This is pretty basic, but I figured I'd post it up so other people don't have to sort through the numbers. I've only tested this with my game, but It works on other people's servers, so it should be fine.

The basic premise of this is to make it so that whenever someone gets out of a weasel tank, or when one spawns, you start driving it (you can be anywhere on the field, you'll be teleported to it's location). This WILL NOT work if you are in another vehicle when a weasel tank becomes available, so I suggest moving around on foot alot.

This will require knowledge of WPE Pro, I suggest to learn about it.

First, you need to get the vehicle enter packet. How you go about this will be different depending on which color you are.

If you are GREEN:
Walk up to the RIGHT TURRET in your base. The RIGHT one. As in NOT LEFT. The left one belongs to a different set than the weasel tanks, it's no good. Anyway, start logging, and press F to start operating the turret. Stop logging, and look through your results. There should be one near the end with 38 or 39 bytes. Add it to your send list TWICE, since there are two weasel tanks you want to be ready to jump into. Start editing the first packet. On either the 6th or 7th group of two symbols, depending on whether it's 38 or 39 bytes, one group should be "FA". Rewrite this group to be "F1". Start editing the other packet, and replace the "FA" in this one with "F6". Set the send list to use the right socket ID, make it send continuously at intervals of 100 miliseconds, and you should automatically jump into and start driving any unoccupied weasel tank, regardless of where you are in relation to it on the map (as long as you aren't in another vehicel--yes, turrets count).

If you are ORANGE:
Things are a little more complicated. Both your turrets belong to the wrong group, so you'll have to use something that isn't tied down. I have the numbers for the bicycle on the left side of your base, the bicycle on the right side of your base, and the car at the back (left and right refer to your left and right while facing towards your enemies' base). Pick one of these and start logging. Start operating one of them, stop logging, and look through your packets. There should be one near the end that's 38 or 39 bytes long. Add it to your send list TWICE, since there are two weasel tanks you want to be ready to jump into. Start editing the first one. Now, depending on which vehicle you picked, you should see one of these numbers on the second line in either the 6th or 7th group of two characters:
Left Bicycle: F0
Right Bicycle: F3
Car: FB
Replace it with the group "F1". Do the same for the second one, except replace the original group with "F6". Set the send list to use the right socket ID, make it send continuously at intervals of 100 miliseconds, and you should automatically jump into and start driving any unoccupied weasel tank, regardless of where you are in relation to it on the map (as long as you aren't in another vehicel--yes, turrets count).

There you have it. Some final parting words:
Yes, you could just record the packet to get into each tank by entering it, but that takes forever to get the enemies' packet in most games. Yes, since the left green turret and the two orange turrets are in the same group, you can find out their numbers and "teleport" into the enemy's base. If you got the gist of what was going on above, then you should only need the numbers, which is good because that's all I feel like typing up.
Orange Gunner Right: F1
Orange Gunner left: F2
Green Gunner Left: F3
Combining this with an autorepair hack is always good, since you can't get out of the damn thing while the cheat's running (the one problem with it). Once again, can probably help you out on that front.

So, yeah. Enjoy. I'll get some numbers for havana if this gets a positive would probably be easier, in fact, since most of havana's vehicles are in the same group (I think).