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    OBrozz's Avatar
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    [Unity Scripts]Simple AI Behavioral script

    To get it to work, just attach it and a CharacterController to your enemy (or a box for a test) and look at the list of settings in the inspector. If you are unsure what anything means, it is all noted in detail in the script itself. Please keep in mind this is a Behavioral script, meaning this will not make your enemy attack, animate it, teach your dog tricks, or magically turn your game into the fully functional version of what's in your head. That should pretty much take care of anything you need.

          Copyright 2010 Black Storms Studios, LLC.
          @Author - Rob Pearson
          @Date - November 2010
          @contact -
          @sCripT -
          @Connections - requires CharacterController attached to enemy.
          @TodO -
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class SimpleEnemyAIBehavior : MonoBehaviour {
       //Inspector initiated variables. Defaults are set for ease of use.
       public bool on = true; //Is the AI active? this can be used to place pre-set enemies in you scene.
       public bool canFly = false; //Flying alters float behavior to ignore gravity. The enemy will fly up or down only to sustain floatHeight level.
       public float floatHeight = 0.0f; //If it can fly/hover, you need to let the AI know how high off the ground it should be.
       public bool runAway = false; //Is it the goal of this AI to keep it's distance? If so, it needs to have runaway active.
       public bool runTo = false; //Opposite to runaway, within a certain distance, the enemy will run toward the target.
       public float runDistance = 25.0f; //If the enemy should keep its distance, or charge in, at what point should they begin to run?
       public float runBufferDistance = 50.0f; //Smooth AI buffer. How far apart does AI/Target need to be before the run reason is ended.
       public int walkSpeed = 10; //Standard movement speed.
       public int runSpeed = 15; //Movement speed if it needs to run.
       public int randomSpeed = 10; //Movement speed if the AI is moving in random directions.
       public float rotationSpeed = 20.0f; //Rotation during movement modifier. If AI starts spinning at random, increase this value. (First check to make sure it's not due to visual radius limitations)
       public float visualRadius = 100.0f; //How close does the player need to be to be seen by the enemy? Set to 0 to remove this limitation.
       public float moveableRadius = 200.0f; //If the player is too far away, the AI will auto-matically shut down. Set to 0 to remove this limitation.
       public float attackRange = 10.0f; //How close does the enemy need to be in order to attack?
       public float attackTime = 0.50f; //How frequent or fast an enemy can attack (cool down time).
       public bool useWaypoints = false; //If true, the AI will make use of the waypoints assigned to it until over-ridden by another functionality.
       public bool reversePatrol = true; //if true, patrol units will walk forward and backward along their patrol.
       public Transform[] waypoints; //define a set path for them to follow.
       public bool pauseAtWaypoints = false; //if true, patrol units will pause momentarily at each waypoint as they reach them.
       public float pauseMin = 1.0f; //If pauseAtWaypoints is true, the unit will pause momentarily for minmum of this time.
       public float pauseMax = 3.0f; //If pauseAtWaypoints is true, the unit will pause momentarily formaximum of this time.
       public float huntingTimer = 5.0f; //Search for player timer in seconds. Minimum of 0.1
       public bool estimateElevation = false; //This implements a pause between raycasts for heights and guestimates the need to move up/down in height based on the previous raycast.
       public float estRayTimer = 1.0f; //The amount of time in seconds between raycasts for gravity and elevation checks.
       public bool requireTarget = true; //Waypoint ONLY functionality (still can fly and hover).
       public Transform target; //The target, or whatever the AI is looking for.
       //private script handled variables
       private bool initialGo = false; //AI cannot function until it is initialized.
       private bool go = true; //An on/off override variable
       private Vector3 lastVisTargetPos; //Monitor target position if we lose sight of target. provides semi-intelligent AI.
       CharacterController characterController; //CC used for enemy movement and etc.
       private bool playerHasBeenSeen = false; //An enhancement to how the AI functions prior to visibly seeing the target. Brings AI to life when target is close, but not visible.
       private bool enemyCanAttack = false; //Used to determine if the enemy is within range to attack, regardless of moving or not.
       private bool enemyIsAttacking = false; //An attack interuption method.
       private bool executeBufferState = false; //Smooth AI buffer for runAway AI. Also used as a speed control variable.
       private bool walkInRandomDirection = false; //Speed control variable.
       private float lastShotFired; //Used in conjuction with attackTime to monitor attack durations.
       private float lostPlayerTimer; //Used for hunting down the player.
       private bool targetIsOutOfSight; //Player tracking overload prevention. Makes sure we do not call the same coroutines over and over.
       private Vector3 randomDirection; //Random movement behaviour setting.
       private float randomDirectionTimer; //Random movement behaviour tracking.
       private float gravity = 20.0f; //force of gravity pulling the enemy down.
       private float antigravity = 2.0f; //force at which floating/flying enemies repel
       private float estHeight = 0.0f; //floating/flying creatures using estimated elevation use this to estimate height necessities and gravity impacts.
       private float estGravityTimer = 0.0f; //floating/flying creatures using estimated elevation will use this to actually monitor time values.
       private int estCheckDirection = 0; //used to determine if AI is falling or not when estimating elevation.
       private bool wpCountdown = false; //used to determine if we're moving forward or backward through the waypoints.
       private bool monitorRunTo = false; //when AI is set to runTo, they will charge in, and then not charge again to after far enough away.
       private int wpPatrol = 0; //determines what waypoint we are heading toward.
       private bool pauseWpControl; //makes sure unit pauses appropriately.
       private bool smoothAttackRangeBuffer = false; //for runAway AI to not be so messed up by their visual radius and attack range.
