Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post

Trust me they are all popular. Just because a game is old and starts to lose its player base doesn't make it less popular. Everyone still knows about it. A lot of people still play it. And you can't compare a paid game to f2p games.
Okay, they are popular and still the best. And yeah, people still know about Battlefield games, but they just don't play it, and goes the same with the Free FPS games. Free FPS games are being infested with hackers, in Battlefield you will barely see an hacker, or any bugs, glitches. you gotta pay real money to buy weapons, and Combat Arms is a good example of that. And the money you spend on buying virtual cash on a Free FPS to buy items, you can buy a video game. Battlefield Bad Company is only $20, and I am pretty sure you will spend more than $20 on buying virtual cash for a F2p