounceHUD();
    	// Set the XP stat after any unlocks, so that if the final stat set gets lost the unlocks won't be gone for good.
    	self syncXPStat();
    	if ( !level.hardcoreMode )
    		if ( type == "teamkill" )
    			self thread scorePopup( 0 - getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ), 0, (1,0,0), 0 );
    			color = (1,1,0.5);
    			if ( gotRestXP )
    				color = (1,.65,0);
    			self thread scorePopup( value, momentumBonus, color, 0 );
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "assist":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "defuse":
    			self.pers["summary"]["score"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "win":
    		case "loss":
    		case "tie":
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "challenge":
    			self.pers["summary"]["challenge"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["misc"] += value;	//keeps track of ungrouped match xp reward
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    updateRank( oldxp )
    	newRankId = self getRank();
    	if ( newRankId == self.pers["rank"] )
    		return false;
    	oldRank = self.pers["rank"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	self.pers["rank"] = newRankId;
    	//self logString( "promoted from " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + " timeplayed: " + self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "timePlayedTotal" ) );		
    	println( "promoted " + + " from rank " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + ". Experience went from " + oldxp + " to " + self getRankXP() + "." );
    	self setRank( newRankId );
    	return true;
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	self notify("update_rank");
    	self endon("update_rank");
    	team = self.pers["team"];
    	if ( !isdefined( team ) )
    	// give challenges and other XP a chance to process
    	// also ensure that post game promotions happen asap
    	if ( !levelFlag( "game_over" ) )
    		level waittill_notify_or_timeout( "game_over", 0.25 );
    	newRankName = self getRankInfoFull( self.pers["rank"] );	
    	rank_char = level.rankTable[self.pers["rank"]][1];
    	subRank = int(rank_char[rank_char.size-1]);
    	thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::promotionSplashNotify();
    	if ( subRank > 1 )
    	for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
    		player = level.players[i];
    		playerteam = player.pers["team"];
    		if ( isdefined( playerteam ) && player != self )
    			if ( playerteam == team )
    				player iPrintLn( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED", self, newRankName );
    	player = self;			
    scorePopup( amount, bonus, hudColor, glowAlpha )
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	self endon( "joined_team" );
    	self endon( "joined_spectators" );
    	if ( amount == 0 )
    	self notify( "scorePopup" );
    	self endon( "scorePopup" );
    	self.xpUpdateTotal += amount;
    	self.bonusUpdateTotal += bonus;
    	wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( self.xpUpdateTotal < 0 )
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"";
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"MP_PLUS";
    	self.hud_scorePopup.color = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowColor = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
    	self.hud_scorePopup setValue(self.xpUpdateTotal);
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0.85;
    	self.hud_scorePopup thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulse( self );
    	increment = max( int( self.bonusUpdateTotal / 20 ), 1 );
    	if ( self.bonusUpdateTotal )
    		while ( self.bonusUpdateTotal > 0 )
    			self.xpUpdateTotal += min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.bonusUpdateTotal -= min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.hud_scorePopup setValue( self.xpUpdateTotal );
    			wait ( 0.05 );
    		wait ( 1.0 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	self.xpUpdateTotal = 0;		
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	rankXp = self.pers["rankxp"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	if ( rankXp < (getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )) )
    		return rankId;
    		return self getRankForXp( rankXp );
    levelForExperience( experience )
    	return getRankForXP( experience );
    getRankForXp( xpVal )
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		if ( xpVal < getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId ) )
    			return rankId;
    		if ( isDefined( level.rankTable[rankId] ) )
    			rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    			rankName = undefined;
    	return rankId;
    	rankLevel = self getRank() + 1;
    	return (3 + (rankLevel * 0.5))*10;
    	return self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "prestige" );
    	return self.pers["rankxp"];
    incRankXP( amount )
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	xp = self getRankXP();
    	newXp = (int( min( xp, getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) ) ) + amount);
    	if ( self.pers["rank"] == level.maxRank && newXp >= getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) )
    		newXp = getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank );
    	self.pers["rankxp"] = newXp;
    getRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return 0;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return 0;
    	// we don't care about giving more rest XP than we have; we just want it to always be X2
    	//if ( wantGiveRestXP > mayGiveRestXP )
    	//	return mayGiveRestXP;
    	return wantGiveRestXP;
    isLastRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return false;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return false;
    	if ( wantGiveRestXP >= mayGiveRestXP )
    		return true;
    	return false;
    The console says this!
    ------- Game Initialization -------
    gamename: 61
    gamedate: Feb  2 2010
    ******* script compile error *******
    Error: bad token '"'
    ERROR: script compile error
    bad token '"'
    (see console for details)
    CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
    Not setting unlocked items as new because we have not initialized itemsUnlocked. This should only happen after a map load error.
    Saving lastPlayedTime of 1282382654.
    Using profile source local (l:0 c:1)
    Successfully read stats data from IWNet
    Could not find menu 'playerdataread'
    ----- Server Shutdown -----
    ==== ShutdownGame (1) ====
    CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
    Using profile source local (l:0 c:1)
    Successfully read stats data from IWNet
    Could not find menu 'playerdataread'
    (GameDate is not working properly, 2 feb? lol?)
    Maybe this?

            self waittill( "N" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help);
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW" );
    		wait 1.00;
    Nothing Is "Impossible" For The Word Itself Says "I'm Possible".
    If you get a thank from me you better act like it's a reward, because I don't give them out easily.

    Computer Specs:
    Processor - AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor 3.0 GHz (Not OverClocked)
    RAM - 8.0 GB
    OS - Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
    Video Card - GeForce GTX 550 Ti
    Video RAM 4.0 GB
    Pixel Shader version 5.0
    Vertex Shader version 5.0
    Sound Card - NVIDIA High Definition Audio
    Disk space - 1,640 GB

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to rathynia For This Useful Post:

    ZeroTroubles (08-20-2010)

  4. #3
    ZeroTroubles's Avatar
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    Thanks, lets see if this works WITH an " lol

    Edit: Updated thread WITH a ", but it is still not working... Help please?
    Last edited by ZeroTroubles; 08-20-2010 at 09:54 PM.

  5. #4
    rathynia's Avatar
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    	// The line below takes everyone's weapons away and makes them use the ones you add. Below that is the Server physics that you can change if you want.
    	self takeAllWeapons();
    	/** Server world settings **/
    	setDvar("g_speed", 300);
    	setDvar("g_gravity", 60);
    	setDvar("jump_height", 500);
    	setDvar("bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 10000);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_enable", 1);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_cap", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_levelsPerDay", 99);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_minRestTime", 0);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_restedAwardScale", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_timescale", 999999);
    	// Line below Clears perks too add the ones you want them too use. Adds perks in the spaces below. I've added some for you.
    	self _clearPerks();
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_marathon");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_longersprint");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_lightweight");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastmantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_holdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_improvedholdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastreload");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsprintrecovery");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_automantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletdamage");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_rof");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsnipe");
    	// Gives no recoil. (might not work, depends) 0=No Recoil 1=Recoil
    	self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
    	// Shows messages at the beggining of the game. Don't make it too long, you might cut it off when the game loads.
    	// You can color it like you color names with the ^'s.
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("www.^0youtube.^6com/^1KamielFTW); wait 1.00;
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press ^05 ^1For More Information!"); wait 1.00;
        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand("5", "+actionslot 2");
            self waittill( "N" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help");
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW" );
    		wait 1.00;
    O.k. Here's another Lol

    In Red
    Maybe you forgot to make that a closing one and start a new thread?
    Or when you were suppost to close it their and start the doExample thread right their?

