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  1. #1
    JoeAbunga's Avatar
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    Jul 2010
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    Exclamation [Solved]Look over Plz

    I have been messing aroung trying to get better with bunkers and its een going okay but when i tried to host it it says bad syntax heres the code the two maps ive been working on are Favela and SubBase
    #include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
    	level.doCustomMap = 0;
    	level.doorwait = 2;
    	level.elevator_model["enter"] = maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::getTeamFlagModel( "allies" );
    	level.elevator_model["exit"] = maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::getTeamFlagModel( "axis" );
    	precacheModel( level.elevator_model["enter"] );
    	precacheModel( level.elevator_model["exit"] );
    	wait 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_afghan"){ /** Afghan **/
    		level thread Afghan();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_boneyard"){ /** Scrapyard **/
    		level thread Scrapyard();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_brecourt"){ /** Wasteland **/
    		level thread Wasteland();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_checkpoint"){ /** Karachi **/
    		level thread Karachi();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_derail"){ /** Derail **/
    		level thread Derail();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_estate"){ /** Estate **/
    		level thread Estate();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_favela"){ /** Favela **/
    		level thread Favela();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_highrise"){ /** HighRise **/
    		level thread HighRise();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_nightshift"){ /** Skidrow **/
    		level thread Skidrow();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_invasion"){ /** Invasion **/
    		level thread Invasion();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_quarry"){ /** Quarry **/
    		level thread Quarry();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_rundown"){ /** Rundown **/
    		level thread Rundown();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_rust"){ /** Rust **/
    		level thread Rust();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_subbase"){ /** SubBase **/
    		level thread SubBase();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_terminal"){ /** Terminal **/
    		level thread Terminal();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_underpass"){ /** Underpass **/
    		level thread Underpass();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_abandon"){ /** Carnaval **/
    		level thread Carnaval();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_overgrown"){ /** overgrown **/
    		level thread Overgrown();
    		level.doCustomMap = 1;
    	if(level.doCustomMap == 1){
    		level.gameState = "starting";
    		level thread CreateMapWait();
    	 }else {
    		level.gameState = "starting";
    		wait 15;
    		level notify("CREATED");
    	level notify("CREATED");
    	foreach(player in level.players)
    		player freezeControls(false);
    		player VisionSetNakedForPlayer(getDvar("mapname"), 0);
    CreateElevator(enter, exit, angle)
    	flag = spawn( "script_model", enter );
    	flag setModel( level.elevator_model["enter"] );
    	wait 0.01;
    	flag = spawn( "script_model", exit );
    	flag setModel( level.elevator_model["exit"] );
    	wait 0.01;
    	self thread ElevatorThink(enter, exit, angle);
    CreateBlocks(pos, angle)
    	block = spawn("script_model", pos );
    	block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    	block.angles = angle;
    	block Solid();
    	block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    	wait 0.01;
    CreateDoors(open, close, angle, size, height, hp, range)
    	offset = (((size / 2) - 0.5) * -1);
    	center = spawn("script_model", open );
    	for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
    		door = spawn("script_model", open + ((0, 30, 0) * offset));
    		door setModel("com_plasticcase_enemy");
    		door Solid();
    		door CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    		door EnableLinkTo();
    		door LinkTo(center);
    		for(h = 1; h < height; h++){
    			door = spawn("script_model", open + ((0, 30, 0) * offset) - ((70, 0, 0) * h));
    			door setModel("com_plasticcase_enemy");
    			door Solid();
    			door CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    			door EnableLinkTo();
    			door LinkTo(center);
    		offset += 1;
    	center.angles = angle;
    	center.state = "open";
    	center.hp = hp;
    	center.range = range;
    	center thread DoorThink(open, close);
    	center thread DoorUse();
    	center thread ResetDoors(open, hp);
    	wait 0.01;
    CreateRamps(top, bottom)
    	D = Distance(top, bottom);
    	blocks = roundUp(D/30);
    	CX = top[0] - bottom[0];
    	CY = top[1] - bottom[1];
    	CZ = top[2] - bottom[2];
    	XA = CX/blocks;
    	YA = CY/blocks;
    	ZA = CZ/blocks;
    	CXY = Distance((top[0], top[1], 0), (bottom[0], bottom[1], 0));
    	Temp = VectorToAngles(top - bottom);
    	BA = (Temp[2], Temp[1] + 90, Temp[0]);
    	for(b = 0; b < blocks; b++){
    		block = spawn("script_model", (bottom + ((XA, YA, ZA) * b)));
    		block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    		block.angles = BA;
    		block Solid();
    		block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    		wait 0.01;
    	block = spawn("script_model", (bottom + ((XA, YA, ZA) * blocks) - (0, 0, 5)));
    	block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    	block.angles = (BA[0], BA[1], 0);
    	block Solid();
    	block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    	wait 0.001;
    CreateGrids(corner1, corner2, angle)
    	W = Distance((corner1[0], 0, 0), (corner2[0], 0, 0));
    	L = Distance((0, corner1[1], 0), (0, corner2[1], 0));
    	H = Distance((0, 0, corner1[2]), (0, 0, corner2[2]));
    	CX = corner2[0] - corner1[0];
    	CY = corner2[1] - corner1[1];
    	CZ = corner2[2] - corner1[2];
    	ROWS = roundUp(W/55);
    	COLUMNS = roundUp(L/30);
    	HEIGHT = roundUp(H/20);
    	XA = CX/ROWS;
    	ZA = CZ/HEIGHT;
    	center = spawn("script_model", corner1);
    	for(r = 0; r <= ROWS; r++){
    		for(c = 0; c <= COLUMNS; c++){
    			for(h = 0; h <= HEIGHT; h++){
    				block = spawn("script_model", (corner1 + (XA * r, YA * c, ZA * h)));
    				block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    				block.angles = (0, 0, 0);
    				block Solid();
    				block LinkTo(center);
    				block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    				wait 0.001;
    	center.angles = angle;
    CreateWalls(start, end)
    	D = Distance((start[0], start[1], 0), (end[0], end[1], 0));
    	H = Distance((0, 0, start[2]), (0, 0, end[2]));
    	blocks = roundUp(D/55);
    	height = roundUp(H/30);
    	CX = end[0] - start[0];
    	CY = end[1] - start[1];
    	CZ = end[2] - start[2];
    	XA = (CX/blocks);
    	YA = (CY/blocks);
    	ZA = (CZ/height);
    	TXA = (XA/4);
    	TYA = (YA/4);
    	Temp = VectorToAngles(end - start);
    	Angle = (0, Temp[1], 90);
    	for(h = 0; h < height; h++){
    		block = spawn("script_model", (start + (TXA, TYA, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    		block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    		block.angles = Angle;
    		block Solid();
    		block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    		wait 0.0001;
    		for(i = 1; i < blocks; i++){
    			block = spawn("script_model", (start + ((XA, YA, 0) * i) + (0, 0, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    			block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    			block.angles = Angle;
    			block Solid();
    			block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    			wait 0.0001;
    		block = spawn("script_model", ((end[0], end[1], start[2]) + (TXA * -1, TYA * -1, 10) + ((0, 0, ZA) * h)));
    		block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    		block.angles = Angle;
    		block Solid();
    		block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    		wait 0.0001;
    CreateCluster(amount, pos, radius)
    	for(i = 0; i < amount; i++)
    		half = radius / 2;
    		power = ((randomInt(radius) - half), (randomInt(radius) - half), 500);
    		block = spawn("script_model", pos + (0, 0, 1000) );
    		block setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
    		block.angles = (90, 0, 0);
    		block PhysicsLaunchServer((0, 0, 0), power);
    		block Solid();
    		block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
    		block thread ResetCluster(pos, radius);
    		wait 0.05;
    ElevatorThink(enter, exit, angle)
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		foreach(player in level.players)
    			if(Distance(enter, player.origin) <= 50){
    				player SetOrigin(exit);
    				player SetPlayerAngles(angle);
    		wait .25;
    DoorThink(open, close)
    		if(self.hp > 0){
    			self waittill ( "triggeruse" , player );
    			if( == "allies"){
    				if(self.state == "open"){
    					self MoveTo(close, level.doorwait);
    					wait level.doorwait;
    					self.state = "close";
    				if(self.state == "close"){
    					self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    					wait level.doorwait;
    					self.state = "open";
    			if( == "axis"){
    				if(self.state == "close"){
    					player iPrintlnBold("HIT");
    					wait 1;
    		} else {
    			if(self.state == "close"){
    				self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    			self.state = "broken";
    			wait .5;
    	self endon("disconnect");
    		foreach(player in level.players)
    			if(Distance(self.origin, player.origin) <= self.range){
    				if( == "allies"){
    					if(self.state == "open"){
    						player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Close ^7the door";
    					if(self.state == "close"){
    						player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Open ^7the door";
    					if(self.state == "broken"){
    						player.hint = "^1The uber/mahlazor DOOR is damaged :(";
    				if( == "axis"){
    					if(self.state == "close"){
    						player.hint = "Press ^3[{+activate}] ^7to ^2Attack ^7the door";
    					if(self.state == "broken"){
