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  1. #1
    maarten551's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    My Mood

    Error: Trying to override builtin function 'spawn'.

    Hey all, i got a error on my script and i don't know how to fix it. /

    Hope someone can help me!
    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;

    level thread maps\mp\gametypes\MapEdit::init();
    level.scoreInfo = [];
    level.xpScale = getDvarInt( "scr_xpscale" );

    level.rankTable = [];


    precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED_N" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_PROMOTED" );
    precacheString( &"MP_PLUS" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANI" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANII" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANIII" );

    if ( level.teamBased )
    registerScoreInfo( "kill", 100 );
    registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 100 );
    registerScoreInfo( "assist", 20 );
    registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 0 );
    registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    registerScoreInfo( "kill", 50 );
    registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 50 );
    registerScoreInfo( "assist", 0 );
    registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 0 );
    registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );

    registerScoreInfo( "win", 1 );
    registerScoreInfo( "loss", 0.5 );
    registerScoreInfo( "tie", 0.75 );
    registerScoreInfo( "capture", 300 );
    registerScoreInfo( "defend", 300 );

    registerScoreInfo( "challenge", 2500 );

    level.maxRank = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankTable.csv", 0, "maxrank", 1 ));
    level.maxPrestige = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, "maxprestige", 1 ));

    pId = 0;
    rId = 0;
    for ( pId = 0; pId <= level.maxPrestige; pId++ )
    for ( rId = 0; rId <= level.maxRank; rId++ )
    precacheShader( tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rId, pId+1 ) );

    rankId = 0;
    rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    assert( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" );

    while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    level.rankTable[rankId][1] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    level.rankTable[rankId][2] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 2 );
    level.rankTable[rankId][3] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 3 );
    level.rankTable[rankId][7] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 7 );

    precacheString( tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 ) );

    rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );


    level thread patientZeroWaiter();

    level thread onPlayerConnect();

    level endon( "game_ended" );

    level waittill( "prematch_over" );

    if ( !matchMakingGame() )
    if ( getDvar( "mapname" ) == "mp_rust" && randomInt( 1000 ) == 999 )
    level.patientZeroName = level.players[0].name;
    if ( getDvar( "scr_patientZero" ) != "" )
    level.patientZeroName = getDvar( "scr_patientZero" );

    isRegisteredEvent( type )
    if ( isDefined( level.scoreInfo[type] ) )
    return true;
    return false;

    registerScoreInfo( type, value )
    level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] = value;

    getScoreInfoValue( type )
    overrideDvar = "scr_" + level.gameType + "_score_" + type;
    if ( getDvar( overrideDvar ) != "" )
    return getDvarInt( overrideDvar );
    return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] );

    getScoreInfoLabel( type )
    return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["label"] );

    getRankInfoMinXP( rankId )
    return int(level.rankTable[rankId][2]);

    getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )
    return int(level.rankTable[rankId][3]);

    getRankInfoMaxXp( rankId )
    return int(level.rankTable[rankId][7]);

    getRankInfoFull( rankId )
    return tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 );

    getRankInfoIcon( rankId, prestigeId )
    return tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rankId, prestigeId+1 );

    getRankInfoLevel( rankId )
    return int( tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 13 ) );

    level waittill( "connected", player );
    if ( getDvarInt( "scr_forceSequence" ) )
    player setPlayerData( "experience", 145499 );
    player.pers["rankxp"] = player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "experience" );
    if ( player.pers["rankxp"] < 0 ) // paranoid defensive
    player.pers["rankxp"] = 0;

    rankId = player getRankForXp( player getRankXP() );
    player.pers[ "rank" ] = rankId;
    player.pers[ "participation" ] = 0;

    player.xpUpdateTotal = 0;
    player.bonusUpdateTotal = 0;

    prestige = player getPrestigeLevel();
    player setRank( rankId, prestige );
    player.pers["prestige"] = prestige;

    player.postGamePromotion = false;
    if ( !isDefined( player.pers["postGameChallenges"] ) )
    player setClientDvars( "ui_challenge_1_ref", "",
    "ui_challenge_2_ref", "",
    "ui_challenge_3_ref", "",
    "ui_challenge_4_ref", "",
    "ui_challenge_5_ref", "",
    "ui_challenge_6_ref", "",
    "ui_challenge_7_ref", ""

    player setClientDvar( "ui_promotion", 0 );

    if ( !isDefined( player.pers["summary"] ) )
    player.pers["summary"] = [];
    player.pers["summary"]["xp"] = 0;
    player.pers["summary"]["score"] = 0;
    player.pers["summary"]["challenge"] = 0;
    player.pers["summary"]["match"] = 0;
    player.pers["summary"]["misc"] = 0;

    // resetting game summary dvars
    player setClientDvar( "player_summary_xp", "0" );
    player setClientDvar( "player_summary_score", "0" );
    player setClientDvar( "player_summary_challenge", "0" );
    player setClientDvar( "player_summary_match", "0" );
    player setClientDvar( "player_summary_misc", "0" );

    // resetting summary vars

    player setClientDvar( "ui_opensummary", 0 );

    player maps\mp\gametypes\_missions::updateChallenges();
    player.explosiveKills[0] = 0;
    player.xpGains = [];

    player.hud_scorePopup = newClientHudElem( player );
    player.hud_scorePopup.horzAlign = "center";
    player.hud_scorePopup.vertAlign = "middle";
    player.hud_scorePopup.alignX = "center";
    player.hud_scorePopup.alignY = "middle";
    player.hud_scorePopup.x = 0;
    if ( level.splitScreen )
    player.hud_scorePopup.y = -40;
    player.hud_scorePopup.y = -60;
    player.hud_scorePopup.font = "hudbig";
    player.hud_scorePopup.fontscale = 0.75;
    player.hud_scorePopup.archived = false;
    player.hud_scorePopup.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
    player.hud_scorePopup.sort = 10000;
    player.hud_scorePopup maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit( 3.0 );

    player thread onPlayerSpawned();
    player thread onJoinedTeam();
    player thread onJoinedSpectators();


    self endon("disconnect");

    self waittill( "joined_team" );
    self thread removeRankHUD();

    self endon("disconnect");

    self waittill( "joined_spectators" );
    self thread removeRankHUD();

    self endon("disconnect");

    roundUp( floatVal )
    if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    return int( floatVal+1 );
    return int( floatVal );

    giveRankXP( type, value )
    self endon("disconnect");

    lootType = "none";

    if ( !self rankingEnabled() )

    if ( level.teamBased && (!level.teamCount["allies"] || !level.teamCount["axis"]) )
    else if ( !level.teamBased && (level.teamCount["allies"] + level.teamCount["axis"] < 2) )

    if ( !isDefined( value ) )
    value = getScoreInfoValue( type );

    if ( !isDefined( self.xpGains[type] ) )
    self.xpGains[type] = 0;

    momentumBonus = 0;
    gotRestXP = false;

    switch( type )
    case "kill":
    case "headshot":
    case "shield_damage":
    value *= self.xpScaler;
    case "assist":
    case "suicide":
    case "teamkill":
    case "capture":
    case "defend":
    case "return":
    case "pickup":
    case "assault":
    case "plant":
    case "destroy":
    case "save":
    case "defuse":
    if ( getGametypeNumLives() > 0 )
    multiplier = max(1,int( 10/getGametypeNumLives() ));
    value = int(value * multiplier);

    value = int( value * level.xpScale );

    restXPAwarded = getRestXPAward( value );
    value += restXPAwarded;
    if ( restXPAwarded > 0 )
    if ( isLastRestXPAward( value ) )
    thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::splashNotify( "rested_done" );

    gotRestXP = true;

    if ( !gotRestXP )
    // if we didn't get rest XP for this type, we push the rest XP goal ahead so we didn't waste it
    if ( self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) > self getRankXP() )
    self setPlayerData( "restXPGoal", self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) + value );

    oldxp = self getRankXP();
    self.xpGains[type] += value;

    self incRankXP( value );

    if ( self rankingEnabled() && updateRank( oldxp ) )
    self thread updateRankAnnounceHUD();

    // Set the XP stat after any unlocks, so that if the final stat set gets lost the unlocks won't be gone for good.
    self syncXPStat();

    if ( !level.hardcoreMode )
    if ( type == "teamkill" )
    self thread scorePopup( 0 - getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ), 0, (1,0,0), 0 );
    color = (1,1,0.5);
    if ( gotRestXP )
    color = (1,.65,0);
    self thread scorePopup( value, momentumBonus, color, 0 );

    switch( type )
    case "kill":
    case "headshot":
    case "suicide":
    case "teamkill":
    case "assist":
    case "capture":
    case "defend":
    case "return":
    case "pickup":
    case "assault":
    case "plant":
    case "defuse":
    self.pers["summary"]["score"] += value;
    self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;

    case "win":
    case "loss":
    case "tie":
    self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;

    case "challenge":
    self.pers["summary"]["challenge"] += value;
    self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;

    self.pers["summary"]["misc"] += value; //keeps track of ungrouped match xp reward
    self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
    self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += value;

    updateRank( oldxp )
    newRankId = self getRank();
    if ( newRankId == self.pers["rank"] )
    return false;

    oldRank = self.pers["rank"];
    rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    self.pers["rank"] = newRankId;