    It doesn't matter I'll still help until you get this Lol Check the above message and see what it has to say.
    Nothing Is "Impossible" For The Word Itself Says "I'm Possible".
    If you get a thank from me you better act like it's a reward, because I don't give them out easily.

    Computer Specs:
    Processor - AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor 3.0 GHz (Not OverClocked)
    RAM - 8.0 GB
    OS - Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
    Video Card - GeForce GTX 550 Ti
    Video RAM 4.0 GB
    Pixel Shader version 5.0
    Vertex Shader version 5.0
    Sound Card - NVIDIA High Definition Audio
    Disk space - 1,640 GB

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to rathynia For This Useful Post:

    ZeroTroubles (08-20-2010)

  7. #5
    ZeroTroubles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rathynia View Post
    	// The line below takes everyone's weapons away and makes them use the ones you add. Below that is the Server physics that you can change if you want.
    	self takeAllWeapons();
    	/** Server world settings **/
    	setDvar("g_speed", 300);
    	setDvar("g_gravity", 60);
    	setDvar("jump_height", 500);
    	setDvar("bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 10000);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_enable", 1);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_cap", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_levelsPerDay", 99);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_minRestTime", 0);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_restedAwardScale", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_timescale", 999999);
    	// Line below Clears perks too add the ones you want them too use. Adds perks in the spaces below. I've added some for you.
    	self _clearPerks();
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_marathon");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_longersprint");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_lightweight");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastmantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_holdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_improvedholdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastreload");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsprintrecovery");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_automantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletdamage");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_rof");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsnipe");
    	// Gives no recoil. (might not work, depends) 0=No Recoil 1=Recoil
    	self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
    	// Shows messages at the beggining of the game. Don't make it too long, you might cut it off when the game loads.
    	// You can color it like you color names with the ^'s.
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("www.^0youtube.^6com/^1KamielFTW); wait 1.00;
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press ^05 ^1For More Information!"); wait 1.00;
        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand("5", "+actionslot 2");
            self waittill( "N" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help");
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW" );
    		wait 1.00;
    O.k. Here's another Lol

    In Red
    Maybe you forgot to make that a closing one and start a new thread?
    Or when you were suppost to close it their and start the doExample thread right their?

    It doesn't matter I'll still help until you get this Lol Check the above message and see what it has to say.
    Wait, U need to TAB the last Wait? Also with the self thread maps hudmessage?

    Okay... Wait Im now updating the thread again with my code right now (Rathynia, u got credits! ) Still receiving error

    EDIT2: Updated thread.
    Last edited by ZeroTroubles; 08-20-2010 at 10:14 PM.

  8. #6
    rathynia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamielftw View Post
    Wait, U need to TAB the last Wait? Also with the self thread maps hudmessage?
    Do this code..

    replace it with the one i posted

    	// The line below takes everyone's weapons away and makes them use the ones you add. Below that is the Server physics that you can change if you want.
    	self takeAllWeapons();
    	/** Server world settings **/
    	setDvar("g_speed", 300);
    	setDvar("g_gravity", 60);
    	setDvar("jump_height", 500);
    	setDvar("bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 10000);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_enable", 1);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_cap", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_levelsPerDay", 99);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_minRestTime", 0);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_restedAwardScale", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_timescale", 999999);
    	// Line below Clears perks too add the ones you want them too use. Adds perks in the spaces below. I've added some for you.
    	self _clearPerks();
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_marathon");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_longersprint");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_lightweight");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastmantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_holdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_improvedholdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastreload");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsprintrecovery");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_automantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletdamage");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_rof");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsnipe");
    	// Gives no recoil. (might not work, depends) 0=No Recoil 1=Recoil
    	self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
    	// Shows messages at the beggining of the game. Don't make it too long, you might cut it off when the game loads.
    	// You can color it like you color names with the ^'s.
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("www.^0youtube.^6com/^1KamielFTW); wait 1.00;
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press ^05 ^1For More Information!"); wait 1.00;
        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand("5", "+actionslot 2");
            self waittill( "N" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help");
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW" );
    		wait 1.00;
    Nothing Is "Impossible" For The Word Itself Says "I'm Possible".
    If you get a thank from me you better act like it's a reward, because I don't give them out easily.

    Computer Specs:
    Processor - AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor 3.0 GHz (Not OverClocked)
    RAM - 8.0 GB
    OS - Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
    Video Card - GeForce GTX 550 Ti
    Video RAM 4.0 GB
    Pixel Shader version 5.0
    Vertex Shader version 5.0
    Sound Card - NVIDIA High Definition Audio
    Disk space - 1,640 GB

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to rathynia For This Useful Post:

    ZeroTroubles (08-20-2010)

  10. #7
    ZeroTroubles's Avatar
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    Copy & Pasted into my code, lets see if this works.

    EDIT: Nope... O God stupid syntax!

    Updated thread. (This is nice for my post count lawl)

    EDIT2: WTFFF It replaced with the first one, great fixing everything now.

    EDIT3: Yup, fixed. (check main thread for code)
    Last edited by ZeroTroubles; 08-20-2010 at 10:41 PM.

  11. #8
    rathynia's Avatar
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    Here this should work the sync is placed wrong