    						player.hint = "^1Door is Broken";
    				if(player.buttonPressed[ "+activate" ] == 1){
    					player.buttonPressed[ "+activate" ] = 0;
    					self notify( "triggeruse" , player);
    		wait .045;
    ResetDoors(open, hp)
    		level waittill("RESETDOORS");
    		self.hp = hp;
    		self MoveTo(open, level.doorwait);
    		self.state = "open";
    ResetCluster(pos, radius)
    	wait 5;
    	self RotateTo(((randomInt(36)*10), (randomInt(36)*10), (randomInt(36)*10)), 1);
    	level waittill("RESETCLUSTER");
    	self thread CreateCluster(1, pos, radius);
    	self delete();
    roundUp( floatVal )
    	if ( int( floatVal ) != floatVal )
    		return int( floatVal+1 );
    		return int( floatVal );
    	/* Made by Maarten551 */
    	CreateDoors((1200, 4756, 410), (1400, 4756, 410), (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 12, 200);
    	CreateRamps((2280, 1254, 142), (2548, 1168, 33));
    	CreateGrids((1688, 4746, 416), (1024, 5039, 416), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateRamps((1472, 4103, 256), (1356, 4720, 410));
    	CreateRamps((1552, 4103, 256), (1436, 4720, 410));
    	CreateWalls((1688, 4746, 416), (1500, 4746, 550));
    	CreateWalls((1024, 4746, 416), (1300, 4746, 550));
    	CreateWalls((1688, 4746, 416), (1688, 5039, 550));
    	CreateWalls((1024, 5039, 416), (1688, 5039, 550));
    	CreateWalls((1024, 5039, 416), (1024, 4746, 550));
    	/* Orginal */
    	CreateDoors((1590, -238, 160), (1590, -168, 160), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((1938, -125, 160), (1938, -15, 160), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateDoors((2297, 10, 160), (2297, -100, 160), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 10, 75);
    	CreateDoors((525, 1845, 162), (585, 1845, 162), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((-137, 1380, 226), (-137, 1505, 226), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateDoors((820, 1795, 165), (820, 1495, 165), (90, 0, 0), 12, 2, 40, 100);
    	CreateDoors((2806, 893, 210), (2806, 806, 210), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);
    	CreateElevator((-110, 2398, 124), (-125, 2263, 333), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-240, 1640, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-270, 1640, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-270, 1585, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-270, 1530, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-270, 1475, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-270, 1420, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-270, 1365, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-270, 1310, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-270, 1255, 422), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-970, 3018, 138), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-985, 3018, 148), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1000, 3018, 158), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1015, 3018, 168), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1030, 3018, 178), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1045, 3018, 188), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1060, 3018, 198), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1075, 3018, 208), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1090, 3018, 218), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1105, 3018, 228), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1120, 3018, 238), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1135, 3018, 248), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateRamps((-124, 2002, 437), (-124, 2189, 332));
    	CreateDoors((400, 1486, 128), (400, 1316, 128), (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    	CreateDoors((-61, 755, 128), (-161, 755, 128), (90, 90, 0), 3, 2, 20, 75);
    	CreateBlocks((-2378, 782, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-2388, 823, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-2398, 863, -130), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1098, 2623, 37), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3227, 3483, -101), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 245), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 245), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 275), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 275), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 305), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 305), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 335), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 335), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 245), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 245), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 275), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 275), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 305), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 305), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 335), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 335), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 395), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 395), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 425), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 425), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 455), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 455), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-371, 919, 485), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-383, 991, 485), (0, 100, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 395), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 395), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 425), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 425), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 455), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 455), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-349, 1115, 485), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-302, 1166, 485), (0, 50, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-55, 1231, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((8, 1217, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((102, 1188, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((162, 1168, 245), (0, -20, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-55, 1231, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((8, 1217, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((102, 1188, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((162, 1168, 275), (0, -20, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-3200, 998, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3200, 1028, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3200, 1058, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3200, 1088, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3200, 1118, -143), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3181, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3211, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3241, 3124, -218), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3181, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3211, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3241, 3124, -163), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-2622, 3676, -106), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3741, 3245, -200), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3821, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3791, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3761, 2170, -250), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3821, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3791, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-3761, 2170, -195), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-471, -126, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-547, -104, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-625, -84, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-702, -61, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-778, -38, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((-830, -13, 193), (0, 0, 90));
    	CreateBlocks((1333, -92, 210), (0, 0, 90));
    	CreateRamps((1025, 3563, 291), (692, 3563, 146));
    	CreateDoors((489, 1321, 212), (409, 1341, 212), (90, 70, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    	CreateDoors((421, 861, 212), (461, 1011, 212), (90, -20, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    	CreateDoors((64, 680, 212), (184, 640, 212), (90, 75, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    	CreateDoors((706, 575, 185), (791, 545, 185), (0, -15, 0), 6, 1, 25, 75);
    	CreateDoors((24, 477, 341), (48, 552, 341), (90, -15, 0), 3, 2, 5, 50);
    	/* Created by maarten551 */
    	CreateRamps((-2049, 1474, -251), (-2152 , 1226, -80));
    	CreateRamps((-1734, 843, -342), (-2230, 278, -80 ));
    	CreateWalls((-2737, 873, -34), (-2717, 808, 36));
    	CreateWalls((-2668, 611, -34), (-2685, 689, 36));
    	CreateWalls((-2668, 611, 96), (-2737, 873, 136));	
    	CreateGrids((-2670, 632, -34), (-3000 ,861 , -34), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((105, 1374, 138), (-1630, 1436, -252), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateElevator((1236, 3593, 146), (-1630, 1436, -252), (0, 270, 0));
    	/* Maarten551 map */
    	CreateElevator((-321, 2633, 335), (1985, 816 , 500), (0, 0, 0));	
    	CreateElevator((1993, 962, 500), (1824, -525, 728), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((1648, -1024, 728), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((763, -1983, 152), (404, 1677, 595), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((2809, -2212, 239), (2809, -2675, 230), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    	CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2809, -2400, 180));
    	CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 220), (2809, -2675, 240));
    	Createwalls((2236, -2212, 143), (2236, -2675, 180));
    	CreateWalls((2236, -2675, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
        CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2809, -2550, 180));
    	CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2236, -2675, 240));
    	CreateRamps((2650, -2600, 143), (2236, -2600, 220));
    	CreateDoors((2780, -2300, 143), (2809, -2485, 143), (0, 0, 0), 7, 2, 15, 50);