    //self logString( "promoted from " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + " timeplayed: " + self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "timePlayedTotal" ) );
    println( "promoted " + + " from rank " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + ". Experience went from " + oldxp + " to " + self getRankXP() + "." );

    self setRank( newRankId );

    return true;

    self endon("disconnect");

    self notify("update_rank");
    self endon("update_rank");

    team = self.pers["team"];
    if ( !isdefined( team ) )

    // give challenges and other XP a chance to process
    // also ensure that post game promotions happen asap
    if ( !levelFlag( "game_over" ) )
    level waittill_notify_or_timeout( "game_over", 0.25 );

    newRankName = self getRankInfoFull( self.pers["rank"] );
    rank_char = level.rankTable[self.pers["rank"]][1];
    subRank = int(rank_char[rank_char.size-1]);

    thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message:romotionSplashNotify();

    if ( subRank > 1 )

    for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
    player = level.players[i];
    playerteam = player.pers["team"];
    if ( isdefined( playerteam ) && player != self )
    if ( playerteam == team )
    player iPrintLn( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED", self, newRankName );

    player = self;

    scorePopup( amount, bonus, hudColor, glowAlpha )
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    self endon( "joined_team" );
    self endon( "joined_spectators" );

    if ( amount == 0 )

    self notify( "scorePopup" );
    self endon( "scorePopup" );

    self.xpUpdateTotal += amount;
    self.bonusUpdateTotal += bonus;

    wait ( 0.05 );

    if ( self.xpUpdateTotal < 0 )
    self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"";
    self.hud_scorePopup.label = &"MP_PLUS";

    self.hud_scorePopup.color = hudColor;
    self.hud_scorePopup.glowColor = hudColor;
    self.hud_scorePopup.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;

    self.hud_scorePopup setValue(self.xpUpdateTotal);
    self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0.85;
    self.hud_scorePopup thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulse( self );

    increment = max( int( self.bonusUpdateTotal / 20 ), 1 );

    if ( self.bonusUpdateTotal )
    while ( self.bonusUpdateTotal > 0 )
    self.xpUpdateTotal += min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );
    self.bonusUpdateTotal -= min( self.bonusUpdateTotal, increment );

    self.hud_scorePopup setValue( self.xpUpdateTotal );

    wait ( 0.05 );
    wait ( 1.0 );

    self.hud_scorePopup fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
    self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;

    self.xpUpdateTotal = 0;

    self.hud_scorePopup.alpha = 0;

    rankXp = self.pers["rankxp"];
    rankId = self.pers["rank"];

    if ( rankXp < (getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )) )
    return rankId;
    return self getRankForXp( rankXp );

    levelForExperience( experience )
    return getRankForXP( experience );

    getRankForXp( xpVal )
    rankId = 0;
    rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    assert( isDefined( rankName ) );

    while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
    if ( xpVal < getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId ) )
    return rankId;

    if ( isDefined( level.rankTable[rankId] ) )
    rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    rankName = undefined;

    return rankId;

    rankLevel = self getRank() + 1;
    return (3 + (rankLevel * 0.5))*10;

    return self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "prestige" );

    return self.pers["rankxp"];

    incRankXP( amount )
    if ( !self rankingEnabled() )

    if ( isDefined( self.isCheater ) )

    xp = self getRankXP();
    newXp = (xp + amount);

    if ( self.pers["rank"] == level.maxRank && newXp >= getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) )
    newXp = getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank );

    self.pers["rankxp"] = newXp;

    getRestXPAward( baseXP )
    if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    return 0;

    restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp

    wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();

    if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    return 0;

    // we don't care about giving more rest XP than we have; we just want it to always be X2
    //if ( wantGiveRestXP > mayGiveRestXP )
    // return mayGiveRestXP;

    return wantGiveRestXP;

    isLastRestXPAward( baseXP )
    if ( !getdvarint( "scr_restxp_enable" ) )
    return false;

    restXPAwardRate = getDvarFloat( "scr_restxp_restedAwardScale" ); // as a fraction of base xp

    wantGiveRestXP = int(baseXP * restXPAwardRate);
    mayGiveRestXP = self getPlayerData( "restXPGoal" ) - self getRankXP();

    if ( mayGiveRestXP <= 0 )
    return false;

    if ( wantGiveRestXP >= mayGiveRestXP )
    return true;

    return false;

    xp = self getRankXP();

    self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "experience", xp );

    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;

    level.doCustomMap = 0;
    level.doorwait = 2;
    level.axisspawn = 0;
    level.alliesspawn = 0;
    level.beginspawn = 0;
    self.firstspawn = 1;
    level.spawn = 0;
    level.elevator_model["enter"] = maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::getTeamFlagModel( "allies" );
    level.elevator_model["exit"] = maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::getTeamFlagModel( "axis" );
    precacheModel( level.elevator_model["enter"] );
    precacheModel( level.elevator_model["exit"] );
    wait 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_afghan"){ /** Afghan **/
    level thread Afghan();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_boneyard"){ /** Scrapyard **/
    level thread Scrapyard();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_brecourt"){ /** Wasteland **/
    level thread Wasteland();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_checkpoint"){ /** Karachi **/
    level thread Karachi();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_derail"){ /** Derail **/
    level thread Derail();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_estate"){ /** Estate **/
    level thread Estate();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_favela"){ /** Favela **/
    level thread Favela();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_highrise"){ /** HighRise **/
    level thread HighRise();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_nightshift"){ /** Skidrow **/
    level thread Skidrow();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_invasion"){ /** Invasion **/
    level thread Invasion();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_quarry"){ /** Quarry **/
    level thread Quarry();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_rundown"){ /** Rundown **/
    level thread Rundown();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_rust"){ /** Rust **/
    level thread Rust();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_subbase"){ /** SubBase **/
    level thread SubBase();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_terminal"){ /** Terminal **/
    level thread Terminal();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_underpass"){ /** Underpass **/
    level thread Underpass();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_abandon"){ /** Carnaval **/
    level thread Carnaval();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_overgrown"){ /** overgrown **/
    level thread Overgrown();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(level.doCustomMap == 1){
    level.gameState = "starting";
    level thread CreateMapWait();
    }else {
    level.gameState = "starting";
    wait 15;
    level notify("CREATED");

    for(i = 20; i > 0; i--)
    level.TimerText destroy();
    level.TimerText = level createServerFontString( "objective", 1.5 );
    level.TimerText setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -100 );
    level.TimerText setText("^3Wait for the map to be created: " + i);

    foreach(player in level.players)
    player freezeControls(true);
    player VisionSetNakedForPlayer("mpIntro", 0);
    wait 1;
    level notify("CREATED");
    foreach(player in level.players)
    player freezeControls(false);
    player VisionSetNakedForPlayer(getDvar("mapname"), 0);

    CreateElevator(enter, exit, angle)
    flag = spawn( "script_model", enter );
    flag setModel( level.elevator_model["enter"] );
    wait 0.01;
    flag = spawn( "script_model", exit );
    flag setModel( level.elevator_model["exit"] );
    wait 0.01;
    self thread ElevatorThink(enter, exit, angle);

    CreateBlocks(pos, angle)
    block = spawn("script_model", pos );
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = angle;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.01;

    CreateDoors(open, close, angle, size, height, hp, range)
    offset = (((size / 2) - 0.5) * -1);
    center = spawn("script_model", open );
    for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
    door = spawn("script_model", open + ((0, 30, 0) * offset));
    door setModel("com_plasticcase_enemy");
    door Solid();
    door CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    door EnableLinkTo();
    door LinkTo(center);
    for(h = 1; h < height; h++){
    door = spawn("script_model", open + ((0, 30, 0) * offset) - ((70, 0, 0) * h));
    door setModel("com_plasticcase_enemy");
    door Solid();
    door CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    door EnableLinkTo();
    door LinkTo(center);
    offset += 1;
    center.angles = angle;
    center.state = "open";
    center.hp = hp;
    center.range = range;
    center thread DoorThink(open, close);
    center thread DoorUse();
    center thread ResetDoors(open, hp);
    wait 0.01;

    CreateRamps(top, bottom)
    D = Distance(top, bottom);
    blocks = roundUp(D/30);
    CX = top[0] - bottom[0];
    CY = top[1] - bottom[1];
    CZ = top[2] - bottom[2];
    XA = CX/blocks;
    YA = CY/blocks;
    ZA = CZ/blocks;
    CXY = Distance((top[0], top[1], 0), (bottom[0], bottom[1], 0));
    Temp = VectorToAngles(top - bottom);
    BA = (Temp[2], Temp[1] + 90, Temp[0]);
    for(b = 0; b < blocks; b++){
    block = spawn("script_model", (bottom + ((XA, YA, ZA) * b)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = BA;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.01;
    block = spawn("script_model", (bottom + ((XA, YA, ZA) * blocks) - (0, 0, 5)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = (BA[0], BA[1], 0);
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.01;

    CreateGrids(corner1, corner2, angle)
    W = Distance((corner1[0], 0, 0), (corner2[0], 0, 0));
    L = Distance((0, corner1[1], 0), (0, corner2[1], 0));
    H = Distance((0, 0, corner1[2]), (0, 0, corner2[2]));
    CX = corner2[0] - corner1[0];
    CY = corner2[1] - corner1[1];
    CZ = corner2[2] - corner1[2];
    ROWS = roundUp(W/55);
    COLUMNS = roundUp(L/30);
    HEIGHT = roundUp(H/20);
    XA = CX/ROWS;
    center = spawn("script_model", corner1);
    for(r = 0; r <= ROWS; r++){
    for(c = 0; c <= COLUMNS; c++){
    for(h = 0; h <= HEIGHT; h++){
    block = spawn("script_model", (corner1 + (XA * r, YA * c, ZA * h)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = (0, 0, 0);
    block Solid();
    block LinkTo(center);
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.01;
    center.angles = angle;