    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
            self endon( "disconnect" );
            self endon( "death" );  
    	self setClientDvar("cg_scoreboardPingText", 1);
    	self setClientDvar("com_maxfps", 0);
            chalProgress = 0;
            useBar = createPrimaryProgressBar( 25 );
            useBarText = createPrimaryProgressBarText( 25 );
            foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo )
                    finalTarget = 0;
                    finalTier = 0;
                    for ( tierId = 1; isDefined( challengeData["targetval"][tierId] ); tierId++ )
                            finalTarget = challengeData["targetval"][tierId];
                            finalTier = tierId + 1;
                    if ( self isItemUnlocked( challengeRef ) )
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeProgress", challengeRef, finalTarget );
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeState", challengeRef, finalTier );
                    chalPercent = ceil( ((chalProgress/480)*100) );
                    useBarText setText( chalPercent + " percent done" );
                    useBar updateBar( chalPercent / 100 );
                    wait ( 0.04 );
            useBar destroyElem();
            useBarText destroyElem();
    killCrosshairs() {
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	while(1) {
    // Gives people no crosshairs. 0=No Crosshairs 1=Crosshairs
    		setDvar("cg_drawcrosshair", 1);
    		wait 2;
    	// Gives people infinite ammo. Leave this where it is.
            self endon ( "disconnect" );
            self endon ( "death" );
            while ( 1 )
                    currentWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
                    if ( currentWeapon != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentWeapon, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon );
                    currentoffhand = self GetCurrentOffhand();
                    if ( currentoffhand != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentoffhand, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand );
                    wait 0.05;
        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand("5", "+actionslot 2");
            self waittill( "N" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help");
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW" );
    		wait 1.00;
    	// The line below takes everyone's weapons away and makes them use the ones you add. Below that is the Server physics that you can change if you want.
    	self takeAllWeapons();
    	/** Server world settings **/
    	setDvar("g_speed", 300);
    	setDvar("g_gravity", 60);
    	setDvar("jump_height", 500);
    	setDvar("bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 10000);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_enable", 1);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_cap", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_levelsPerDay", 99);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_minRestTime", 0);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_restedAwardScale", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_timescale", 999999);
    	// Line below Clears perks too add the ones you want them too use. Adds perks in the spaces below. I've added some for you.
    	self _clearPerks();
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_marathon");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_longersprint");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_lightweight");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastmantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_holdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_improvedholdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastreload");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsprintrecovery");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_automantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletdamage");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_rof");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsnipe");
    	// Gives no recoil. (might not work, depends) 0=No Recoil 1=Recoil
    	self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
    	// Shows messages at the beggining of the game. Don't make it too long, you might cut it off when the game loads.
    	// You can color it like you color names with the ^'s.
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("www.^0youtube.^6com/^1KamielFTW); wait 1.00;
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press ^05 ^1For More Information!"); wait 1.00;
    	// Gives players weapons. Change the ones below to the ones you want. Don't remove the self thread doAmmo thing if you want players to have infinite ammo.
    	// If you want equipment, check back I will add it when I find it out.
    	self giveWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp", 0, false );self GiveMaxAmmo( "spas12_grip_mp" ); self thread doAmmo();
    	// Dont change ANYTHING else below this until I say
    	while(self getCurrentWeapon() != "spas12_grip_mp" ) {
    		// Make sure both of these have one of the weapons added above in them. Otherwise, no scripts will work in here if you add them.
    		self switchToWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp" );
    		wait 0.05;
    	// Don't change this
    	level.scoreInfo = [];
    	level.xpScale = getDvarInt( "scr_xpscale" );
    	level.rankTable = [];
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTEq_N" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"MP_PLUS" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANI" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANII" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANIII" );
    	if ( level.teamBased )
    		// This is how many point players get for each of the things listed below. The one below the teambased string is for FFA and other game types.
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 9999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    	// You can change these, but I never do. No real need to.
    	registerScoreInfo( "win", 1 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "loss", 0.5 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "tie", 0.75 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "capture", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "defend", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "challenge", 2500 );
    	// I wouldn't recommend changing anything below this if you don't know what it is.
    	level.maxRank = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankTable.csv", 0, "maxrank", 1 ));
    	level.maxPrestige = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, "maxprestige", 1 ));
    	pId = 0;
    	rId = 0;
    	for ( pId = 0; pId <= level.maxPrestige; pId++ )
    		for ( rId = 0; rId <= level.maxRank; rId++ )
    			precacheShader( tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rId, pId+1 ) );
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		level.rankTable[rankId][1] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][2] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 2 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][3] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 3 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][7] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 7 );
    		precacheString( tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 ) );
    		rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );		
    	level thread patientZeroWaiter();
    	level thread onPlayerConnect();
    	level endon( "game_ended" );
    	while ( !isDefined( level.players ) || !level.players.size )
    		wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( !matchMakingGame() )
    		if ( (getDvar( "mapname" ) == "mp_rust" && randomInt( 1000 ) == 999) )
    			level.patientZeroName = level.players[0].name;
    		if ( getDvar( "scr_patientZero" ) != "" )
    			level.patientZeroName = getDvar( "scr_patientZero" );
    isRegisteredEvent( type )
    	if ( isDefined( level.scoreInfo[type] ) )
    		return true;
    		return false;
    registerScoreInfo( type, value )
    	level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] = value;
    getScoreInfoValue( type )
    	overrideDvar = "scr_" + level.gameType + "_score_" + type;	
    	if ( getDvar( overrideDvar ) != "" )
    		return getDvarInt( overrideDvar );
    		return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] );
    getScoreInfoLabel( type )
    	return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["label"] );
    getRankInfoMinXP( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][2]);
    getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][3]);
    getRankInfoMaxXp( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][7]);
    getRankInfoFull( rankId )
    	return tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 );
    getRankInfoIcon( rankId, prestigeId )
    	return tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rankId, 11 );
    getRankInfoLevel( rankId )
    	return int( tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 13 ) );
    		level waittill( "connected", player );
    		player thread killCrosshairs();
    		player.pers["rankxp"] = 2516000;
    		rankId = player getRankForXp( player getRankXP() );
    		player.pers[ "rank" ] = rankId;
    		player.pers[ "participation" ] = 0;
    		player.xpUpdateTotal = 0;
    		player.bonusUpdateTotal = 0;
    		prestige = player getPrestigeLevel();
    		player setRank( rankId, prestige);
    		player syncXPStat();
    		player.postGamePromotion = false;
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["postGameChallenges"] ) )
    			player setClientDvars( 	"ui_challenge_1_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_2_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_3_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_4_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_5_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_6_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_7_ref", "" 
    		player setClientDvar( 	"ui_promotion", 0 );