    	/* Orginal */
    	CreateDoors((-64, 277, 198), (-64, 337, 198), (90, -6, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((-438, 987, 310), (-438, 1047, 310), (90, 4, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((-625, -238, 174), (-625, -298, 174), (90, -9, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((893, 1056, 368), (833, 1056, 368), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateElevator((-910, -1463,214.365), (9946, 18430, 13851);
    	CreateDoors((80, 450, 198), (145, 450, 198), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572);
    	CreateRamps((-1499, 3064, 584), (-1323, 3254, 584));
    	CreateWalls((-2380, 6164, 2912),(-2380, 5973, 2942));
    	CreateWalls((-2380, 5973, 2912),(-2161, 5973, 2942));
    	CreateWalls((-2161, 5973, 2912),(-2161, 6158, 2942));
    	CreateWalls((-2380, 6164, 2912), (-2234, 6164, 2942));
    	CreateWalls((-2380, 6164, 2972),(-2380, 5973, 3032));
    	CreateWalls((-2380, 5973, 2972),(-2161, 5973, 3032));
    	CreateWalls((-2161, 5973, 2972),(-2161, 6158, 3032));
    	CreateWalls((-2380, 6164, 2972), (-2234, 6164, 3032));
    	CreateRamps((-2195, 6164, 2890), (-2198, 6466, 2776));
    	CreateWalls((-2234, 6164, 3002), (-2161, 6158, 3032));
    	CreateGrids((-2161, 6158, 3012), (-2380, 5973, 3012));
    	CreateDoors((-2296, 6164, 2912), (-2197, 6164, 2912), (90,90, 0), 3, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateWalls((-2816, 6871, 3216), (-2624, 6871, 3306));
    	/* ORGINAL */
    	CreateElevator((-2150, -2366, 268), (-2276, -1353, 573), (0, -90, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-1413, -1333, 270), (-1558, -1485, 1064), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-607, -984, 293), (-842, -1053, 878), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((-1400, -1850, 390), (-1359, -1455, 390), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1468, -1470, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1498, -1475, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1528, -1480, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1558, -1485, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1588, -1490, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1618, -1495, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1648, -1500, 1044), (0, -80, 0));
    	/* CREATED BY MAARTEN551 */
    	CreateElevator((1250, -2951, 306), (853, -700, 584), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-2808, -3744, 291), (-842, -1053, 878), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-2409, -1409, 268), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((487, -489, 242), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((2141, -1055, 296), (1773, -771, 624), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((1377, -1916, 568), (728, -1794, 568), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((1377, -1916, 700), (920, -1752, 700), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((25, 519, 200), (25, 457, 336), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-525, 520, 336), (-522, 783, 336), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((25, 854, 336), (25, 854, 472), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-522, 783, 472), (-525, 520, 472), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((25, 457, 472), (25, 457, 608), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-525, 520, 608), (-522, 783, 608), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((561, 116, 176), (568, -67, 280), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((800, 206, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((800, 256, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((800, 375, 254), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((479, -831, 369), (90, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((768, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((814, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((860, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((916, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((962, -253, 582), (90, -45, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((415, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((360, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((305, -777, 582), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((516, -74, 564), (90, 90, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((516, -74, 619), (90, 90, 0));
    	CreateRamps((559, -255, 554), (559, -99, 415));
    	CreateBlocks((-5817, -319, -88), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-5817, -289, -108), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateRamps((-3742, -1849, 304), (-3605, -1849, 224));
    	CreateRamps((-3428, -1650, 224), (-3188, -1650, 160));
    	CreateRamps((-3412, -1800, 416), (-3735, -1800, 304));
    	CreateGrids((-3520, -1880, 320), (-3215, -2100, 320), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((-3100, -1725, 400), (-2740, -1840, 400), (3, 0, 0));
    	/* Maarten551 maps */
    	CreateElevator((1986, -2364, 372), (1036, -2607, 340), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((935, -3022, 341), (1583, -603, 344), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((1980, -518, 329), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((2330, 1224, -79), (1612, -184, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-454, 1162, 25), (2616, -524, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-695, -267, 184), (2616, -524, -127), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((470, -39, -123), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-395, 1772, 174), (2497, 234, -125), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((4234, 150, -127), (-447, -5, 60), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateWalls((3465, 241, -127), (3123, 241, 0));
    	CreateWalls((3465, 241, -127), (3465, -127, 0));
    	CreateWalls((3123, 241, -20), (3123, -127, 0));
    	CreateWalls((3123, -127, -127), (3465, -127, 0));
    	CreateWalls((3123, 241, -127), (3123, 130, -85));
    	CreateWalls((3123, -127, -127), (3123, -10, -85));
    	CreateDoors((3160, 130, -127), (3123, 50, -127), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateGrids((3465, 241, -10), (3505, -127, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((3160, 241, -10), (3120, -127, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((3120, 241, -10), (3505, 280, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((3120, -127, -10), (3505, -170, -10), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateRamps((3250, 180, -127), (3430, 180, -10));
    	CreateWalls((4882, -681, -127), (4882, 295, 20));
    	/* orginal */
    	CreateDoors((360, -1462, 202), (300, -1342, 202), (90, 25, 0), 3, 2, 10, 75);
    	CreateDoors((460, -1420, 206), (400, -1300, 206), (90, 25, 0), 3, 2, 10, 75);
    	CreateDoors((30, -1630, 186), (-30, -1510, 186), (90, 25, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateDoors((-280, -1482, 186), (-220, -1602, 186), (90, 25, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateBlocks((385, -1660, 40), (0, 120, 90));
    	CreateRamps((-597, -280, 212), (-332, -522, 180));
    	CreateRamps((726, -389, 142), (560, -373, 13));
    	CreateRamps((2250, -1155, 306), (1905, -876, 200));
    	CreateRamps((850, -3125, 312), (535, -3125, 189));
    	CreateRamps((1775, 450, 144), (1775, 735, -5));
    CreateWalls((-3075, 876, 219), (-3075, 631, 225));
    CreateGrids((-3473, 634, 205), (-3094, 873,205), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateDoors((-3093, 820, 105), (-3100, 707, 105), (90, 0, 0), 5, 2, 30, 75);
    CreateRamps((-3171, 1083, 105), (-3459, 1090, 203));
    CreateWalls((-3036, 1145, 105), (-3028, 876, 200));
    CreateWalls((-3028, 876, 105), (-3093, 876, 200));
    CreateWalls((-3093, 876, 105), (-3097, 802, 200));
    CreateRamps((-2232, 786, -229), (-3025, 762, 105));
    CreateWalls((-3036, 1145, 105), (-3478, 1140, 200));
    CreateWalls((-3478, 1140, 105), (-3475, 634, 200));
    CreateWalls((-3475, 634, 105), (-3031, 637, 200));
    CreateGrids((-3463, 640, 91), (-3051, 1140, 91), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1310.22, 123.959, -230.674), (-1631, 1062, -212));
    CreateElevator((4848.68, 1451.74, -284.095), (694.812, 1787.63, -211.602));
    CreateWalls((5694.47, -13258.9, -213.17), (5655.69, -13452.1, -197.543));
    CreateWalls((5695, -13258.9, -158.026), (5660.25, -13458.1, -146.907));
    CreateWalls((16986.4, -13284.6, -192.955), (16895.7, -12743.9, -190.563));
    CreateWalls((16986.4, -13284.6, -122.955), (16895.7, -12743.9, -120.563));
    CreateElevator((-1975.06, 5026.62, -120.989), (694.812, 1787.63, -211.602));
    CreateElevator((741.085, -2972.82, -122.515), (13015.4, -13526.6, -239.874));
    	CreateBlocks((420, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((475, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((530, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((585, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((640, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((695, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((750, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((805, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((860, 1636, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((420, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((475, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((530, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((585, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((640, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((695, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((750, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((805, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((860, 1606, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((420, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((475, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((530, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((585, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((640, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((695, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((750, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((805, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((860, 1576, 174), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-1541, -80, 1), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateBlocks((-1517.7, -80, 16.3), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateBlocks((-1494.4, -80, 31.6), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateBlocks((-1471.1, -80, 46.9), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateBlocks((-1447.8, -80, 62.2), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateBlocks((-1424.5, -80, 77.5), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateBlocks((-1401.2, -80, 92.8), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateBlocks((-1377.9, -80, 108.1), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateBlocks((-1354.6, -80, 123.4), (0, 90, -33.3));