    CreateWalls(start, end)
    D = Distance((start[0], start[1], 0), (end[0], end[1], 0));
    H = Distance((0, 0, start[2]), (0, 0, end[2]));
    blocks = roundUp(D/55);
    height = roundUp(H/30);
    CX = end[0] - start[0];
    CY = end[1] - start[1];
    CZ = end[2] - start[2];
    XA = (CX/blocks);
    YA = (CY/blocks);
    ZA = (CZ/height);
    TXA = (XA/4);
    TYA = (YA/4);
    Temp = VectorToAngles(end - start);
    Angle = (0, Temp[1], 90);
    for(h = 0; h < height; h++){
    block = spawn("script_model", (start + (TXA, TYA, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = Angle;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.001;
    for(i = 1; i < blocks; i++){
    block = spawn("script_model", (start + ((XA, YA, 0) * i) + (0, 0, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = Angle;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.001;
    block = spawn("script_model", ((end[0], end[1], start[2]) + (TXA * -1, TYA * -1, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = Angle;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.001;

    CreateCluster(amount, pos, radius)
    for(i = 0; i < amount; i++)
    half = radius / 2;
    power = ((randomInt(radius) - half), (randomInt(radius) - half), 500);
    block = spawn("script_model", pos + (0, 0, 1000) );
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = (90, 0, 0);
    block PhysicsLaunchServer((0, 0, 0), power);
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    block thread ResetCluster(pos, radius);
    wait 0.05;

    ElevatorThink(enter, exit, angle)
    self endon("disconnect");
    foreach(player in level.players)
    if(Distance(enter, player.origin) <= 50){
    player SetOrigin(exit);
    player SetPlayerAngles(angle);
    wait .25;

    DoorThink(open, close)
    if(self.hp > 0){
    self waittill ( "triggeruse" , player );
    if( == "allies"){
    if(self.state == "open"){
    self MoveTo(close, level.doorwait);
    wait level.doorwait;
    self.state = "close";
    if(self.state == "close"){
    self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    wait level.doorwait;
    self.state = "open";
    if( == "axis"){
    if(self.state == "close"){
    player iPrintlnBold("HIT");
    wait 1;
    } else {
    if(self.state == "close"){
    self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    self.state = "broken";
    wait .5;

    self endon("disconnect");
    foreach(player in level.players)
    if(Distance(self.origin, player.origin) <= self.range){
    if( == "allies"){
    if(self.state == "open"){
    player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Close ^7the door";
    if(self.state == "close"){
    player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Open ^7the door";
    if(self.state == "broken"){
    player.hint = "^1The uber/mahlazor DOOR is damaged ";
    if( == "axis"){
    if(self.state == "close"){
    player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Attack ^7the door";
    if(self.state == "broken"){
    player.hint = "^1Door is Broken";
    if(player.buttonPressed[ "+activate" ] == 1){
    player.buttonPressed[ "+activate" ] = 0;
    self notify( "triggeruse" , player);
    wait .045;

    ResetDoors(open, hp)
    level waittill("RESETDOORS");
    self.hp = hp;
    self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    self.state = "open";

    ResetCluster(pos, radius)
    wait 5;
    self RotateTo(((randomInt(36)*10), (randomInt(36)*10), (randomInt(36)*10)), 1);
    level waittill("RESETCLUSTER");
    self thread CreateCluster(1, pos, radius);
    self delete();

    roundUp( floatVal )
    if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    return int( floatVal+1 );
    return int( floatVal );

    Spawn(cordinates, amount, max)
    level.spawnlocation[amount] = (cordinates);
    if(level.spawn == max)
    level.spawn = 1;

    Alliesspawn(cordinates, amount, max)
    level.alliesspawnlocation[amount] = (cordinates);
    if(level.spawn == max)
    level.beginspawn = 1;
    level.alliesspawn = 1;

    Axisspawn(cordinates, amount, max)
    level.axisspawnlocation[amount] = (cordinates);
    if(level.spawn == max)
    level.beginspawn = 1;
    level.axisspawn = 1;

    self waittill( "joined_team" );
    if(level.spawn != 0 && self.firstspawn != 1)
    wait 0.1;
    self.randomspawn = RandomInt(level.spawnlocation.size) + 1;
    self SetOrigin(level.spawnlocation[self.randomspawn]);
    self.firstspawn = 0;
    if( == "allies" && level.alliesspawn == 1 && level.beginspawn == 1)
    wait 0.1;
    self.alliesrandomspawn = RandomInt(level.alliesspawnlocation.size) + 1;
    self SetOrigin(level.alliesspawnlocation[self.alliesrandomspawn]);
    elseif( == "axis" && level.axisspawn == 1 && level.beginspawn == 1)
    wait 0.1;
    self.axisrandomspawn = RandomInt(level.axisspawnlocation.size) + 1;
    self SetOrigin(level.axisspawnlocation[self.axisrandomspawn]);

    /* Made by Maarten551 */
    Axisspawn((-1340, 561, 444), (1), (1));
    Alliespawn((-771, -287, 355), (1), (1));
    spawn((-1039, 188, 232), (1), (1));
    CreateDoors((1100, 4756, 416), (1300, 4756, 410), (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 12, 200);
    CreateRamps((2280, 1254, 142), (2548, 1168, 33));
    CreateGrids((1688, 4746, 416), (1024, 5039, 416), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((1472, 4103, 256), (1356, 4720, 410));
    CreateRamps((1552, 4103, 256), (1436, 4720, 410));
    CreateWalls((1688, 4746, 416), (1500, 4746, 550));
    CreateWalls((1024, 4746, 416), (1300, 4746, 550));
    CreateWalls((1688, 4746, 416), (1688, 5039, 550));
    CreateWalls((1024, 5039, 416), (1688, 5039, 550));
    CreateWalls((1024, 5039, 416), (1024, 4746, 550));
    /* Orginal */
    CreateDoors((1590, -238, 160), (1590, -168, 160), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1938, -125, 160), (1938, -15, 160), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((2297, 10, 160), (2297, -100, 160), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 10, 75);
    CreateDoors((525, 1845, 162), (585, 1845, 162), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-137, 1380, 226), (-137, 1505, 226), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((820, 1795, 165), (820, 1495, 165), (90, 0, 0), 12, 2, 40, 100);
    CreateDoors((2806, 893, 210), (2806, 806, 210), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);

    CreateElevator((-110, 2398, 124), (-125, 2263, 333), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-240, 1640, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1640, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1585, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1530, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1475, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1420, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1365, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1310, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1255, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-970, 3018, 138), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-985, 3018, 148), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1000, 3018, 158), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1015, 3018, 168), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1030, 3018, 178), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1045, 3018, 188), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1060, 3018, 198), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1075, 3018, 208), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1090, 3018, 218), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1105, 3018, 228), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1120, 3018, 238), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1135, 3018, 248), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateRamps((-124, 2002, 437), (-124, 2189, 332));
    CreateDoors((400, 1486, 128), (400, 1316, 128), (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    CreateDoors((-61, 755, 128), (-161, 755, 128), (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 20, 75);

    CreateBlocks((-2378, 782, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2388, 823, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2398, 863, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1098, 2623, 37), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3227, 3483, -101), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 245), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 245), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 275), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 275), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 305), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 305), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 335), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 335), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 245), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 245), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 275), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 275), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 305), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 305), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 335), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 335), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 395), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 395), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 425), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 425), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 455), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 455), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 485), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 485), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 395), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 395), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 425), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 425), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 455), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 455), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 485), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 485), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-55, 1231, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((8, 1217, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((102, 1188, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((162, 1168, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-55, 1231, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((8, 1217, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((102, 1188, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((162, 1168, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 998, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 1028, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 1058, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 1088, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 1118, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3181, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3211, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3241, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3181, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3211, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3241, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2622, 3676, -106), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3741, 3245, -200), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3821, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3791, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3761, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3821, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3791, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3761, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-471, -126, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-547, -104, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-625, -84, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-702, -61, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-778, -38, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-830, -13, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((1333, -92, 210), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateRamps((1025, 3563, 291), (692, 3563, 146));
    CreateDoors((489, 1321, 212), (409, 1341, 212), (90, 70, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((421, 861, 212), (461, 1011, 212), (90, -20, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((64, 680, 212), (184, 640, 212), (90, 75, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    CreateDoors((706, 575, 185), (791, 545, 185), (0, -15, 0), 6, 1, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((24, 477, 341), (48, 552, 341), (90, -15, 0), 3, 2, 5, 50);
    /* Created by maarten551 */
    CreateRamps((-2049, 1474, -251), (-2152 , 1226, -80));
    CreateRamps((-1734, 843, -342), (-2230, 278, -80 ));
    CreateWalls((-2737, 873, -34), (-2717, 808, 36));
    CreateWalls((-2668, 611, -34), (-2685, 689, 36));
    CreateWalls((-2668, 611, 96), (-2737, 873, 136));
    CreateGrids((-2670, 632, -34), (-3000 ,861 , -34), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((105, 1374, 138), (-1630, 1436, -252), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((1236, 3593, 146), (-1630, 1436, -252), (0, 270, 0));