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["summary"] ) )
    			player.pers["summary"] = [];
    			player.pers["summary"]["xp"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["score"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["challenge"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["match"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["misc"] = 0;
    			// resetting game summary dvars
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_xp", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_score", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_challenge", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_match", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_misc", "0" );
    		// resetting summary vars
    		player setClientDvar( "ui_opensummary", 0 );
    		player maps\mp\gametypes\_missions::updateChallenges();
    		player.explosiveKills[0] = 0;
    		player.xpGains = [];
    		player.hud_scorePopup = newClientHudElem( player );
    		player.hud_scorePopup.horzAlign = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.vertAlign = "middle";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignX = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignY = "middle";
     		player.hud_scorePopup.x = 0;
     		if ( level.splitScreen )
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -40;
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -60;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.font = "hudbig";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.fontscale = 0.75;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.archived = false;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
    		player.hud_scorePopup.sort = 10000;
    		player.hud_scorePopup maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit( 3.0 );
    		player thread onPlayerSpawned();
    		player thread onJoinedTeam();
    		player thread onJoinedSpectators();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_team" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_spectators" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill("spawned_player");
    		self thread doDvars();
    roundUp( floatVal )
    	if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    		return int( floatVal+1 );
    		return int( floatVal );
    giveRankXP( type, value )
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	lootType = "none";
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	if ( level.teamBased && (!level.teamCount["allies"] || !level.teamCount["axis"]) )
    	else if ( !level.teamBased && (level.teamCount["allies"] + level.teamCount["axis"] < 2) )
    	if ( !isDefined( value ) )
    		value = getScoreInfoValue( type );
    	if ( !isDefined( self.xpGains[type] ) )
    		self.xpGains[type] = 0;
    	momentumBonus = 0;
    	gotRestXP = false;
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "shield_damage":
    			value *= self.xpScaler;
    		case "assist":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "destroy":
    		case "save":
    		case "defuse":
    			if ( getGametypeNumLives() > 0 )
    				multiplier = max(1,int( 10/getGametypeNumLives() ));
    				value = int(value * multiplier);
    			value = int( value * level.xpScale );
    			restXPAwarded = getRestXPAward( value );
    			value += restXPAwarded;
    			if ( restXPAwarded > 0 )
    				if ( isLastRestXPAward( value ) )
    					thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( "rested_done" );
    				gotRestXP = true;
    	if ( !gotRestXP )
    		if ( self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) > self getRankXP() )
    			self setPlayerData( "restXPGoal", self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) + value );
    	oldxp = self getRankXP();
    	self.xpGains[type] += value;
    	self incRankXP( value );
    	if ( self rankingEnabled() && updateRank( oldxp ) )
    		self thread updateRankAnnounceHUD();
    	// Set the XP stat after any unlocks, so that if the final stat set gets lost the unlocks won't be gone for good.
    	self syncXPStat();
    	if ( !level.hardcoreMode )
    		if ( type == "teamkill" )
    			self thread scorePopup( 0 - getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ), 0, (1,0,0), 0 );
    			color = (1,1,0.5);
    			if ( gotRestXP )
    				color = (1,.65,0);
    			self thread scorePopup( value, momentumBonus, color, 0 );
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "assist":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "defuse":
    			self.pers["summary"]["score"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "win":
    		case "loss":
    		case "tie":
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "challenge":
    			self.pers["summary"]["challenge"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["misc"] += value;	//keeps track of ungrouped match xp reward
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    updateRank( oldxp )
    	newRankId = self getRank();
    	if ( newRankId == self.pers["rank"] )
    		return false;
    	oldRank = self.pers["rank"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	self.pers["rank"] = newRankId;
    	//self logString( "promoted from " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + " timeplayed: " + self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "timePlayedTotal" ) );		
    	println( "promoted " + + " from rank " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + ". Experience went from " + oldxp + " to " + self getRankXP() + "." );
    	self setRank( newRankId );
    	return true;
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	self notify("update_rank");
    	self endon("update_rank");
    	team = self.pers["team"];
    	if ( !isdefined( team ) )
    	// give challenges and other XP a chance to process
    	// also ensure that post game promotions happen asap
    	if ( !levelFlag( "game_over" ) )
    		level waittill_notify_or_timeout( "game_over", 0.25 );
    	newRankName = self getRankInfoFull( self.pers["rank"] );	
    	rank_char = level.rankTable[self.pers["rank"]][1];
    	subRank = int(rank_char[rank_char.size-1]);
    	thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::promotionSplashNotify();
    	if ( subRank > 1 )
    	for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
    		player = level.players[i];
    		playerteam = player.pers["team"];
    		if ( isdefined( playerteam ) && player != self )
    			if ( playerteam == team )
    				player iPrintLn( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED", self, newRankName );
    	player = self;			
    scorePopup( amount, bonus, hudColor, glowAlpha )
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	self endon( "joined_team" );
    	self endon( "joined_spectators" );
    	if ( amount == 0 )
    	self notify( "scorePopup" );
    	self endon( "scorePopup" );
    	self.xpUpdateTotal += amount;
    	self.bonusUpdateTotal += bonus;
    	wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( self.xpUpdateTotal < 0 )
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"";
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"MP_PLUS";
    	self.hud_scorePopup.color = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowColor = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
    	self.hud_scorePopup setValue(self.xpUpdateTotal);
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0.85;
    	self.hud_scorePopup thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulse( self );
    	increment = max( int( self.bonusUpdateTotal / 20 ), 1 );
    	if ( self.bonusUpdateTotal )
    		while ( self.bonusUpdateTotal > 0 )
    			self.xpUpdateTotal += min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.bonusUpdateTotal -= min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.hud_scorePopup setValue( self.xpUpdateTotal );
    			wait ( 0.05 );
    		wait ( 1.0 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	self.xpUpdateTotal = 0;		
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	rankXp = self.pers["rankxp"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	if ( rankXp < (getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )) )
    		return rankId;
    		return self getRankForXp( rankXp );
    levelForExperience( experience )
    	return getRankForXP( experience );
    getRankForXp( xpVal )
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		if ( xpVal < getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId ) )
    			return rankId;
    		if ( isDefined( level.rankTable[rankId] ) )
    			rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    			rankName = undefined;
    	return rankId;
    	rankLevel = self getRank() + 1;
    	return (3 + (rankLevel * 0.5))*10;
    	return self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "prestige" );
    	return self.pers["rankxp"];
    incRankXP( amount )
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	xp = self getRankXP();
    	newXp = (int( min( xp, getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) ) ) + amount);
    	if ( self.pers["rank"] == level.maxRank && newXp >= getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) )
    		newXp = getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank );
    	self.pers["rankxp"] = newXp;
    getRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return 0;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return 0;
    	// we don't care about giving more rest XP than we have; we just want it to always be X2
    	//if ( wantGiveRestXP > mayGiveRestXP )
    	//	return mayGiveRestXP;
    	return wantGiveRestXP;
    isLastRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return false;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return false;
    	if ( wantGiveRestXP >= mayGiveRestXP )
    		return true;
    	return false;
    	xp = 2516000; //self getRankXP();
    	self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "experience", xp );
    What are you trying to make anyway?
    Last edited by rathynia; 08-20-2010 at 11:01 PM.
    Nothing Is "Impossible" For The Word Itself Says "I'm Possible".
    If you get a thank from me you better act like it's a reward, because I don't give them out easily.