    	CreateElevator((10, 1659, -72), (860, 1606, 194), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateDoors((1992, 266, -130), (1992, 336, -130), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((1992, 710, -130), (1992, 640, -130), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateElevator((-725, -410, 136), (-910, -620, 570), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateRamps((-705, -830, 688), (-495, -830, 608));
    	CreateRamps((-580, -445, 608), (-580, -375, 568));
    	CreateRamps((1690, 325, 213), (1890, 325, 108));
    	CreateGrids((-1540, -1687, 600), (-275, -1687, 660), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((-1060, -1535, 584), (-470, -1650, 584), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((-700, -120, 580), (-700, -120, 640), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateGrids((-705, -490, 580), (-705, -770, 580), (-45, 0, 0));
    	mgTurret = spawnTurret( "misc_turret", (1189.06, -3949, 475.125), "pavelow_minigun_mp" ); 
        mgTurret setModel( "weapon_minigun" );
    	mgTurret.angles = (0, 140, 0);
    	CreateBlocks((-1506, 800, 123), (0, 0, 45));
    	CreateDoors((-503, -3642, 22), (-313, -3642, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    	CreateDoors((-423, -3086, 22), (-293, -3086, 22), (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 20, 75);
    	CreateDoors((-183, -3299, 22), (-393, -3299, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    	CreateDoors((1100, -1138, 294), (1100, -1078, 294), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((331, -1400, 294), (331, -1075, 294), (90, 0, 0), 11, 2, 40, 100);
    	CreateDoors((-839, -1249, 278), (-839, -1319, 278), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((-1428, -1182, 278), (-1498, -1182, 278), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((-435, -50, 111), (-380, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((-643, -50, 111), (-708, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((1178, -438, 102), (1248, -438, 102), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateDoors((1112, -90, 246), (1112, -160, 246), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    	CreateElevator((-1571, -2056, 61), (1188.68, -4251.23, 444.808));
    	CreateElevator((2453, 828, -231), (1188.68, -4251.23, 444.808));
    	CreateElevator((2249, 1571, 32), (1719, 585, 89));
    	CreateRamps((1184, -4431, 423), (1189, -5006, 175));
    	CreateElevator((903, -4105, 294), (527, 900, -239));
    	CreateRamps((1288, -4649, 166), (1710, -4652, 0.125009));
    	CreateWalls((1317, 713, -239), (1317, 728, -119));
    	CreateDoors((1323, 984, -231), (1290, 695, -231), (90, 0, 0), 16, 2, 25, 75);
    	CreateWalls((1319, 979, -231), (1319, 979, -92));
    	CreateElevator((2859, 4529, 192), (3045, 4480, 250), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((2975, 4080, 192), (2882, 4289, 55), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((520, 7375, 192), (-898, 5815, 460), (0, -90, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-670, 5860, 460), (1585, 7175, 200), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-895, 4300, 392), (-895, 4300, 570), (0, 90, 0));
    	CreateWalls((-640, 4910, 390), (-640, 4685, 660));
    	CreateWalls((-1155, 4685, 390), (-1155, 4910, 660));
    	CreateWalls((-570, 5440, 460), (-640, 4930, 660));
    	CreateWalls((-1155, 4930, 460), (-1155, 5945, 660));
    	CreateWalls((-1155, 5945, 460), (-910, 5945, 660));
    	CreateWalls((-1105, 4665, 392), (-965, 4665, 512));
    	CreateWalls((-825, 4665, 392), (-685, 4665, 512));
    	CreateWalls((3375, 2715, 195), (3765, 3210, 245));
    	CreateWalls((4425, 3580, 195), (4425, 3230, 315));
    	CreateWalls((4425, 3580, 380), (4425, 3230, 440));
    	CreateWalls((4045, 3615, 382), (3850, 3615, 412));
    	CreateWalls((2960, 2800, 379), (3250, 2800, 409));
    	CreateDoors((-705, 4665, 412), (-895, 4665, 412), (90, -90, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    	CreateDoors((3860, 3305, 212), (3860, 3485, 212), (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 30, 100);
    	CreateRamps((3620, 2415, 369), (4015, 2705, 192));
    	CreateGrids((4380, 2330, 360), (4380, 2980, 360), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((1635, 2470, 121), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((2675, 3470, 207), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-415, 3185, 392), (-1630, 3565, 1035), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((1110, 1105, 632), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((-2740, 3145, 1100), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateBlocks((2444, 1737, 465), (90, 0, 0));
    	CreateWalls((-1100, 3850, 1030), (-1100, 3085, 1160));
    	CreateWalls((-2730, 3453, 1030), (-2730, 3155, 1150));
    	CreateWalls((-2730, 3155, 1030), (-3330, 3155, 1180));
    	CreateWalls((-3330, 3155, 1030), (-3330, 3890, 1180));
    	CreateWalls((-3330, 3890, 1030), (-2730, 3890, 1180));
    	CreateWalls((-2730, 3890, 1030), (-2730, 3592, 1150));
    	CreateWalls((-2730, 3890, 1150), (-2730, 3155, 1180));
    	CreateDoors((-2730, 3400, 1052), (-2730, 3522.5, 1052), (90, 180, 0), 4, 2, 20, 75);
    	CreateRamps((-3285, 3190, 1125), (-3285, 3353, 1030));
    	CreateRamps((-3285, 3855, 1125), (-3285, 3692, 1030));
    	CreateGrids((-2770, 3190, 1120), (-3230, 3190, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((-2770, 3855, 1120), (-3230, 3855, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((-2770, 3220, 1120), (-2770, 3825, 1120), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateCluster(20, (-3030, 3522.5, 1030), 250);
    	CreateDoors((1344, -778, -33), (1344, -898, -33), (90, 0, 0), 5, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateDoors((684, -695, -16), (684, -825, -16), (90, 0, 0), 5, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateDoors((890, -120, -12), (760, -120, -12), (90, 90, 0), 5, 2, 15, 125);
    	CreateDoors((958, -1072, -36), (958, -972, -36), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);
    	CreateDoors((1057, -648, -36), (997, -748, -36), (90, 0, 0), 3, 2, 10, 50);
    	/* Made by Maarten551 */
    	CreateDoors((10895, 12581, 1298), (11070, 12581, 1295), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 50);
    	CreateElevator((218, -618, -26), (11288, 14676, 1298), (0, 300, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-2336, -1348, 32), (11046, 14518, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-1021, 1263, 77), (11232, 14122, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateElevator((2836, 978, -124), (10917, 13826, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateElevator((2348, -1855, -13), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateElevator((10972, 15651, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateElevator((10153, 13558, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateElevator((12211, 12686, 304), (11046, 13421, 1298), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateElevator((11094, 10308, 1298), (912, 1213, 127), (0, 270, 0));
    	CreateWalls((10798, 12581, 1298), (10955, 12581, 1340));
    	CreateWalls((11167, 12581, 1298), (11379, 12581, 1340));
    	CreateWalls((10760, 12581, 1172), (10500, 12581, 1340));
    	CreateWalls((11379, 12581, 1172), (11600, 12581, 1340));	
    	CreateRamps((10850, 11700, 1198), (10850, 12300, 1448));
    	CreateRamps((11300, 11700, 1198), (11300, 12300, 1448));
    	CreateRamps((10760, 14222, 1172), (10761, 14522, 1294));
    	CreateRamps((10760, 10414, 1172), (10761, 10196, 1294));
    	CreateGrids((10798, 12581, 1450), (11379, 12300, 1450), (0, 0, 0));
    	/* Made by Maarten551 */
    	CreateDoors((440, 9800, 450), (440, 9880, 450), (90, 0, 0), 4, 2, 15, 75);
    	CreateElevator((940, 789, 284), (2154, 2037, 77), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((2202, 1704, 191), (-531, 9510, 468), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((376, -1905, 19), (4091, -403, -42), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((3296, -354, -49), (-635, 10277, 468), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((2637, -886, 300), (-417, -1239, 72), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((-608, -745, 72), (-762, 9785, 475), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateElevator((1682, 10196, 475), (1033, -1311, 303), (0, 180, 0));
    	CreateWalls((995, 10110, 450), (995, 9678, 620));
    	CreateWalls((995, 9678, 450), (440, 9678, 620));
    	CreateWalls((995, 10110, 450), (440, 10110, 620));
    	CreateWalls((440, 10110, 450), ( 440, 9950, 520));
    	CreateWalls((440, 9678, 450), (440, 9800 , 520));
    	CreateWalls((440, 10110, 580), (440, 9678, 620));
    	CreateRamps((550, 9800, 450), (790, 9800, 588));
    	CreateGrids((440, 10050, 580), (998, 9850, 574), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateGrids((995, 9678, 580), (800, 9850, 581), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateWalls((-1267, 9263, 480), (-1267, 10340, 520));
    	CreateWalls((2071, 9331, 480), (2071, 10387, 520));
    	CreateWalls((-1267, 10387, 480), (2071, 10387, 520));
    	/* Created by maarten551 */
    	CreateRamps((1096, -4260, -13), (500, -4388, 109));
    	CreateGrids((500, -4200, 114), (143, -4667, 114), (0, 0, 0));
    	CreateWalls((500, -4200, 114), (143, -4200, 275));
    	/* Door Stuff */
    	CreateWalls((500, -4200, 114), (500, -4301, 160));
    	CreateWalls((500, -4667, 114), (500, -4489, 160));
    	CreateWalls((500, -4200, 220), (500, -4667, 275));
    	CreateDoors((510, -4301, 120), (500, -4400, 120),(90, 0, 0), 5, 2, 15, 75);
    	/* End Door Stuff */
    	CreateWalls((143, -4667, 114), (500, -4667, 275));
    	CreateWalls((143, -4667, 114), (143, -4200, 275));