    /* Maarten551 map */
    CreateElevator((-321, 2633, 335), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-192, -743, 308), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-227, 1325, 152), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((34, 277, 312), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1022, 413, 198), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1608, 1010, 312), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((763, -1983, 152), (404, 1677, 595), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((2809, -2212, 239), (2809, -2675, 230), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2809, -2400, 180));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 220), (2809, -2675, 240));
    Createwalls((2236, -2212, 143), (2236, -2675, 180));
    CreateWalls((2236, -2675, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2809, -2550, 180));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2236, -2675, 240));
    CreateRamps((2650, -2600, 143), (2236, -2600, 220));
    CreateDoors((2780, -2300, 143), (2809, -2485, 143), (90, 0, 0), 7, 2, 15, 50);
    /* Orginal */
    CreateDoors((-64, 277, 198), (-64, 337, 198), (90, -6, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-438, 987, 310), (-438, 1047, 310), (90, 4, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-625, -238, 174), (-625, -298, 174), (90, -9, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((893, 1056, 368), (833, 1056, 368), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((80, 450, 198), (145, 450, 198), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);

    CreateBlocks((-2723, 5162, 3030), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2753, 5162, 3030), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2723, 5132, 3030), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateDoors((-1550, 5875, 2967), (-1550, 5649, 2967), (0, 0, 0), 7, 1, 20, 100);
    CreateDoors((-1185, 5900, 2967), (-1185, 6117, 2967), (0, 0, 0), 7, 1, 20, 100);

    /* ORGINAL */
    CreateElevator((-2150, -2366, 268), (-2276, -1353, 573), (0, -90, 0));
    CreateElevator((-1413, -1333, 270), (-1558, -1485, 1064), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-607, -984, 293), (-842, -1053, 878), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-1400, -1850, 390), (-1359, -1455, 390), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1468, -1470, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1498, -1475, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1528, -1480, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1558, -1485, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1588, -1490, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1618, -1495, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1648, -1500, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateElevator((1250, -2951, 306), (853, -700, 584), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-2808, -3744, 291), (-842, -1053, 878), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-2409, -1409, 268), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((487, -489, 242), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((2141, -1055, 296), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((1377, -1916, 568), (728, -1794, 568), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((1377, -1916, 700), (920, -1752, 700), (0, 0, 0));

    CreateElevator((25, 519, 200), (25, 457, 336), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-525, 520, 336), (-522, 783, 336), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((25, 854, 336), (25, 854, 472), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-522, 783, 472), (-525, 520, 472), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((25, 457, 472), (25, 457, 608), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-525, 520, 608), (-522, 783, 608), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((561, 116, 176), (568, -67, 280), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((800, 206, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((800, 256, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((800, 375, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((479, -831, 369), (90, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((768, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((814, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((860, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((916, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((962, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((415, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((360, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((305, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((516, -74, 564), (90, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((516, -74, 619), (90, 90, 0));
    CreateRamps((559, -255, 554), (559, -99, 415));

    CreateBlocks((-5817, -319, -88), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-5817, -289, -108), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((-3742, -1849, 304), (-3605, -1849, 224));
    CreateRamps((-3428, -1650, 224), (-3188, -1650, 160));
    CreateRamps((-3412, -1800, 416), (-3735, -1800, 304));
    CreateGrids((-3520, -1880, 320), (-3215, -2100, 320), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-3100, -1725, 400), (-2740, -1840, 400), (3, 0, 0));

    /* Maarten551 maps */
    CreateElevator((1986, -2364, 372), (1036, -2607, 340), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((935, -3022, 341), (1583, -603, 344), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((1980, -518, 329), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((2330, 1224, -79), (1612, -184, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-454, 1162, 25), (2616, -524, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-695, -267, 184), (2616, -524, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((470, -39, -123), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-395, 1772, 174), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((4234, 150, -127), (-447, -5, 60), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateWalls((3465, 241, -127), (3123, 241, 0));
    CreateWalls((3465, 241, -127), (3465, -127, 0));
    CreateWalls((3123, 241, -20), (3123, -127, 0));
    CreateWalls((3123, -127, -127), (3465, -127, 0));
    CreateWalls((3123, 241, -127), (3123, 130, -85));
    CreateWalls((3123, -127, -127), (3123, -10, -85));
    CreateDoors((3160, 130, -127), (3123, 50, -127), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateGrids((3465, 241, -10), (3505, -127, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((3160, 241, -10), (3120, -127, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((3120, 241, -10), (3505, 280, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((3120, -127, -10), (3505, -170, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((3250, 180, -127), (3430, 180, -10));
    CreateWalls((4882, -681, -127), (4882, 295, 20));
    /* orginal */
    CreateDoors((360, -1462, 202), (300, -1342, 202), (90, 25, 0), 3, 2, 10, 75);
    CreateDoors((460, -1420, 206), (400, -1300, 206), (90, 25, 0), 3, 2, 10, 75);
    CreateDoors((30, -1630, 186), (-30, -1510, 186), (90, 25, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((-280, -1482, 186), (-220, -1602, 186), (90, 25, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateBlocks((385, -1660, 40), (0, 120, 90));
    CreateRamps((-597, -280, 212), (-332, -522, 180));
    CreateRamps((726, -389, 142), (560, -373, 13));
    CreateRamps((2250, -1155, 306), (1905, -876, 200));
    CreateRamps((850, -3125, 312), (535, -3125, 189));
    CreateRamps((1775, 450, 144), (1775, 735, -5));

    CreateBlocks((773, 1080, 258), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateRamps((745, 1570, 383), (745, 1690, 273));
    CreateDoors((565, 1540, 295), (653, 1540, 295), (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 15, 60);
    CreateGrids((773, 1135, 258), (533, 1795, 258), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((695, 1795, 378), (533, 1540, 378), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((773, 1540, 498), (533, 1795, 498), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((533, 1795, 278), (773, 1795, 498));
    CreateWalls((790, 1795, 278), (790, 1540, 498));
    CreateWalls((515, 1540, 278), (515, 1795, 498));
    CreateWalls((773, 1540, 278), (715, 1540, 378));
    CreateWalls((590, 1540, 278), (533, 1540, 378));
    CreateWalls((773, 1540, 398), (533, 1540, 428));
    CreateWalls((773, 1540, 458), (740, 1540, 498));
    CreateWalls((566, 1540, 458), (533, 1540, 498));

    CreateBlocks((420, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((475, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((530, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((585, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((640, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((695, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((750, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((805, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((860, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((420, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((475, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((530, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((585, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((640, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((695, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((750, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((805, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((860, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((420, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((475, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((530, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((585, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((640, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((695, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((750, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((805, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((860, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1541, -80, 1), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1517.7, -80, 16.3), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1494.4, -80, 31.6), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1471.1, -80, 46.9), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1447.8, -80, 62.2), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1424.5, -80, 77.5), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1401.2, -80, 92.8), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1377.9, -80, 108.1), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1354.6, -80, 123.4), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateElevator((10, 1659, -72), (860, 1606, 194), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateDoors((1992, 266, -130), (1992, 336, -130), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1992, 710, -130), (1992, 640, -130), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);

    CreateElevator((-725, -410, 136), (-910, -620, 570), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((-705, -830, 688), (-495, -830, 608));
    CreateRamps((-580, -445, 608), (-580, -375, 568));
    CreateRamps((1690, 325, 213), (1890, 325, 108));
    CreateGrids((-1540, -1687, 600), (-275, -1687, 660), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-1060, -1535, 584), (-470, -1650, 584), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-700, -120, 580), (-700, -120, 640), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateGrids((-705, -490, 580), (-705, -770, 580), (-45, 0, 0));

    CreateBlocks((-1506, 800, 123), (0, 0, 45));
    CreateDoors((-503, -3642, 22), (-313, -3642, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((-423, -3086, 22), (-293, -3086, 22), (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((-183, -3299, 22), (-393, -3299, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((1100, -1138, 294), (1100, -1078, 294), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((331, -1400, 294), (331, -1075, 294), (90, 0, 0), 11, 2, 40, 100);
    CreateDoors((-839, -1249, 278), (-839, -1319, 278), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-1428, -1182, 278), (-1498, -1182, 278), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-435, -50, 111), (-380, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-643, -50, 111), (-708, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1178, -438, 102), (1248, -438, 102), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1112, -90, 246), (1112, -160, 246), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);

    CreateElevator((2859, 4529, 192), (3045, 4480, 250), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((2975, 4080, 192), (2882, 4289, 55), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((520, 7375, 192), (-898, 5815, 460), (0, -90, 0));
    CreateElevator((-670, 5860, 460), (1585, 7175, 200), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-895, 4300, 392), (-895, 4300, 570), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateWalls((-640, 4910, 390), (-640, 4685, 660));
    CreateWalls((-1155, 4685, 390), (-1155, 4910, 660));
    CreateWalls((-570, 5440, 460), (-640, 4930, 660));
    CreateWalls((-1155, 4930, 460), (-1155, 5945, 660));
    CreateWalls((-1155, 5945, 460), (-910, 5945, 660));
    CreateWalls((-1105, 4665, 392), (-965, 4665, 512));
    CreateWalls((-825, 4665, 392), (-685, 4665, 512));
    CreateWalls((3375, 2715, 195), (3765, 3210, 245));
    CreateWalls((4425, 3580, 195), (4425, 3230, 315));
    CreateWalls((4425, 3580, 380), (4425, 3230, 440));
    CreateWalls((4045, 3615, 382), (3850, 3615, 412));
    CreateWalls((2960, 2800, 379), (3250, 2800, 409));
    CreateDoors((-705, 4665, 412), (-895, 4665, 412), (90, -90, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((3860, 3305, 212), (3860, 3485, 212), (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    CreateRamps((3620, 2415, 369), (4015, 2705, 192));
    CreateGrids((4380, 2330, 360), (4380, 2980, 360), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((1635, 2470, 121), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((2675, 3470, 207), (90, 0, 0));