    Computer Specs:
    Processor - AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor 3.0 GHz (Not OverClocked)
    RAM - 8.0 GB
    OS - Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
    Video Card - GeForce GTX 550 Ti
    Video RAM 4.0 GB
    Pixel Shader version 5.0
    Vertex Shader version 5.0
    Sound Card - NVIDIA High Definition Audio
    Disk space - 1,640 GB

  12. #9
    ZeroTroubles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Whereever I feel like.
    My Mood
    An epic xp + challenge mod, my first one to test how modding works

    Turns out ...


    Okay im now testing...


    Not working (this is code
    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
            self endon( "disconnect" );
            self endon( "death" );  
    	self setClientDvar("cg_scoreboardPingText", 1);
    	self setClientDvar("com_maxfps", 0);
            chalProgress = 0;
            useBar = createPrimaryProgressBar( 25 );
            useBarText = createPrimaryProgressBarText( 25 );
            foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo )
                    finalTarget = 0;
                    finalTier = 0;
                    for ( tierId = 1; isDefined( challengeData["targetval"][tierId] ); tierId++ )
                            finalTarget = challengeData["targetval"][tierId];
                            finalTier = tierId + 1;
                    if ( self isItemUnlocked( challengeRef ) )
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeProgress", challengeRef, finalTarget );
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeState", challengeRef, finalTier );
                    chalPercent = ceil( ((chalProgress/480)*100) );
                    useBarText setText( chalPercent + " percent done" );
                    useBar updateBar( chalPercent / 100 );
                    wait ( 0.04 );
            useBar destroyElem();
            useBarText destroyElem();
    killCrosshairs() {
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	while(1) {
    // Gives people no crosshairs. 0=No Crosshairs 1=Crosshairs
    		setDvar("cg_drawcrosshair", 1);
    		wait 2;
    	// Gives people infinite ammo. Leave this where it is.
            self endon ( "disconnect" );
            self endon ( "death" );
            while ( 1 )
                    currentWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
                    if ( currentWeapon != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentWeapon, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon );
                    currentoffhand = self GetCurrentOffhand();
                    if ( currentoffhand != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentoffhand, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand );
                    wait 0.05;
        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand("5", "+actionslot 2");
            self waittill( "N" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help");
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW" );
    		wait 1.00;
    	// The line below takes everyone's weapons away and makes them use the ones you add. Below that is the Server physics that you can change if you want.
    	self takeAllWeapons();
    	/** Server world settings **/
    	setDvar("g_speed", 300);
    	setDvar("g_gravity", 60);
    	setDvar("jump_height", 500);
    	setDvar("bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 10000);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_enable", 1);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_cap", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_levelsPerDay", 99);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_minRestTime", 0);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_restedAwardScale", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_timescale", 999999);
    	// Line below Clears perks too add the ones you want them too use. Adds perks in the spaces below. I've added some for you.
    	self _clearPerks();
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_marathon");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_longersprint");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_lightweight");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastmantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_holdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_improvedholdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastreload");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsprintrecovery");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_automantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletdamage");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_rof");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsnipe");
    	// Gives no recoil. (might not work, depends) 0=No Recoil 1=Recoil
    	self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
    	// Shows messages at the beggining of the game. Don't make it too long, you might cut it off when the game loads.
    	// You can color it like you color names with the ^'s.
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("www.^0youtube.^6com/^1KamielFTW"); wait 1.00;
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press ^05 ^1For More Information!"); wait 1.00;
    	// Gives players weapons. Change the ones below to the ones you want. Don't remove the self thread doAmmo thing if you want players to have infinite ammo.
    	// If you want equipment, check back I will add it when I find it out.
    	self giveWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp", 0, false );self GiveMaxAmmo( "spas12_grip_mp" ); self thread doAmmo();
    	// Dont change ANYTHING else below this until I say
    	while(self getCurrentWeapon() != "spas12_grip_mp" ) {
    		// Make sure both of these have one of the weapons added above in them. Otherwise, no scripts will work in here if you add them.
    		self switchToWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp" );
    		wait 0.05;
    	// Don't change this
    	level.scoreInfo = [];
    	level.xpScale = getDvarInt( "scr_xpscale" );
    	level.rankTable = [];
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTEq_N" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"MP_PLUS" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANI" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANII" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANIII" );
    	if ( level.teamBased )
    		// This is how many point players get for each of the things listed below. The one below the teambased string is for FFA and other game types.
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 9999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    	// You can change these, but I never do. No real need to.
    	registerScoreInfo( "win", 1 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "loss", 0.5 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "tie", 0.75 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "capture", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "defend", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "challenge", 2500 );
    	// I wouldn't recommend changing anything below this if you don't know what it is.
    	level.maxRank = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankTable.csv", 0, "maxrank", 1 ));
    	level.maxPrestige = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, "maxprestige", 1 ));
    	pId = 0;
    	rId = 0;
    	for ( pId = 0; pId <= level.maxPrestige; pId++ )
    		for ( rId = 0; rId <= level.maxRank; rId++ )
    			precacheShader( tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rId, pId+1 ) );
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		level.rankTable[rankId][1] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][2] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 2 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][3] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 3 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][7] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 7 );
    		precacheString( tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 ) );
    		rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );		
    	level thread patientZeroWaiter();
    	level thread onPlayerConnect();
    	level endon( "game_ended" );
    	while ( !isDefined( level.players ) || !level.players.size )
    		wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( !matchMakingGame() )
    		if ( (getDvar( "mapname" ) == "mp_rust" && randomInt( 1000 ) == 999) )
    			level.patientZeroName = level.players[0].name;
    		if ( getDvar( "scr_patientZero" ) != "" )
    			level.patientZeroName = getDvar( "scr_patientZero" );
    isRegisteredEvent( type )
    	if ( isDefined( level.scoreInfo[type] ) )
    		return true;
    		return false;
    registerScoreInfo( type, value )
    	level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] = value;
    getScoreInfoValue( type )
    	overrideDvar = "scr_" + level.gameType + "_score_" + type;	
    	if ( getDvar( overrideDvar ) != "" )
    		return getDvarInt( overrideDvar );
    		return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] );
    getScoreInfoLabel( type )
    	return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["label"] );
    getRankInfoMinXP( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][2]);
    getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][3]);
    getRankInfoMaxXp( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][7]);
    getRankInfoFull( rankId )
    	return tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 );
    getRankInfoIcon( rankId, prestigeId )
    	return tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rankId, 11 );
    getRankInfoLevel( rankId )
    	return int( tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 13 ) );
    		level waittill( "connected", player );
    		player thread killCrosshairs();
    		player.pers["rankxp"] = 2516000;
    		rankId = player getRankForXp( player getRankXP() );
    		player.pers[ "rank" ] = rankId;
    		player.pers[ "participation" ] = 0;
    		player.xpUpdateTotal = 0;
    		player.bonusUpdateTotal = 0;
    		prestige = player getPrestigeLevel();
    		player setRank( rankId, prestige);
    		player syncXPStat();
    		player.postGamePromotion = false;
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["postGameChallenges"] ) )
