Thread: XUID Generator

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  1. #1
    Convary's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    XUID Generator

    This was taking from a link in NTAuthority's signature, which (supposedly) is the source code of the XUID generator in alterIW's code. As you know, batfitch has already bypassed the XUID gen with a spoofer, but this could be helpful for other scripters that wish to use it. If not, ah well.

    Pastebin Link: C++ | unsigned int hash(unsigned char* inpStr, size_t le - Meh


    unsigned int hash(unsigned char* inpStr, size_t len)
    	unsigned int value = 0,temp = 0;
    	for(size_t i=0;i<len;i++)
    		temp = inpStr[i];
    		temp += value;
    		value = temp << 10;
    		temp += value;
    		value = temp >> 6;
    		value ^= temp;
    	temp = value << 3;
    	temp += value;
    	unsigned int temp2 = temp >> 11;
    	temp = temp2 ^ temp;
    	temp2 = temp << 15;
    	value = temp2 + temp;
    	if(value < 2) value += 2;
    	return value;
    Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey^ GetNetworkRegistryKey(String^ id) {
    		Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey^ networkInterfaceKey = Microsoft::Win32::Registry::LocalMachine->OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}", false);
    		cli::array<String^>^ keyNames = networkInterfaceKey->GetSubKeyNames();
    		for each (String^ keyName in keyNames) {
    			Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey^ key = networkInterfaceKey->OpenSubKey(keyName);
    			String^ value = (String^)key->GetValue("NetCfgInstanceId", "");
    			if (value == id) {
    				return key;
    		return nullptr;
    	catch (System::Security::SecurityException^)
    		return nullptr;
    String^ GetDeviceIDForDriverKey(String^ key)
    	int index = 0;
    	char buffer[1024];
    	String^ deviceID = "";
    	SP_DEVINFO_DATA data;
    	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
    	data.cbSize = sizeof(data);
    	while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(handle, index, &data))
    		if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA(handle, &data, SPDRP_DRIVER, NULL, (PBYTE)buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL))
    			String^ key2 = gcnew String(buffer);
    			if (key->Replace("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\", "")->ToLower() == key2->ToLower())
    				if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA(handle, &data, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, (PBYTE)buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL))
    					deviceID = gcnew String(buffer);
    	int err = GetLastError();
    	if (handle)
    	return deviceID;
    bool IsValidInterface(String^ id, bool legacy) {
    	if (Environment::OSVersion->Platform != PlatformID::Win32Windows && Environment::OSVersion->Platform != PlatformID::Win32NT) {
    		return true;
    	Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey^ key = GetNetworkRegistryKey(id);
    	if (key == nullptr) {
    		return false;
    	String^ deviceID = GetDeviceIDForDriverKey(key->Name->Replace("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\", ""));//(String^)key->GetValue("MatchingDeviceId", "");
    	String^ deviceID2 = "";//(String^)key->GetValue("DeviceInstanceId", "");
    	if (legacy)
    		deviceID = (String^)key->GetValue("DeviceInstanceId", "");
    		return (deviceID->ToLower()->StartsWith("pci"));
    	return (deviceID->ToLower()->StartsWith("pci") || deviceID->ToLower()->StartsWith("usb") || deviceID->ToLower()->StartsWith("{") || deviceID2->ToLower()->StartsWith("pci"));
    String^ WhyInvalidInterface(String^ id) {
    	if (Environment::OSVersion->Platform != PlatformID::Win32Windows && Environment::OSVersion->Platform != PlatformID::Win32NT) {
    		return "BECAUSE I'M COOL";
    	Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey^ key = GetNetworkRegistryKey(id);
    	if (key == nullptr) {
    		return "NULLPTR";
    	String^ deviceID = (String^)key->GetValue("MatchingDeviceId", "");
    	String^ deviceID2 = (String^)key->GetValue("DeviceInstanceId", "");
    	String^ deviceID3 = GetDeviceIDForDriverKey(key->Name->Replace("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\", "")); // edit: this code wasn't used originally, and isn't used in currently released code ;)
    	return ("#1: " + deviceID->ToLower() + " #2: " + deviceID2->ToLower() + " #3 (AwesomeID): " + deviceID3->ToLower());
    char* lolololol = "ATTN: developer of that weird registry hook\r\nI'm sorry, but it seems you didn't read rule #724865. Read it, apply it, and maybe I'll give up. By the way, your actions did have some results: banning doesn't result in a ban anymore.";