    CreateElevator((-415, 3185, 392), (-1630, 3565, 1035), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateBlocks((1110, 1105, 632), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2740, 3145, 1100), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((2444, 1737, 465), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((-1100, 3850, 1030), (-1100, 3085, 1160));
    CreateWalls((-2730, 3453, 1030), (-2730, 3155, 1150));
    CreateWalls((-2730, 3155, 1030), (-3330, 3155, 1180));
    CreateWalls((-3330, 3155, 1030), (-3330, 3890, 1180));
    CreateWalls((-3330, 3890, 1030), (-2730, 3890, 1180));
    CreateWalls((-2730, 3890, 1030), (-2730, 3592, 1150));
    CreateWalls((-2730, 3890, 1150), (-2730, 3155, 1180));
    CreateDoors((-2730, 3400, 1052), (-2730, 3522.5, 1052), (90, 180, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateRamps((-3285, 3190, 1125), (-3285, 3353, 1030));
    CreateRamps((-3285, 3855, 1125), (-3285, 3692, 1030));
    CreateGrids((-2770, 3190, 1120), (-3230, 3190, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-2770, 3855, 1120), (-3230, 3855, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-2770, 3220, 1120), (-2770, 3825, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateCluster(20, (-3030, 3522.5, 1030), 250);

    CreateDoors((1344, -778, -33), (1344, -898, -33), (90, 0, 0), 5, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((684, -695, -16), (684, -825, -16), (90, 0, 0), 5, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((890, -120, -12), (760, -120, -12), (90, 90, 0), 5, 2, 15, 125);
    CreateDoors((958, -1072, -36), (958, -972, -36), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);
    CreateDoors((1057, -648, -36), (997, -748, -36), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);
    /* Made by Maarten551 */
    CreateDoors((10895, 12581, 1298), (11070, 12581, 1295), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 50);
    CreateElevator((218, -618, -26), (11288, 14676, 1298), (0, 300, 0));
    CreateElevator((-2336, -1348, 32), (11046, 14518, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((-1021, 1263, 77), (11232, 14122, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((2836, 978, -124), (10917, 13826, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((2348, -1855, -13), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((10972, 15651, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((10153, 13558, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((12211, 12686, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((11094, 10308, 1298), (912, 1213, 127), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateWalls((10798, 12581, 1298), (10955, 12581, 1340));
    CreateWalls((11167, 12581, 1298), (11379, 12581, 1340));
    CreateWalls((10760, 12581, 1172), (10500, 12581, 1340));
    CreateWalls((11379, 12581, 1172), (11600, 12581, 1340));
    CreateRamps((10850, 11700, 1198), (10850, 12300, 1448));
    CreateRamps((11300, 11700, 1198), (11300, 12300, 1448));
    CreateRamps((10760, 14222, 1172), (10761, 14522, 1294));
    CreateRamps((10760, 10414, 1172), (10761, 10196, 1294));
    CreateGrids((10798, 12581, 1450), (11379, 12300, 1450), (0, 0, 0));

    /* Made by Maarten551 */
    CreateDoors((440, 9800, 450), (440, 9880, 450), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateElevator((940, 789, 284), (2154, 2037, 77), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((2202, 1704, 191), (-531, 9510, 468), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((376, -1905, 19), (4091, -403, -42), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((3296, -354, -49), (-635, 10277, 468), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((2637, -886, 300), (-417, -1239, 72), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-608, -745, 72), (-762, 9785, 475), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((1682, 10196, 475), (1033, -1311, 303), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateWalls((995, 10110, 450), (995, 9678, 620));
    CreateWalls((995, 9678, 450), (440, 9678, 620));
    CreateWalls((995, 10110, 450), (440, 10110, 620));
    CreateWalls((440, 10110, 450), ( 440, 9950, 520));
    CreateWalls((440, 9678, 450), (440, 9800 , 520));
    CreateWalls((440, 10110, 580), (440, 9678, 620));
    CreateRamps((550, 9800, 450), (790, 9800, 588));
    CreateGrids((440, 10050, 580), (998, 9850, 574), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((995, 9678, 580), (800, 9850, 581), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((-1267, 9263, 480), (-1267, 10340, 520));
    CreateWalls((2071, 9331, 480), (2071, 10387, 520));
    CreateWalls((-1267, 10387, 480), (2071, 10387, 520));

    /* Created by maarten551 */
    CreateRamps((1096, -4260, -13), (500, -4388, 109));
    CreateGrids((500, 4200, 114), (143, -4667, 114), (0, 0, 0));


    The error :
    ******* script compile error *******
    Error: Trying to override builtin function 'spawn'.
    High change it's in the Mapedit!
    I almost didn't write anything in _rank.GSC.
    Last edited by maarten551; 10-11-2010 at 02:11 PM.

    My Youtube account : Maarten551, subscribe me ^^
    AIzombies for Alteriw, Check it now!
    hover/cordinates mod with visible bunkers!!!
    Most important waittills

  2. #2
    egodsk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    My Mood
    iam not sure but i think there is sone thing worng with the OnPlayerSpawn();

    i thing it shot look like this:

    self endon("disconnect");

    self waittill("spawned_player");

    ups ima sry made it woring here is the right one

    self endon("disconnect");

    self waittill("spawned_player");

  3. #3
    maarten551's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by egodsk View Post
    iam not sure but i think there is sone thing worng with the OnPlayerSpawn();

    i thing it shot look like this:

    Yeay i could delete for(; code, but that doesn't solve my problem .

    My Youtube account : Maarten551, subscribe me ^^
    AIzombies for Alteriw, Check it now!
    hover/cordinates mod with visible bunkers!!!
    Most important waittills

  4. #4
    egodsk's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    My Mood
    i dont know why then

  5. #5
    bomb21's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Spawn(cordinates, amount, max)
        level.spawnlocation[amount] = (cordinates);
        if(level.spawn == max)
            level.spawn = 1;
    change the Spawn to a different name

    this happens because you cant have two functions both named Spawn() so the game throws an error

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to bomb21 For This Useful Post:

    maarten551 (10-12-2010),[MPGH]master131 (10-11-2010)

  7. #6
    maarten551's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by bomb21 View Post
    Spawn(cordinates, amount, max)
        level.spawnlocation[amount] = (cordinates);
        if(level.spawn == max)
            level.spawn = 1;
    change the Spawn to a different name

    this happens because you cant have two functions both named Spawn() so the game throws an error
    Ty, i don't get any error anymore!
    but now i get an unknown function error -_-
    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;

    level.doCustomMap = 0;
    level.doorwait = 2;
    level.axisspawn = 0;
    level.alliesspawn = 0;
    level.beginspawn = 0;
    self.firstspawn = 1;
    level.normalspawn = 0;
    level.elevator_model["enter"] = maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::getTeamFlagModel( "allies" );
    level.elevator_model["exit"] = maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::getTeamFlagModel( "axis" );
    precacheModel( level.elevator_model["enter"] );
    precacheModel( level.elevator_model["exit"] );
    wait 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_afghan"){ /** Afghan **/
    level thread Afghan();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_boneyard"){ /** Scrapyard **/
    level thread Scrapyard();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_brecourt"){ /** Wasteland **/
    level thread Wasteland();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_checkpoint"){ /** Karachi **/
    level thread Karachi();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_derail"){ /** Derail **/
    level thread Derail();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_estate"){ /** Estate **/
    level thread Estate();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_favela"){ /** Favela **/
    level thread Favela();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_highrise"){ /** HighRise **/
    level thread HighRise();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_nightshift"){ /** Skidrow **/
    level thread Skidrow();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_invasion"){ /** Invasion **/
    level thread Invasion();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_quarry"){ /** Quarry **/
    level thread Quarry();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_rundown"){ /** Rundown **/
    level thread Rundown();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_rust"){ /** Rust **/
    level thread Rust();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_subbase"){ /** SubBase **/
    level thread SubBase();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_terminal"){ /** Terminal **/
    level thread Terminal();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_underpass"){ /** Underpass **/
    level thread Underpass();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_abandon"){ /** Carnaval **/
    level thread Carnaval();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_overgrown"){ /** overgrown **/
    level thread Overgrown();
    level.doCustomMap = 1;
    if(level.doCustomMap == 1){
    level.gameState = "starting";
    level thread CreateMapWait();
    }else {
    level.gameState = "starting";
    wait 15;
    level notify("CREATED");

    for(i = 20; i > 0; i--)
    level.TimerText destroy();
    level.TimerText = level createServerFontString( "objective", 1.5 );
    level.TimerText setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -100 );
    level.TimerText setText("^3Wait for the map to be created: " + i);

    foreach(player in level.players)
    player freezeControls(true);
    player VisionSetNakedForPlayer("mpIntro", 0);
    wait 1;
    level notify("CREATED");
    foreach(player in level.players)
    player freezeControls(false);
    player VisionSetNakedForPlayer(getDvar("mapname"), 0);