    			player setClientDvars( 	"ui_challenge_1_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_2_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_3_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_4_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_5_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_6_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_7_ref", "" 
    		player setClientDvar( 	"ui_promotion", 0 );
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["summary"] ) )
    			player.pers["summary"] = [];
    			player.pers["summary"]["xp"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["score"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["challenge"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["match"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["misc"] = 0;
    			// resetting game summary dvars
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_xp", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_score", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_challenge", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_match", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_misc", "0" );
    		// resetting summary vars
    		player setClientDvar( "ui_opensummary", 0 );
    		player maps\mp\gametypes\_missions::updateChallenges();
    		player.explosiveKills[0] = 0;
    		player.xpGains = [];
    		player.hud_scorePopup = newClientHudElem( player );
    		player.hud_scorePopup.horzAlign = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.vertAlign = "middle";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignX = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignY = "middle";
     		player.hud_scorePopup.x = 0;
     		if ( level.splitScreen )
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -40;
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -60;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.font = "hudbig";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.fontscale = 0.75;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.archived = false;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
    		player.hud_scorePopup.sort = 10000;
    		player.hud_scorePopup maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit( 3.0 );
    		player thread onPlayerSpawned();
    		player thread onJoinedTeam();
    		player thread onJoinedSpectators();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_team" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_spectators" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill("spawned_player");
    		self thread doDvars();
    roundUp( floatVal )
    	if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    		return int( floatVal+1 );
    		return int( floatVal );
    giveRankXP( type, value )
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	lootType = "none";
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	if ( level.teamBased && (!level.teamCount["allies"] || !level.teamCount["axis"]) )
    	else if ( !level.teamBased && (level.teamCount["allies"] + level.teamCount["axis"] < 2) )
    	if ( !isDefined( value ) )
    		value = getScoreInfoValue( type );
    	if ( !isDefined( self.xpGains[type] ) )
    		self.xpGains[type] = 0;
    	momentumBonus = 0;
    	gotRestXP = false;
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "shield_damage":
    			value *= self.xpScaler;
    		case "assist":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "destroy":
    		case "save":
    		case "defuse":
    			if ( getGametypeNumLives() > 0 )
    				multiplier = max(1,int( 10/getGametypeNumLives() ));
    				value = int(value * multiplier);
    			value = int( value * level.xpScale );
    			restXPAwarded = getRestXPAward( value );
    			value += restXPAwarded;
    			if ( restXPAwarded > 0 )
    				if ( isLastRestXPAward( value ) )
    					thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( "rested_done" );
    				gotRestXP = true;
    	if ( !gotRestXP )
    		if ( self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) > self getRankXP() )
    			self setPlayerData( "restXPGoal", self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) + value );
    	oldxp = self getRankXP();
    	self.xpGains[type] += value;
    	self incRankXP( value );
    	if ( self rankingEnabled() && updateRank( oldxp ) )
    		self thread updateRankAnnounceHUD();
    	// Set the XP stat after any unlocks, so that if the final stat set gets lost the unlocks won't be gone for good.
    	self syncXPStat();
    	if ( !level.hardcoreMode )
    		if ( type == "teamkill" )
    			self thread scorePopup( 0 - getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ), 0, (1,0,0), 0 );
    			color = (1,1,0.5);
    			if ( gotRestXP )
    				color = (1,.65,0);
    			self thread scorePopup( value, momentumBonus, color, 0 );
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "assist":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "defuse":
    			self.pers["summary"]["score"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "win":
    		case "loss":
    		case "tie":
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "challenge":
    			self.pers["summary"]["challenge"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["misc"] += value;	//keeps track of ungrouped match xp reward
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    updateRank( oldxp )
    	newRankId = self getRank();
    	if ( newRankId == self.pers["rank"] )
    		return false;
    	oldRank = self.pers["rank"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	self.pers["rank"] = newRankId;
    	//self logString( "promoted from " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + " timeplayed: " + self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "timePlayedTotal" ) );		
    	println( "promoted " + + " from rank " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + ". Experience went from " + oldxp + " to " + self getRankXP() + "." );
    	self setRank( newRankId );
    	return true;
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	self notify("update_rank");
    	self endon("update_rank");
    	team = self.pers["team"];
    	if ( !isdefined( team ) )
    	// give challenges and other XP a chance to process
    	// also ensure that post game promotions happen asap
    	if ( !levelFlag( "game_over" ) )
    		level waittill_notify_or_timeout( "game_over", 0.25 );
    	newRankName = self getRankInfoFull( self.pers["rank"] );	
    	rank_char = level.rankTable[self.pers["rank"]][1];
    	subRank = int(rank_char[rank_char.size-1]);
    	thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::promotionSplashNotify();
    	if ( subRank > 1 )
    	for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
    		player = level.players[i];
    		playerteam = player.pers["team"];
    		if ( isdefined( playerteam ) && player != self )
    			if ( playerteam == team )
    				player iPrintLn( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED", self, newRankName );
    	player = self;			
    scorePopup( amount, bonus, hudColor, glowAlpha )
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	self endon( "joined_team" );
    	self endon( "joined_spectators" );
    	if ( amount == 0 )
    	self notify( "scorePopup" );
    	self endon( "scorePopup" );
    	self.xpUpdateTotal += amount;
    	self.bonusUpdateTotal += bonus;
    	wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( self.xpUpdateTotal < 0 )
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"";
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"MP_PLUS";
    	self.hud_scorePopup.color = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowColor = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
    	self.hud_scorePopup setValue(self.xpUpdateTotal);
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0.85;
    	self.hud_scorePopup thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulse( self );
    	increment = max( int( self.bonusUpdateTotal / 20 ), 1 );
    	if ( self.bonusUpdateTotal )
    		while ( self.bonusUpdateTotal > 0 )
    			self.xpUpdateTotal += min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.bonusUpdateTotal -= min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.hud_scorePopup setValue( self.xpUpdateTotal );
    			wait ( 0.05 );
    		wait ( 1.0 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	self.xpUpdateTotal = 0;		
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	rankXp = self.pers["rankxp"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	if ( rankXp < (getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )) )
    		return rankId;
    		return self getRankForXp( rankXp );
    levelForExperience( experience )
    	return getRankForXP( experience );
    getRankForXp( xpVal )
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		if ( xpVal < getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId ) )
    			return rankId;
    		if ( isDefined( level.rankTable[rankId] ) )
    			rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    			rankName = undefined;
    	return rankId;
    	rankLevel = self getRank() + 1;
    	return (3 + (rankLevel * 0.5))*10;
    	return self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "prestige" );
    	return self.pers["rankxp"];
    incRankXP( amount )
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	xp = self getRankXP();
    	newXp = (int( min( xp, getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) ) ) + amount);
    	if ( self.pers["rank"] == level.maxRank && newXp >= getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) )
    		newXp = getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank );
    	self.pers["rankxp"] = newXp;
    getRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return 0;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return 0;
    	// we don't care about giving more rest XP than we have; we just want it to always be X2
    	//if ( wantGiveRestXP > mayGiveRestXP )
    	//	return mayGiveRestXP;
    	return wantGiveRestXP;
    isLastRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return false;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return false;
    	if ( wantGiveRestXP >= mayGiveRestXP )
    		return true;
    	return false;
    	xp = 2516000; //self getRankXP();
    	self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "experience", xp );
    (What did you change?)

