So, I found myself in Purple's clan room and he and I were actually playing and having fun. No argument or anything and then he poked fun to an Aussie friend about McDonald and I joked and goes, "McDonald is in Australia? What do they served Koala Burgers?" And I shit you not I had 5 people going. "RACIST" OH LORD HE IS A RACIST.

Me being Mouzie explained to that isn't racism as racism is a hatred toward a group.. since when the fuck do I throw a little joke at one's country 'racism' I see them making fun of the United States all the time (they tried an American joke on me.. but.. ain't an American!)

Of course with the lame comebacks and people calling me a racist, I felt like I did a good job weeding out the retarded people. Now, I feel really bad for Purple because now he have to hang out with a bunch of retarded koala fucking jackasses.. because they can't understand what racism is.. STEROTYPING is the right word. But then again, everyone fucking do it.

Why am I making this post, because I fucking can. I would make a video about it.. but then again that would me look like a moron.. I might make a video.