    CreateElevator(enter, exit, angle)
    flag = spawn( "script_model", enter );
    flag setModel( level.elevator_model["enter"] );
    wait 0.01;
    flag = spawn( "script_model", exit );
    flag setModel( level.elevator_model["exit"] );
    wait 0.01;
    self thread ElevatorThink(enter, exit, angle);

    CreateBlocks(pos, angle)
    block = spawn("script_model", pos );
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = angle;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.01;

    CreateDoors(open, close, angle, size, height, hp, range)
    offset = (((size / 2) - 0.5) * -1);
    center = spawn("script_model", open );
    for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
    door = spawn("script_model", open + ((0, 30, 0) * offset));
    door setModel("com_plasticcase_enemy");
    door Solid();
    door CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    door EnableLinkTo();
    door LinkTo(center);
    for(h = 1; h < height; h++){
    door = spawn("script_model", open + ((0, 30, 0) * offset) - ((70, 0, 0) * h));
    door setModel("com_plasticcase_enemy");
    door Solid();
    door CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    door EnableLinkTo();
    door LinkTo(center);
    offset += 1;
    center.angles = angle;
    center.state = "open";
    center.hp = hp;
    center.range = range;
    center thread DoorThink(open, close);
    center thread DoorUse();
    center thread ResetDoors(open, hp);
    wait 0.01;

    CreateRamps(top, bottom)
    D = Distance(top, bottom);
    blocks = roundUp(D/30);
    CX = top[0] - bottom[0];
    CY = top[1] - bottom[1];
    CZ = top[2] - bottom[2];
    XA = CX/blocks;
    YA = CY/blocks;
    ZA = CZ/blocks;
    CXY = Distance((top[0], top[1], 0), (bottom[0], bottom[1], 0));
    Temp = VectorToAngles(top - bottom);
    BA = (Temp[2], Temp[1] + 90, Temp[0]);
    for(b = 0; b < blocks; b++){
    block = spawn("script_model", (bottom + ((XA, YA, ZA) * b)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = BA;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.01;
    block = spawn("script_model", (bottom + ((XA, YA, ZA) * blocks) - (0, 0, 5)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = (BA[0], BA[1], 0);
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.01;

    CreateGrids(corner1, corner2, angle)
    W = Distance((corner1[0], 0, 0), (corner2[0], 0, 0));
    L = Distance((0, corner1[1], 0), (0, corner2[1], 0));
    H = Distance((0, 0, corner1[2]), (0, 0, corner2[2]));
    CX = corner2[0] - corner1[0];
    CY = corner2[1] - corner1[1];
    CZ = corner2[2] - corner1[2];
    ROWS = roundUp(W/55);
    COLUMNS = roundUp(L/30);
    HEIGHT = roundUp(H/20);
    XA = CX/ROWS;
    center = spawn("script_model", corner1);
    for(r = 0; r <= ROWS; r++){
    for(c = 0; c <= COLUMNS; c++){
    for(h = 0; h <= HEIGHT; h++){
    block = spawn("script_model", (corner1 + (XA * r, YA * c, ZA * h)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = (0, 0, 0);
    block Solid();
    block LinkTo(center);
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.01;
    center.angles = angle;

    CreateWalls(start, end)
    D = Distance((start[0], start[1], 0), (end[0], end[1], 0));
    H = Distance((0, 0, start[2]), (0, 0, end[2]));
    blocks = roundUp(D/55);
    height = roundUp(H/30);
    CX = end[0] - start[0];
    CY = end[1] - start[1];
    CZ = end[2] - start[2];
    XA = (CX/blocks);
    YA = (CY/blocks);
    ZA = (CZ/height);
    TXA = (XA/4);
    TYA = (YA/4);
    Temp = VectorToAngles(end - start);
    Angle = (0, Temp[1], 90);
    for(h = 0; h < height; h++){
    block = spawn("script_model", (start + (TXA, TYA, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = Angle;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.001;
    for(i = 1; i < blocks; i++){
    block = spawn("script_model", (start + ((XA, YA, 0) * i) + (0, 0, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = Angle;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.001;
    block = spawn("script_model", ((end[0], end[1], start[2]) + (TXA * -1, TYA * -1, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = Angle;
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    wait 0.001;

    CreateCluster(amount, pos, radius)
    for(i = 0; i < amount; i++)
    half = radius / 2;
    power = ((randomInt(radius) - half), (randomInt(radius) - half), 500);
    block = spawn("script_model", pos + (0, 0, 1000) );
    block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    block.angles = (90, 0, 0);
    block PhysicsLaunchServer((0, 0, 0), power);
    block Solid();
    block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    block thread ResetCluster(pos, radius);
    wait 0.05;

    ElevatorThink(enter, exit, angle)
    self endon("disconnect");
    foreach(player in level.players)
    if(Distance(enter, player.origin) <= 50){
    player SetOrigin(exit);
    player SetPlayerAngles(angle);
    wait .25;

    DoorThink(open, close)
    if(self.hp > 0){
    self waittill ( "triggeruse" , player );
    if( == "allies"){
    if(self.state == "open"){
    self MoveTo(close, level.doorwait);
    wait level.doorwait;
    self.state = "close";
    if(self.state == "close"){
    self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    wait level.doorwait;
    self.state = "open";
    if( == "axis"){
    if(self.state == "close"){
    player iPrintlnBold("HIT");
    wait 1;
    } else {
    if(self.state == "close"){
    self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    self.state = "broken";
    wait .5;

    self endon("disconnect");
    foreach(player in level.players)
    if(Distance(self.origin, player.origin) <= self.range){
    if( == "allies"){
    if(self.state == "open"){
    player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Close ^7the door";
    if(self.state == "close"){
    player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Open ^7the door";
    if(self.state == "broken"){
    player.hint = "^1The uber/mahlazor DOOR is damaged ";
    if( == "axis"){
    if(self.state == "close"){
    player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Attack ^7the door";
    if(self.state == "broken"){
    player.hint = "^1Door is Broken";
    if(player.buttonPressed[ "+activate" ] == 1){
    player.buttonPressed[ "+activate" ] = 0;
    self notify( "triggeruse" , player);
    wait .045;

    ResetDoors(open, hp)
    level waittill("RESETDOORS");
    self.hp = hp;
    self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    self.state = "open";

    ResetCluster(pos, radius)
    wait 5;
    self RotateTo(((randomInt(36)*10), (randomInt(36)*10), (randomInt(36)*10)), 1);
    level waittill("RESETCLUSTER");
    self thread CreateCluster(1, pos, radius);
    self delete();

    roundUp( floatVal )
    if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    return int( floatVal+1 );
    return int( floatVal );

    Normalspawn(cordinates, amount, max)
    level.spawnlocation[amount] = (cordinates);
    if(level.normalspawn == max)
    level.normalspawn = 1;

    Alliesspawn(cordinates, amount, max)
    level.alliesspawnlocation[amount] = (cordinates);
    if(level.spawn == max)
    level.beginspawn = 1;
    level.alliesspawn = 1;

    Axisspawn(cordinates, amount, max)
    level.axisspawnlocation[amount] = (cordinates);
    if(level.spawn == max)
    level.beginspawn = 1;
    level.axisspawn = 1;

    self waittill( "joined_team" );
    if(level.spawn != 0 && self.firstspawn != 1)
    wait 0.1;
    self.randomspawn = RandomInt(level.spawnlocation.size) + 1;
    self SetOrigin(level.spawnlocation[self.randomspawn]);
    self.firstspawn = 0;
    if( == "allies" && level.alliesspawn == 1 && level.beginspawn == 1)
    wait 0.1;
    self.alliesrandomspawn = RandomInt(level.alliesspawnlocation.size) + 1;
    self SetOrigin(level.alliesspawnlocation[self.alliesrandomspawn]);
    if( == "axis" && level.axisspawn == 1 && level.beginspawn == 1)
    wait 0.1;
    self.axisrandomspawn = RandomInt(level.axisspawnlocation.size) + 1;
    self SetOrigin(level.axisspawnlocation[self.axisrandomspawn]);


    /* Made by Maarten551 */
    Axisspawn((-1340, 561, 444), (1), (1));
    Alliespawn((-771, -287, 355), (1), (1));
    Normalspawn((-1039, 188, 232), (1), (1));
    CreateDoors((1100, 4756, 416), (1300, 4756, 410), (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 12, 200);
    CreateRamps((2280, 1254, 142), (2548, 1168, 33));
    CreateGrids((1688, 4746, 416), (1024, 5039, 416), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((1472, 4103, 256), (1356, 4720, 410));
    CreateRamps((1552, 4103, 256), (1436, 4720, 410));
    CreateWalls((1688, 4746, 416), (1500, 4746, 550));
    CreateWalls((1024, 4746, 416), (1300, 4746, 550));
    CreateWalls((1688, 4746, 416), (1688, 5039, 550));
    CreateWalls((1024, 5039, 416), (1688, 5039, 550));
    CreateWalls((1024, 5039, 416), (1024, 4746, 550));
    /* Orginal */
    CreateDoors((1590, -238, 160), (1590, -168, 160), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1938, -125, 160), (1938, -15, 160), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((2297, 10, 160), (2297, -100, 160), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 10, 75);
    CreateDoors((525, 1845, 162), (585, 1845, 162), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-137, 1380, 226), (-137, 1505, 226), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((820, 1795, 165), (820, 1495, 165), (90, 0, 0), 12, 2, 40, 100);
    CreateDoors((2806, 893, 210), (2806, 806, 210), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);