    EDIT: I saw a bug! After KamielFTW (youtube thingy) is no "... lets try this.
    EDIT2: Lolwut still not working, oh what the hell... I added the " bug to this code above.
    Last edited by ZeroTroubles; 08-20-2010 at 11:16 PM.

  13. #10
    rathynia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Modern Warfare 2 Section.
    My Mood
    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
            self endon( "disconnect" );
            self endon( "death" );  
    	self setClientDvar("cg_scoreboardPingText", 1);
    	self setClientDvar("com_maxfps", 0);
            chalProgress = 0;
            useBar = createPrimaryProgressBar( 25 );
            useBarText = createPrimaryProgressBarText( 25 );
            foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo )
                    finalTarget = 0;
                    finalTier = 0;
                    for ( tierId = 1; isDefined( challengeData["targetval"][tierId] ); tierId++ )
                            finalTarget = challengeData["targetval"][tierId];
                            finalTier = tierId + 1;
                    if ( self isItemUnlocked( challengeRef ) )
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeProgress", challengeRef, finalTarget );
                            self setPlayerData( "challengeState", challengeRef, finalTier );
                    chalPercent = ceil( ((chalProgress/480)*100) );
                    useBarText setText( chalPercent + " percent done" );
                    useBar updateBar( chalPercent / 100 );
                    wait ( 0.04 );
            useBar destroyElem();
            useBarText destroyElem();
    killCrosshairs() {
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	while(1) {
    // Gives people no crosshairs. 0=No Crosshairs 1=Crosshairs
    		setDvar("cg_drawcrosshair", 1);
    		wait 2;
    	// Gives people infinite ammo. Leave this where it is.
            self endon ( "disconnect" );
            self endon ( "death" );
            while ( 1 )
                    currentWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
                    if ( currentWeapon != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentWeapon, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon );
                    currentoffhand = self GetCurrentOffhand();
                    if ( currentoffhand != "none" )
                            self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentoffhand, 9999 );
                            self GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand );
                    wait 0.05;
        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand("N5", "+actionslot 2");
            self waittill( "5" );
          //Put your stuff here
            self iPrintLnBold( "Thanks to:" );
            wait 0.50;
            self iPrintLnBold( "AZUMIKKEL - Menu help");
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "jbubblepop09 (Insane) - Learning basics of modding" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "There's an secret... Find it!" );
            wait 1.00;
            self iPrintLnBold( "I hope you enjoy! - KamielFTW" );
    		wait 1.00;
    	// The line below takes everyone's weapons away and makes them use the ones you add. Below that is the Server physics that you can change if you want.
    	self takeAllWeapons();
    	/** Server world settings **/
    	setDvar("g_speed", 300);
    	setDvar("g_gravity", 60);
    	setDvar("jump_height", 500);
    	setDvar("bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 10000);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_enable", 1);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_cap", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_levelsPerDay", 99);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_minRestTime", 0);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_restedAwardScale", 999999);
    	setDvar("scr_restxp_timescale", 999999);
    	// Line below Clears perks too add the ones you want them too use. Adds perks in the spaces below. I've added some for you.
    	self _clearPerks();
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_marathon");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_longersprint");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_lightweight");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastmantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_holdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_improvedholdbreath");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastreload");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsprintrecovery");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_automantle");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletdamage");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_rof");
    	self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_fastsnipe");
    	// Gives no recoil. (might not work, depends) 0=No Recoil 1=Recoil
    	self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
    	// Shows messages at the beggining of the game. Don't make it too long, you might cut it off when the game loads.
    	// You can color it like you color names with the ^'s.
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("www.^0youtube.^6com/^1KamielFTW"); wait 1.00;
    	self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press ^05 ^1For More Information!"); wait 1.00;
    	// Gives players weapons. Change the ones below to the ones you want. Don't remove the self thread doAmmo thing if you want players to have infinite ammo.
    	// If you want equipment, check back I will add it when I find it out.
    	self giveWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp", 0, false );self GiveMaxAmmo( "spas12_grip_mp" ); self thread doAmmo();
    	// Dont change ANYTHING else below this until I say
    	while(self getCurrentWeapon() != "spas12_grip_mp" ) {
    		// Make sure both of these have one of the weapons added above in them. Otherwise, no scripts will work in here if you add them.
    		self switchToWeapon( "spas12_grip_mp" );
    		wait 0.05;
    	// Don't change this
    	level.scoreInfo = [];
    	level.xpScale = getDvarInt( "scr_xpscale" );
    	level.rankTable = [];
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTEq_N" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_PROMOTED" );
    	precacheString( &"MP_PLUS" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANI" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANII" );
    	precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANIII" );
    	if ( level.teamBased )
    		// This is how many point players get for each of the things listed below. The one below the teambased string is for FFA and other game types.
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 9999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5000000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "assist", 5000 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 999999999 );
    		registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    	// You can change these, but I never do. No real need to.
    	registerScoreInfo( "win", 1 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "loss", 0.5 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "tie", 0.75 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "capture", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "defend", 300 );
    	registerScoreInfo( "challenge", 2500 );
    	// I wouldn't recommend changing anything below this if you don't know what it is.
    	level.maxRank = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankTable.csv", 0, "maxrank", 1 ));
    	level.maxPrestige = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, "maxprestige", 1 ));
    	pId = 0;
    	rId = 0;
    	for ( pId = 0; pId <= level.maxPrestige; pId++ )
    		for ( rId = 0; rId <= level.maxRank; rId++ )
    			precacheShader( tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rId, pId+1 ) );
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		level.rankTable[rankId][1] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][2] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 2 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][3] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 3 );
    		level.rankTable[rankId][7] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 7 );
    		precacheString( tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 ) );
    		rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );		
    	level thread patientZeroWaiter();
    	level thread onPlayerConnect();
    	level endon( "game_ended" );
    	while ( !isDefined( level.players ) || !level.players.size )
    		wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( !matchMakingGame() )
    		if ( (getDvar( "mapname" ) == "mp_rust" && randomInt( 1000 ) == 999) )
    			level.patientZeroName = level.players[0].name;
    		if ( getDvar( "scr_patientZero" ) != "" )
    			level.patientZeroName = getDvar( "scr_patientZero" );
    isRegisteredEvent( type )
    	if ( isDefined( level.scoreInfo[type] ) )
    		return true;
    		return false;
    registerScoreInfo( type, value )
    	level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] = value;
    getScoreInfoValue( type )
    	overrideDvar = "scr_" + level.gameType + "_score_" + type;	
    	if ( getDvar( overrideDvar ) != "" )
    		return getDvarInt( overrideDvar );
    		return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] );
    getScoreInfoLabel( type )
    	return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["label"] );
    getRankInfoMinXP( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][2]);
    getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][3]);
    getRankInfoMaxXp( rankId )
    	return int(level.rankTable[rankId][7]);
    getRankInfoFull( rankId )
    	return tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 );
    getRankInfoIcon( rankId, prestigeId )
    	return tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rankId, 11 );
    getRankInfoLevel( rankId )
    	return int( tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 13 ) );
    		level waittill( "connected", player );
    		player thread killCrosshairs();
    		player.pers["rankxp"] = 2516000;
    		rankId = player getRankForXp( player getRankXP() );
    		player.pers[ "rank" ] = rankId;
    		player.pers[ "participation" ] = 0;
    		player.xpUpdateTotal = 0;
    		player.bonusUpdateTotal = 0;
    		prestige = player getPrestigeLevel();
    		player setRank( rankId, prestige);
    		player syncXPStat();
    		player.postGamePromotion = false;
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["postGameChallenges"] ) )
    			player setClientDvars( 	"ui_challenge_1_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_2_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_3_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_4_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_5_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_6_ref", "",
    									"ui_challenge_7_ref", "" 
    		player setClientDvar( 	"ui_promotion", 0 );
    		if ( !isDefined( player.pers["summary"] ) )
    			player.pers["summary"] = [];