    bool IsConnectedInterface(String^ id) {
    	if (Environment::OSVersion->Platform != PlatformID::Win32Windows && Environment::OSVersion->Platform != PlatformID::Win32NT) {
    		return true;
    	Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey^ key = GetNetworkRegistryKey(id);
    	if (key == nullptr) {
    		return false;
    	cli::array<String^>^ values = key->GetValueNames();
    	String^ valueName = "";
    	bool hasProviderName = false;
    	for each (String^ value in values) {
    		if (value->ToLower()->StartsWith("ne") && value->ToLower()->Contains("re")) {
    			valueName = value;
    		if (value->ToLower()->StartsWith("pr") && value->ToLower()->Contains("rn")) {
    			hasProviderName = true;
    	if (valueName == "") {
    		return true;
    	String^ valueData = (String^)key->GetValue(valueName, "ne");
    	return (valueData == String::Empty) && hasProviderName;
    unsigned int steamID = 0;
    bool gotFakeSteamID = true;
    bool useNewAuthFunctions = true;
    bool connectedInterface = true;
    bool steamIDLegacy = false;
    void SetSteamIDLegacy(bool legacy)
    	steamIDLegacy = legacy;
    	steamID = 0;
    void ErrorWithWebLink(String^ error, String^ webLink);
    unsigned int GetPlayerSteamID() {
    	//return 51393034;
    	//StreamReader^ reader = File::OpenText("steamID.txt");
    	//int id = int::Parse(reader->ReadToEnd()->Trim());
    	if (useNewAuthFunctions && Custom::Hook != nullptr) {
    		int id = Custom::Hook->GetSteamID();
    		if (id != 0) {
    			return id;
    	if (steamID == 0) {
    		String^ dbg = "";
    		//steamID = Random::Next();
    		gotFakeSteamID = true;
    		Random^ random = gcnew Random();
    		steamID = random->Next();
    		#if !DEDICATED
    		try {
    			cli::array<NetworkInformation::NetworkInterface^>^ ifaces = NetworkInformation::NetworkInterface::GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
    			for each (NetworkInterface^ iface in ifaces) {
    				dbg += String::Format("Interface {0} (type {1})\r\n", iface->Description, iface->NetworkInterfaceType);
    				if (iface->NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType::Tunnel && iface->NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType::Loopback) {
    					if (!IsValidInterface(iface->Id, steamIDLegacy)) {
    						dbg += "INVALID INTERFACE\r\nWHY: " + WhyInvalidInterface(iface->Id) + "\r\n";
    					if (!IsConnectedInterface(iface->Id)) {
    						connectedInterface = false;
    						dbg += "NON-CONNECTED INTERFACE\r\n";
    						cli::array<unsigned char>^ address = iface->GetPhysicalAddress()->GetAddressBytes();
    						try {
    							dbg += "MAC ADDRESS: ";
    							for (int i = 0; i < address->Length; i++)
    								dbg += address[i].ToString("X2");
    							dbg += "\r\n";
    							pin_ptr<unsigned char> addressPtr = &address[0];
    							steamID = hash(addressPtr, address->Length);
    							// check steamID for being '2', which happens if GetAddressBytes is a list of zero
    							if (steamID == 2) {
    								dbg += "STEAMID IS 2, WHICH IS BAD\r\n";
    							if (steamID == 0xE2642C56 || steamID == 0x6A9528FD || steamID == 0x57B3821C)
    								dbg += "invalid steamid generated: " + steamID.ToString("X8") + "\r\n";
    							gotFakeSteamID = false;
    							dbg += "KA-CHING\r\n";
    						} catch (IndexOutOfRangeException^ exx) {
    							dbg += "EXCEPTION\r\n";
    							dbg += exx->ToString() + "\r\n";
    		} catch (Exception^ exe) {
    			dbg += "MAIN EXCEPTION\r\n";
    			dbg += exe->ToString() + "\r\n";
    		if (gotFakeSteamID) {
    #if !DEDICATED
    			String^ filename = Environment::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%appdata%\\steam_md4.dat");
    			String^ filename = "dedi_xuid.dat";
    			if (!File::Exists(filename)) {
    				FileStream^ stream = File::OpenWrite(filename);
    				stream->Write(BitConverter::GetBytes(steamID), 0, 4);
    			} else {
    				if (steamIDLegacy)
    					FileStream^ stream = File::OpenRead(filename);
    					array<Byte>^ buffer = gcnew array<Byte>(5);
    					stream->Read(buffer, 0, 4);
    					steamID = BitConverter::ToUInt32(buffer, 0);
    					steamID = 2;
    					Windows::Forms::MessageBox::Show("WARNING #5C-DEV-IDGEN: please report on forums.\r\nDEBUG INFO: \r\n" + dbg + "\r\nTo copy this info, press Ctrl+C in this dialog window.", "alterCI");
    			if (!connectedInterface) {
    				ErrorWithWebLink("The main\\iw_22.iwd file is incorrect. You might have used the 'Update' package while having an old version.\nClick OK to be directed to the alterIWnet download page.", "");
    				return 2;
    	return steamID;
    Enjoy :>

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Convary For This Useful Post:

    hamad10 (01-21-2011)