  2. #2
    spiritwo's Avatar
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    You need to add the end angle to the elevators:
    CreateElevator((-910, -1463,214.365), (9946, 18430, 13851);
    CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572);

    /* Maarten551 map */
    CreateElevator((-321, 2633, 335), (1985, 816 , 500), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1993, 962, 500), (1824, -525, 728), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1648, -1024, 728), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((763, -1983, 152), (404, 1677, 595), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((2809, -2212, 239), (2809, -2675, 230), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2809, -2400, 180));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 220), (2809, -2675, 240));
    Createwalls((2236, -2212, 143), (2236, -2675, 180));
    CreateWalls((2236, -2675, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2809, -2550, 180));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2236, -2675, 240));
    CreateRamps((2650, -2600, 143), (2236, -2600, 220));
    CreateDoors((2780, -2300, 143), (2809, -2485, 143), (0, 0, 0), 7, 2, 15, 50);
    /* Orginal */
    CreateDoors((-64, 277, 198), (-64, 337, 198), (90, -6, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-438, 987, 310), (-438, 1047, 310), (90, 4, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-625, -238, 174), (-625, -298, 174), (90, -9, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((893, 1056, 368), (833, 1056, 368), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateElevator((-910, -1463,214.365), (9946, 18430, 13851), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateDoors((80, 450, 198), (145, 450, 198), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((-1499, 3064, 584), (-1323, 3254, 584));