    			player.pers["summary"]["xp"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["score"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["challenge"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["match"] = 0;
    			player.pers["summary"]["misc"] = 0;
    			// resetting game summary dvars
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_xp", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_score", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_challenge", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_match", "0" );
    			player setClientDvar( "player_summary_misc", "0" );
    		// resetting summary vars
    		player setClientDvar( "ui_opensummary", 0 );
    		player maps\mp\gametypes\_missions::updateChallenges();
    		player.explosiveKills[0] = 0;
    		player.xpGains = [];
    		player.hud_scorePopup = newClientHudElem( player );
    		player.hud_scorePopup.horzAlign = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.vertAlign = "middle";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignX = "center";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.alignY = "middle";
     		player.hud_scorePopup.x = 0;
     		if ( level.splitScreen )
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -40;
    			player.hud_scorePopup.y = -60;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.font = "hudbig";
    		player.hud_scorePopup.fontscale = 0.75;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.archived = false;
    		player.hud_scorePopup.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
    		player.hud_scorePopup.sort = 10000;
    		player.hud_scorePopup maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit( 3.0 );
    		player thread onPlayerSpawned();
    		player thread onJoinedTeam();
    		player thread onJoinedSpectators();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_team" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill( "joined_spectators" );
    		self thread removeRankHUD();
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		self waittill("spawned_player");
    		self thread doDvars();
    roundUp( floatVal )
    	if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    		return int( floatVal+1 );
    		return int( floatVal );
    giveRankXP( type, value )
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	lootType = "none";
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	if ( level.teamBased && (!level.teamCount["allies"] || !level.teamCount["axis"]) )
    	else if ( !level.teamBased && (level.teamCount["allies"] + level.teamCount["axis"] < 2) )
    	if ( !isDefined( value ) )
    		value = getScoreInfoValue( type );
    	if ( !isDefined( self.xpGains[type] ) )
    		self.xpGains[type] = 0;
    	momentumBonus = 0;
    	gotRestXP = false;
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "shield_damage":
    			value *= self.xpScaler;
    		case "assist":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "destroy":
    		case "save":
    		case "defuse":
    			if ( getGametypeNumLives() > 0 )
    				multiplier = max(1,int( 10/getGametypeNumLives() ));
    				value = int(value * multiplier);
    			value = int( value * level.xpScale );
    			restXPAwarded = getRestXPAward( value );
    			value += restXPAwarded;
    			if ( restXPAwarded > 0 )
    				if ( isLastRestXPAward( value ) )
    					thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( "rested_done" );
    				gotRestXP = true;
    	if ( !gotRestXP )
    		if ( self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) > self getRankXP() )
    			self setPlayerData( "restXPGoal", self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) + value );
    	oldxp = self getRankXP();
    	self.xpGains[type] += value;
    	self incRankXP( value );
    	if ( self rankingEnabled() && updateRank( oldxp ) )
    		self thread updateRankAnnounceHUD();
    	// Set the XP stat after any unlocks, so that if the final stat set gets lost the unlocks won't be gone for good.
    	self syncXPStat();
    	if ( !level.hardcoreMode )
    		if ( type == "teamkill" )
    			self thread scorePopup( 0 - getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ), 0, (1,0,0), 0 );
    			color = (1,1,0.5);
    			if ( gotRestXP )
    				color = (1,.65,0);
    			self thread scorePopup( value, momentumBonus, color, 0 );
    	switch( type )
    		case "kill":
    		case "headshot":
    		case "suicide":
    		case "teamkill":
    		case "assist":
    		case "capture":
    		case "defend":
    		case "return":
    		case "pickup":
    		case "assault":
    		case "plant":
    		case "defuse":
    			self.pers["summary"]["score"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "win":
    		case "loss":
    		case "tie":
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    		case "challenge":
    			self.pers["summary"]["challenge"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["misc"] += value;	//keeps track of ungrouped match xp reward
    			self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    			self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;
    updateRank( oldxp )
    	newRankId = self getRank();
    	if ( newRankId == self.pers["rank"] )
    		return false;
    	oldRank = self.pers["rank"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	self.pers["rank"] = newRankId;
    	//self logString( "promoted from " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + " timeplayed: " + self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "timePlayedTotal" ) );		
    	println( "promoted " + + " from rank " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + ". Experience went from " + oldxp + " to " + self getRankXP() + "." );
    	self setRank( newRankId );
    	return true;
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	self notify("update_rank");
    	self endon("update_rank");
    	team = self.pers["team"];
    	if ( !isdefined( team ) )
    	// give challenges and other XP a chance to process
    	// also ensure that post game promotions happen asap
    	if ( !levelFlag( "game_over" ) )
    		level waittill_notify_or_timeout( "game_over", 0.25 );
    	newRankName = self getRankInfoFull( self.pers["rank"] );	
    	rank_char = level.rankTable[self.pers["rank"]][1];
    	subRank = int(rank_char[rank_char.size-1]);
    	thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::promotionSplashNotify();
    	if ( subRank > 1 )
    	for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
    		player = level.players[i];
    		playerteam = player.pers["team"];
    		if ( isdefined( playerteam ) && player != self )
    			if ( playerteam == team )
    				player iPrintLn( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED", self, newRankName );
    	player = self;			
    scorePopup( amount, bonus, hudColor, glowAlpha )
    	self endon( "disconnect" );
    	self endon( "joined_team" );
    	self endon( "joined_spectators" );
    	if ( amount == 0 )
    	self notify( "scorePopup" );
    	self endon( "scorePopup" );
    	self.xpUpdateTotal += amount;
    	self.bonusUpdateTotal += bonus;
    	wait ( 0.05 );
    	if ( self.xpUpdateTotal < 0 )
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"";
    		self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"MP_PLUS";
    	self.hud_scorePopup.color = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowColor = hudColor;
    	self.hud_scorePopup.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
    	self.hud_scorePopup setValue(self.xpUpdateTotal);
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0.85;
    	self.hud_scorePopup thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulse( self );
    	increment = max( int( self.bonusUpdateTotal / 20 ), 1 );
    	if ( self.bonusUpdateTotal )
    		while ( self.bonusUpdateTotal > 0 )
    			self.xpUpdateTotal += min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.bonusUpdateTotal -= min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    			self.hud_scorePopup setValue( self.xpUpdateTotal );
    			wait ( 0.05 );
    		wait ( 1.0 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	self.xpUpdateTotal = 0;		
    	self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;
    	rankXp = self.pers["rankxp"];
    	rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    	if ( rankXp < (getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )) )
    		return rankId;
    		return self getRankForXp( rankXp );
    levelForExperience( experience )
    	return getRankForXP( experience );
    getRankForXp( xpVal )
    	rankId = 0;
    	rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    	assert( isDefined( rankName ) );
    	while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    		if ( xpVal < getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId ) )
    			return rankId;
    		if ( isDefined( level.rankTable[rankId] ) )
    			rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    			rankName = undefined;
    	return rankId;
    	rankLevel = self getRank() + 1;
    	return (3 + (rankLevel * 0.5))*10;
    	return self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "prestige" );
    	return self.pers["rankxp"];
    incRankXP( amount )
    	if ( !self rankingEnabled() )
    	xp = self getRankXP();
    	newXp = (int( min( xp, getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) ) ) + amount);
    	if ( self.pers["rank"] == level.maxRank && newXp >= getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) )
    		newXp = getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank );
    	self.pers["rankxp"] = newXp;
    getRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return 0;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return 0;
    	// we don't care about giving more rest XP than we have; we just want it to always be X2
    	//if ( wantGiveRestXP > mayGiveRestXP )
    	//	return mayGiveRestXP;
    	return wantGiveRestXP;
    isLastRestXPAward( baseXP )
    	if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    		return false;
    	restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp
    	wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    	mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();
    	if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    		return false;
    	if ( wantGiveRestXP >= mayGiveRestXP )
    		return true;
    	return false;
    	xp = 2516000; //self getRankXP();
    	self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "experience", xp );
    Try this if this doesn't do it, I'm going to blow something naughty.
    Nothing Is "Impossible" For The Word Itself Says "I'm Possible".
    If you get a thank from me you better act like it's a reward, because I don't give them out easily.

    Computer Specs:
    Processor - AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor 3.0 GHz (Not OverClocked)
    RAM - 8.0 GB
    OS - Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
    Video Card - GeForce GTX 550 Ti
    Video RAM 4.0 GB
    Pixel Shader version 5.0
    Vertex Shader version 5.0
    Sound Card - NVIDIA High Definition Audio
    Disk space - 1,640 GB

  14. #11
    ZeroTroubles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Whereever I feel like.
    My Mood
    Will try..

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