    CreateElevator((-110, 2398, 124), (-125, 2263, 333), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-240, 1640, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1640, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1585, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1530, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1475, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1420, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1365, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1310, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-270, 1255, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-970, 3018, 138), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-985, 3018, 148), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1000, 3018, 158), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1015, 3018, 168), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1030, 3018, 178), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1045, 3018, 188), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1060, 3018, 198), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1075, 3018, 208), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1090, 3018, 218), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1105, 3018, 228), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1120, 3018, 238), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1135, 3018, 248), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateRamps((-124, 2002, 437), (-124, 2189, 332));
    CreateDoors((400, 1486, 128), (400, 1316, 128), (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    CreateDoors((-61, 755, 128), (-161, 755, 128), (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 20, 75);

    CreateBlocks((-2378, 782, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2388, 823, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2398, 863, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1098, 2623, 37), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3227, 3483, -101), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 245), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 245), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 275), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 275), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 305), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 305), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 335), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 335), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 245), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 245), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 275), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 275), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 305), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 305), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 335), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 335), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 395), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 395), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 425), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 425), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 455), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 455), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 485), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 485), (0, 100, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 395), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 395), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 425), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 425), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 455), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 455), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 485), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 485), (0, 50, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-55, 1231, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((8, 1217, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((102, 1188, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((162, 1168, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-55, 1231, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((8, 1217, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((102, 1188, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((162, 1168, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 998, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 1028, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 1058, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 1088, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3200, 1118, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3181, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3211, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3241, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3181, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3211, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3241, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2622, 3676, -106), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3741, 3245, -200), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3821, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3791, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3761, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3821, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3791, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-3761, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-471, -126, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-547, -104, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-625, -84, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-702, -61, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-778, -38, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((-830, -13, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateBlocks((1333, -92, 210), (0, 0, 90));
    CreateRamps((1025, 3563, 291), (692, 3563, 146));
    CreateDoors((489, 1321, 212), (409, 1341, 212), (90, 70, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((421, 861, 212), (461, 1011, 212), (90, -20, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((64, 680, 212), (184, 640, 212), (90, 75, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    CreateDoors((706, 575, 185), (791, 545, 185), (0, -15, 0), 6, 1, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((24, 477, 341), (48, 552, 341), (90, -15, 0), 3, 2, 5, 50);
    /* Created by maarten551 */
    CreateRamps((-2049, 1474, -251), (-2152 , 1226, -80));
    CreateRamps((-1734, 843, -342), (-2230, 278, -80 ));
    CreateWalls((-2737, 873, -34), (-2717, 808, 36));
    CreateWalls((-2668, 611, -34), (-2685, 689, 36));
    CreateWalls((-2668, 611, 96), (-2737, 873, 136));
    CreateGrids((-2670, 632, -34), (-3000 ,861 , -34), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((105, 1374, 138), (-1630, 1436, -252), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((1236, 3593, 146), (-1630, 1436, -252), (0, 270, 0));

    /* Maarten551 map */
    CreateElevator((-321, 2633, 335), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-192, -743, 308), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-227, 1325, 152), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((34, 277, 312), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1022, 413, 198), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1608, 1010, 312), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((763, -1983, 152), (404, 1677, 595), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((2809, -2212, 239), (2809, -2675, 230), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2809, -2400, 180));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 220), (2809, -2675, 240));
    Createwalls((2236, -2212, 143), (2236, -2675, 180));
    CreateWalls((2236, -2675, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2809, -2550, 180));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2236, -2675, 240));
    CreateRamps((2650, -2600, 143), (2236, -2600, 220));
    CreateDoors((2780, -2300, 143), (2809, -2485, 143), (90, 0, 0), 7, 2, 15, 50);
    /* Orginal */
    CreateDoors((-64, 277, 198), (-64, 337, 198), (90, -6, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-438, 987, 310), (-438, 1047, 310), (90, 4, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-625, -238, 174), (-625, -298, 174), (90, -9, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((893, 1056, 368), (833, 1056, 368), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((80, 450, 198), (145, 450, 198), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);

    CreateBlocks((-2723, 5162, 3030), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2753, 5162, 3030), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2723, 5132, 3030), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateDoors((-1550, 5875, 2967), (-1550, 5649, 2967), (0, 0, 0), 7, 1, 20, 100);
    CreateDoors((-1185, 5900, 2967), (-1185, 6117, 2967), (0, 0, 0), 7, 1, 20, 100);

    /* ORGINAL */
    CreateElevator((-2150, -2366, 268), (-2276, -1353, 573), (0, -90, 0));
    CreateElevator((-1413, -1333, 270), (-1558, -1485, 1064), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-607, -984, 293), (-842, -1053, 878), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-1400, -1850, 390), (-1359, -1455, 390), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1468, -1470, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1498, -1475, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1528, -1480, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1558, -1485, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1588, -1490, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1618, -1495, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1648, -1500, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    CreateElevator((1250, -2951, 306), (853, -700, 584), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-2808, -3744, 291), (-842, -1053, 878), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((-2409, -1409, 268), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((487, -489, 242), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((2141, -1055, 296), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((1377, -1916, 568), (728, -1794, 568), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((1377, -1916, 700), (920, -1752, 700), (0, 0, 0));

    CreateElevator((25, 519, 200), (25, 457, 336), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-525, 520, 336), (-522, 783, 336), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((25, 854, 336), (25, 854, 472), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-522, 783, 472), (-525, 520, 472), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((25, 457, 472), (25, 457, 608), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-525, 520, 608), (-522, 783, 608), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((561, 116, 176), (568, -67, 280), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((800, 206, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((800, 256, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((800, 375, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((479, -831, 369), (90, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((768, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((814, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((860, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((916, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((962, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    CreateBlocks((415, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((360, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((305, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((516, -74, 564), (90, 90, 0));
    CreateBlocks((516, -74, 619), (90, 90, 0));
    CreateRamps((559, -255, 554), (559, -99, 415));

    CreateBlocks((-5817, -319, -88), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-5817, -289, -108), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((-3742, -1849, 304), (-3605, -1849, 224));
    CreateRamps((-3428, -1650, 224), (-3188, -1650, 160));
    CreateRamps((-3412, -1800, 416), (-3735, -1800, 304));
    CreateGrids((-3520, -1880, 320), (-3215, -2100, 320), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-3100, -1725, 400), (-2740, -1840, 400), (3, 0, 0));

    /* Maarten551 maps */
    CreateElevator((1986, -2364, 372), (1036, -2607, 340), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((935, -3022, 341), (1583, -603, 344), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((1980, -518, 329), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((2330, 1224, -79), (1612, -184, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-454, 1162, 25), (2616, -524, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-695, -267, 184), (2616, -524, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((470, -39, -123), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-395, 1772, 174), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((4234, 150, -127), (-447, -5, 60), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateWalls((3465, 241, -127), (3123, 241, 0));
    CreateWalls((3465, 241, -127), (3465, -127, 0));
    CreateWalls((3123, 241, -20), (3123, -127, 0));
    CreateWalls((3123, -127, -127), (3465, -127, 0));
    CreateWalls((3123, 241, -127), (3123, 130, -85));
    CreateWalls((3123, -127, -127), (3123, -10, -85));
    CreateDoors((3160, 130, -127), (3123, 50, -127), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateGrids((3465, 241, -10), (3505, -127, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((3160, 241, -10), (3120, -127, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((3120, 241, -10), (3505, 280, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((3120, -127, -10), (3505, -170, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((3250, 180, -127), (3430, 180, -10));
    CreateWalls((4882, -681, -127), (4882, 295, 20));
    /* orginal */
    CreateDoors((360, -1462, 202), (300, -1342, 202), (90, 25, 0), 3, 2, 10, 75);
    CreateDoors((460, -1420, 206), (400, -1300, 206), (90, 25, 0), 3, 2, 10, 75);
    CreateDoors((30, -1630, 186), (-30, -1510, 186), (90, 25, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((-280, -1482, 186), (-220, -1602, 186), (90, 25, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateBlocks((385, -1660, 40), (0, 120, 90));
    CreateRamps((-597, -280, 212), (-332, -522, 180));
    CreateRamps((726, -389, 142), (560, -373, 13));
    CreateRamps((2250, -1155, 306), (1905, -876, 200));
    CreateRamps((850, -3125, 312), (535, -3125, 189));
    CreateRamps((1775, 450, 144), (1775, 735, -5));

    CreateBlocks((773, 1080, 258), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateRamps((745, 1570, 383), (745, 1690, 273));
    CreateDoors((565, 1540, 295), (653, 1540, 295), (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 15, 60);
    CreateGrids((773, 1135, 258), (533, 1795, 258), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((695, 1795, 378), (533, 1540, 378), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((773, 1540, 498), (533, 1795, 498), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((533, 1795, 278), (773, 1795, 498));
    CreateWalls((790, 1795, 278), (790, 1540, 498));
    CreateWalls((515, 1540, 278), (515, 1795, 498));
    CreateWalls((773, 1540, 278), (715, 1540, 378));
    CreateWalls((590, 1540, 278), (533, 1540, 378));
    CreateWalls((773, 1540, 398), (533, 1540, 428));
    CreateWalls((773, 1540, 458), (740, 1540, 498));
    CreateWalls((566, 1540, 458), (533, 1540, 498));