    mgTurret = spawnTurret( "misc_turret", (1189.06, -3949, 475.125), "pavelow_minigun_mp" );
    mgTurret setModel( "weapon_minigun" );
    mgTurret.angles = (0, 140, 0);
    CreateBlocks((-1506, 800, 123), (0, 0, 45));
    CreateDoors((-503, -3642, 22), (-313, -3642, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((-423, -3086, 22), (-293, -3086, 22), (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((-183, -3299, 22), (-393, -3299, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((1100, -1138, 294), (1100, -1078, 294), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((331, -1400, 294), (331, -1075, 294), (90, 0, 0), 11, 2, 40, 100);
    CreateDoors((-839, -1249, 278), (-839, -1319, 278), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-1428, -1182, 278), (-1498, -1182, 278), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-435, -50, 111), (-380, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-643, -50, 111), (-708, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1178, -438, 102), (1248, -438, 102), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1112, -90, 246), (1112, -160, 246), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateElevator((-1571, -2056, 61), (1188.68, -4251.23, 444.808), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((2453, 828, -231), (1188.68, -4251.23, 444.808), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((2249, 1571, 32), (1719, 585, 89), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((1184, -4431, 423), (1189, -5006, 175));
    CreateElevator((903, -4105, 294), (527, 900, -239), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((1288, -4649, 166), (1710, -4652, 0.125009));
    CreateWalls((1317, 713, -239), (1317, 728, -119));
    CreateDoors((1323, 984, -231), (1290, 695, -231), (90, 0, 0), 16, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateWalls((1319, 979, -231), (1319, 979, -92));

    "Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid."

    Spiritwo |

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to spiritwo For This Useful Post:

    JoeAbunga (10-23-2010)

  4. #3
    JoeAbunga's Avatar
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    Jul 2010
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    it didnt help

    Quote Originally Posted by spiritwo View Post
    You need to add the end angle to the elevators:
    CreateElevator((-910, -1463,214.365), (9946, 18430, 13851);
    CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572);

    /* Maarten551 map */
    CreateElevator((-321, 2633, 335), (1985, 816 , 500), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1993, 962, 500), (1824, -525, 728), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((1648, -1024, 728), (5047, -2867, 216), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((763, -1983, 152), (404, 1677, 595), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateGrids((2809, -2212, 239), (2809, -2675, 230), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 143), (2809, -2400, 180));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2212, 220), (2809, -2675, 240));
    Createwalls((2236, -2212, 143), (2236, -2675, 180));
    CreateWalls((2236, -2675, 143), (2236, -2212, 240));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2809, -2550, 180));
    CreateWalls((2809, -2675, 143), (2236, -2675, 240));
    CreateRamps((2650, -2600, 143), (2236, -2600, 220));
    CreateDoors((2780, -2300, 143), (2809, -2485, 143), (0, 0, 0), 7, 2, 15, 50);
    /* Orginal */
    CreateDoors((-64, 277, 198), (-64, 337, 198), (90, -6, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-438, 987, 310), (-438, 1047, 310), (90, 4, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-625, -238, 174), (-625, -298, 174), (90, -9, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((893, 1056, 368), (833, 1056, 368), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateElevator((-910, -1463,214.365), (9946, 18430, 13851), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateDoors((80, 450, 198), (145, 450, 198), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((-1499, 3064, 584), (-1323, 3254, 584));