    CreateBlocks((420, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((475, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((530, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((585, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((640, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((695, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((750, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((805, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((860, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((420, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((475, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((530, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((585, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((640, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((695, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((750, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((805, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((860, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((420, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((475, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((530, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((585, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((640, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((695, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((750, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((805, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((860, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-1541, -80, 1), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1517.7, -80, 16.3), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1494.4, -80, 31.6), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1471.1, -80, 46.9), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1447.8, -80, 62.2), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1424.5, -80, 77.5), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1401.2, -80, 92.8), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1377.9, -80, 108.1), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateBlocks((-1354.6, -80, 123.4), (0, 90, -33.3));
    CreateElevator((10, 1659, -72), (860, 1606, 194), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateDoors((1992, 266, -130), (1992, 336, -130), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1992, 710, -130), (1992, 640, -130), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);

    CreateElevator((-725, -410, 136), (-910, -620, 570), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((-705, -830, 688), (-495, -830, 608));
    CreateRamps((-580, -445, 608), (-580, -375, 568));
    CreateRamps((1690, 325, 213), (1890, 325, 108));
    CreateGrids((-1540, -1687, 600), (-275, -1687, 660), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-1060, -1535, 584), (-470, -1650, 584), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-700, -120, 580), (-700, -120, 640), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateGrids((-705, -490, 580), (-705, -770, 580), (-45, 0, 0));

    CreateBlocks((-1506, 800, 123), (0, 0, 45));
    CreateDoors((-503, -3642, 22), (-313, -3642, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((-423, -3086, 22), (-293, -3086, 22), (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((-183, -3299, 22), (-393, -3299, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((1100, -1138, 294), (1100, -1078, 294), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((331, -1400, 294), (331, -1075, 294), (90, 0, 0), 11, 2, 40, 100);
    CreateDoors((-839, -1249, 278), (-839, -1319, 278), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-1428, -1182, 278), (-1498, -1182, 278), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-435, -50, 111), (-380, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-643, -50, 111), (-708, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1178, -438, 102), (1248, -438, 102), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1112, -90, 246), (1112, -160, 246), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);

    CreateElevator((2859, 4529, 192), (3045, 4480, 250), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((2975, 4080, 192), (2882, 4289, 55), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((520, 7375, 192), (-898, 5815, 460), (0, -90, 0));
    CreateElevator((-670, 5860, 460), (1585, 7175, 200), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-895, 4300, 392), (-895, 4300, 570), (0, 90, 0));
    CreateWalls((-640, 4910, 390), (-640, 4685, 660));
    CreateWalls((-1155, 4685, 390), (-1155, 4910, 660));
    CreateWalls((-570, 5440, 460), (-640, 4930, 660));
    CreateWalls((-1155, 4930, 460), (-1155, 5945, 660));
    CreateWalls((-1155, 5945, 460), (-910, 5945, 660));
    CreateWalls((-1105, 4665, 392), (-965, 4665, 512));
    CreateWalls((-825, 4665, 392), (-685, 4665, 512));
    CreateWalls((3375, 2715, 195), (3765, 3210, 245));
    CreateWalls((4425, 3580, 195), (4425, 3230, 315));
    CreateWalls((4425, 3580, 380), (4425, 3230, 440));
    CreateWalls((4045, 3615, 382), (3850, 3615, 412));
    CreateWalls((2960, 2800, 379), (3250, 2800, 409));
    CreateDoors((-705, 4665, 412), (-895, 4665, 412), (90, -90, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((3860, 3305, 212), (3860, 3485, 212), (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    CreateRamps((3620, 2415, 369), (4015, 2705, 192));
    CreateGrids((4380, 2330, 360), (4380, 2980, 360), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((1635, 2470, 121), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((2675, 3470, 207), (90, 0, 0));

    CreateElevator((-415, 3185, 392), (-1630, 3565, 1035), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateBlocks((1110, 1105, 632), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((-2740, 3145, 1100), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateBlocks((2444, 1737, 465), (90, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((-1100, 3850, 1030), (-1100, 3085, 1160));
    CreateWalls((-2730, 3453, 1030), (-2730, 3155, 1150));
    CreateWalls((-2730, 3155, 1030), (-3330, 3155, 1180));
    CreateWalls((-3330, 3155, 1030), (-3330, 3890, 1180));
    CreateWalls((-3330, 3890, 1030), (-2730, 3890, 1180));
    CreateWalls((-2730, 3890, 1030), (-2730, 3592, 1150));
    CreateWalls((-2730, 3890, 1150), (-2730, 3155, 1180));
    CreateDoors((-2730, 3400, 1052), (-2730, 3522.5, 1052), (90, 180, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateRamps((-3285, 3190, 1125), (-3285, 3353, 1030));
    CreateRamps((-3285, 3855, 1125), (-3285, 3692, 1030));
    CreateGrids((-2770, 3190, 1120), (-3230, 3190, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-2770, 3855, 1120), (-3230, 3855, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((-2770, 3220, 1120), (-2770, 3825, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateCluster(20, (-3030, 3522.5, 1030), 250);

    CreateDoors((1344, -778, -33), (1344, -898, -33), (90, 0, 0), 5, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((684, -695, -16), (684, -825, -16), (90, 0, 0), 5, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateDoors((890, -120, -12), (760, -120, -12), (90, 90, 0), 5, 2, 15, 125);
    CreateDoors((958, -1072, -36), (958, -972, -36), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);
    CreateDoors((1057, -648, -36), (997, -748, -36), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);
    /* Made by Maarten551 */
    CreateDoors((10895, 12581, 1298), (11070, 12581, 1295), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 50);
    CreateElevator((218, -618, -26), (11288, 14676, 1298), (0, 300, 0));
    CreateElevator((-2336, -1348, 32), (11046, 14518, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((-1021, 1263, 77), (11232, 14122, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((2836, 978, -124), (10917, 13826, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((2348, -1855, -13), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((10972, 15651, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((10153, 13558, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((12211, 12686, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateElevator((11094, 10308, 1298), (912, 1213, 127), (0, 270, 0));
    CreateWalls((10798, 12581, 1298), (10955, 12581, 1340));
    CreateWalls((11167, 12581, 1298), (11379, 12581, 1340));
    CreateWalls((10760, 12581, 1172), (10500, 12581, 1340));
    CreateWalls((11379, 12581, 1172), (11600, 12581, 1340));
    CreateRamps((10850, 11700, 1198), (10850, 12300, 1448));
    CreateRamps((11300, 11700, 1198), (11300, 12300, 1448));
    CreateRamps((10760, 14222, 1172), (10761, 14522, 1294));
    CreateRamps((10760, 10414, 1172), (10761, 10196, 1294));
    CreateGrids((10798, 12581, 1450), (11379, 12300, 1450), (0, 0, 0));

    /* Made by Maarten551 */
    CreateDoors((440, 9800, 450), (440, 9880, 450), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    CreateElevator((940, 789, 284), (2154, 2037, 77), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((2202, 1704, 191), (-531, 9510, 468), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((376, -1905, 19), (4091, -403, -42), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((3296, -354, -49), (-635, 10277, 468), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((2637, -886, 300), (-417, -1239, 72), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((-608, -745, 72), (-762, 9785, 475), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateElevator((1682, 10196, 475), (1033, -1311, 303), (0, 180, 0));
    CreateWalls((995, 10110, 450), (995, 9678, 620));
    CreateWalls((995, 9678, 450), (440, 9678, 620));
    CreateWalls((995, 10110, 450), (440, 10110, 620));
    CreateWalls((440, 10110, 450), ( 440, 9950, 520));
    CreateWalls((440, 9678, 450), (440, 9800 , 520));
    CreateWalls((440, 10110, 580), (440, 9678, 620));
    CreateRamps((550, 9800, 450), (790, 9800, 588));
    CreateGrids((440, 10050, 580), (998, 9850, 574), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((995, 9678, 580), (800, 9850, 581), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((-1267, 9263, 480), (-1267, 10340, 520));
    CreateWalls((2071, 9331, 480), (2071, 10387, 520));
    CreateWalls((-1267, 10387, 480), (2071, 10387, 520));

    /* Created by maarten551 */
    CreateRamps((1096, -4260, -13), (500, -4388, 109));
    CreateGrids((500, 4200, 114), (143, -4667, 114), (0, 0, 0));



    If someone can help me.
    Last edited by maarten551; 10-12-2010 at 07:13 AM.

    My Youtube account : Maarten551, subscribe me ^^
    AIzombies for Alteriw, Check it now!
    hover/cordinates mod with visible bunkers!!!
    Most important waittills

  8. #7
    prisma's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    My Mood
    Are u shure that its inside the MapEdit.gsc ?

  9. #8
    maarten551's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by prisma View Post
    Are u shure that its inside the MapEdit.gsc ?
    nope, but i'm almost 98% sure it's in Mapedit /

    My Youtube account : Maarten551, subscribe me ^^
    AIzombies for Alteriw, Check it now!
    hover/cordinates mod with visible bunkers!!!
    Most important waittills

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