    mgTurret = spawnTurret( "misc_turret", (1189.06, -3949, 475.125), "pavelow_minigun_mp" );
    mgTurret setModel( "weapon_minigun" );
    mgTurret.angles = (0, 140, 0);
    CreateBlocks((-1506, 800, 123), (0, 0, 45));
    CreateDoors((-503, -3642, 22), (-313, -3642, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((-423, -3086, 22), (-293, -3086, 22), (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 20, 75);
    CreateDoors((-183, -3299, 22), (-393, -3299, 22), (90, 90, 0), 7, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateDoors((1100, -1138, 294), (1100, -1078, 294), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((331, -1400, 294), (331, -1075, 294), (90, 0, 0), 11, 2, 40, 100);
    CreateDoors((-839, -1249, 278), (-839, -1319, 278), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-1428, -1182, 278), (-1498, -1182, 278), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-435, -50, 111), (-380, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((-643, -50, 111), (-708, -50, 111), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1178, -438, 102), (1248, -438, 102), (90, 90, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateDoors((1112, -90, 246), (1112, -160, 246), (90, 0, 0), 2, 2, 5, 50);
    CreateElevator((-1571, -2056, 61), (1188.68, -4251.23, 444.808), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((2453, 828, -231), (1188.68, -4251.23, 444.808), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateElevator((2249, 1571, 32), (1719, 585, 89), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((1184, -4431, 423), (1189, -5006, 175));
    CreateElevator((903, -4105, 294), (527, 900, -239), (0, 0, 0));
    CreateRamps((1288, -4649, 166), (1710, -4652, 0.125009));
    CreateWalls((1317, 713, -239), (1317, 728, -119));
    CreateDoors((1323, 984, -231), (1290, 695, -231), (90, 0, 0), 16, 2, 25, 75);
    CreateWalls((1319, 979, -231), (1319, 979, -92));

    i did and i still get syntax eror
    Quote Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL View Post
    Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL
    Or how about an erotic gamemode for once. Where if there's a girl in the match you can choose to rape her - or else it'll just be gay porn. Then the people here on MPGH has something to do.

    /yea/I think we have a winer

    Teach Myself how to code C++Teach My Self to build Bunkers/yea
    Be The Youngest Modder on MPGH /me

  5. #4
    spiritwo's Avatar
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    Have you messed with the code anywhere else?
    "Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid."

    Spiritwo |

  6. #5
    [WhA]4FunPlayin's Avatar
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    Missing )
    CreateElevator((-910, -1463,214.365), (9946, 18430, 13851); 
    CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572);

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to [WhA]4FunPlayin For This Useful Post:

    JoeAbunga (10-23-2010)

  8. #6
    spiritwo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [WhA]4FunPlayin View Post
    Missing )
    CreateElevator((-910, -1463,214.365), (9946, 18430, 13851); 
    CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572);
    yah i know i was saying hes gotta add onto those
    "Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid."

    Spiritwo |

  9. #7
    JoeAbunga's Avatar
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    it still dosent work i did every thing you guys said
    Quote Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL View Post
    Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL
    Or how about an erotic gamemode for once. Where if there's a girl in the match you can choose to rape her - or else it'll just be gay porn. Then the people here on MPGH has something to do.

    /yea/I think we have a winer

    Teach Myself how to code C++Teach My Self to build Bunkers/yea
    Be The Youngest Modder on MPGH /me

  10. #8
    TheSaboteur's Avatar
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    omg! fail... comon guys...
    it's :
    CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572));

    )) at the end!

    thanks if it helped

    Bring a Ding Ding Baby!

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to TheSaboteur For This Useful Post:

    JoeAbunga (10-24-2010)

  12. #9
    JoeAbunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSaboteur View Post
    omg! fail... comon guys...
    it's :
    CreateElevator((-2932, 3606,296.365), (-1841, 3855, 572));

    )) at the end!

    thanks if it helped
    Quote Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL View Post
    Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL
    Or how about an erotic gamemode for once. Where if there's a girl in the match you can choose to rape her - or else it'll just be gay porn. Then the people here on MPGH has something to do.

    /yea/I think we have a winer

    Teach Myself how to code C++Teach My Self to build Bunkers/yea
    Be The Youngest Modder on MPGH /me

  13. #10
    prisma's Avatar
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    R u sure it is in MapEdit ?

  14. #11
    JoeAbunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prisma View Post
    R u sure it is in MapEdit ?
    yes im sure it is
    Quote Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL View Post
    Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL
    Or how about an erotic gamemode for once. Where if there's a girl in the match you can choose to rape her - or else it'll just be gay porn. Then the people here on MPGH has something to do.

    /yea/I think we have a winer

    Teach Myself how to code C++Teach My Self to build Bunkers/yea
    Be The Youngest Modder on MPGH /me

  15. #12
    spiritwo's Avatar
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    Subbase and favela are the only things in the entire code you've changed?
    "Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid."

    Spiritwo |

  16. #13
    JoeAbunga's Avatar
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    i fixed the cordinates mod but the zombie dosent work
    Quote Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL View Post
    Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL
    Or how about an erotic gamemode for once. Where if there's a girl in the match you can choose to rape her - or else it'll just be gay porn. Then the people here on MPGH has something to do.

    /yea/I think we have a winer

    Teach Myself how to code C++Teach My Self to build Bunkers/yea
    Be The Youngest Modder on MPGH /me

  17. #14
    JoeAbunga's Avatar
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    i fixed it there was no Favela() im an idiot pls mark as solved
    Quote Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL View Post
    Originally Posted by AZUMIKKEL
    Or how about an erotic gamemode for once. Where if there's a girl in the match you can choose to rape her - or else it'll just be gay porn. Then the people here on MPGH has something to do.

    /yea/I think we have a winer

    Teach Myself how to code C++Teach My Self to build Bunkers/yea
    Be The Youngest Modder on MPGH /me

  18. #15
    Blubb1337's Avatar
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    /marked as solved

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