       //---Starting/Initializing functions---//
       void Start() {
          StartCoroutine(Initialize()); //co-routine is used incase you need to interupt initiialization until something else is done.
       IEnumerator Initialize() {
          if ((estimateElevation) && (floatHeight > 0.0f)) {
             estGravityTimer = Time.time;
          characterController = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
          initialGo = true;
          yield return null;
       //---Main Functionality---//
       void Update () {
          if (!on || !initialGo) {
          } else {
       void AIFunctionality() {
          if ((!target) && (requireTarget)) {
             return; //if no target was set and we require one, AI will not function.
          //Functionality Updates
          lastVisTargetPos = target.position; //Target tracking method for semi-intelligent AI
          Vector3 moveToward = lastVisTargetPos - transform.position; //Used to face the AI in the direction of the target
          Vector3 moveAway = transform.position - lastVisTargetPos; //Used to face the AI away from the target when running away
          float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position);
          if (go) {
          if (!requireTarget) {
             //waypoint only functionality
          } else if (TargetIsInSight ()) {
             if (!go) { //useWaypoints is false and the player has exceeded moveableRadius, shutdown AI until player is near.
             if ((distance > attackRange) && (!runAway) && (!runTo)) {
                enemyCanAttack = false; //the target is too far away to attack
                MoveTowards (moveToward); //move closer
             } else if ((smoothAttackRangeBuffer) && (distance > attackRange+5.0f)) {
                smoothAttackRangeBuffer = false;
             }else if ((runAway || runTo) && (distance > runDistance) && (!executeBufferState)) {
                //move in random directions.
                if (monitorRunTo) {
                   monitorRunTo = false;
                if (runAway) {
                   WalkNewPath ();
                } else {
                   MoveTowards (moveToward);
             } else if ((runAway || runTo) && (distance < runDistance) && (!executeBufferState)) { //make sure they do not get too close to the target
                //AHH! RUN AWAY!...  or possibly charge :D
                enemyCanAttack = false; //can't attack, we're running!
                if (!monitorRunTo) {
                   executeBufferState = true; //smooth buffer is now active!
                walkInRandomDirection = false; //obviously we're no longer moving at random.
                if (runAway) {
                   MoveTowards (moveAway); //move away
                } else {
                   MoveTowards (moveToward); //move toward
             } else if (executeBufferState && ((runAway) && (distance < runBufferDistance)) || ((runTo) && (distance > runBufferDistance))) {
                //continue to run!
                if (runAway) {
                   MoveTowards (moveAway); //move away
                } else {
                   MoveTowards (moveToward); //move toward
             } else if ((executeBufferState) && (((runAway) && (distance > runBufferDistance)) || ((runTo) && (distance < runBufferDistance)))) {
                monitorRunTo = true; //make sure that when we have made it to our buffer distance (close to user) we stop the charge until far enough away.
                executeBufferState = false; //go back to normal activity
             //start attacking if close enough
             if ((distance < attackRange) || ((!runAway && !runTo) && (distance < runDistance))) {
                if (runAway) {
                   smoothAttackRangeBuffer = true;
                if (Time.time > lastShotFired + attackTime) {
          } else if ((playerHasBeenSeen) && (!targetIsOutOfSight) && (go)) {
             lostPlayerTimer = Time.time + huntingTimer;
          } else if (useWaypoints) {
          } else if (((!playerHasBeenSeen) && (go)) && ((moveableRadius == 0) || (distance < moveableRadius))){
             //the idea here is that the enemy has not yet seen the player, but the player is fairly close while still not visible by the enemy
             //it will move in a random direction continuously altering its direction every 2 seconds until it does see the player.
       //attack stuff...
       IEnumerator Attack() {
          enemyCanAttack = true;
          if (!enemyIsAttacking) {
             enemyIsAttacking = true;
             while (enemyCanAttack) {
                lastShotFired = Time.time;
                //implement attack variables here
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(attackTime);
       //----Helper Functions---//
       //verify enemy can see the target
       bool TargetIsInSight () {
          //determine if the enemy should be doing anything other than standing still
          if ((moveableRadius > 0) && (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position) > moveableRadius)) {
             go = false;
          } else {
             go = true;
          //then lets make sure the target is within the vision radius we allowed our enemy
          //remember, 0 radius means to ignore this check
          if ((visualRadius > 0) && (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position) > visualRadius)) {
             return false;
          //Now check to make sure nothing is blocking the line of sight
          RaycastHit sight;
          if (Physics.Linecast(transform.position, target.position, out sight)) {
             if (!playerHasBeenSeen && sight.transform == target) {
                playerHasBeenSeen = true;
             return sight.transform == target;
          } else {
             return false;
       //target tracking
       IEnumerator HuntDownTarget (Vector3 position) {
          //if this function is called, the enemy has lost sight of the target and must track him down!
          //assuming AI is not too intelligent, they will only move toward his last position, and hope they see him
          //this can be fixed later to update the lastVisTargetPos every couple of seconds to leave some kind of trail
          targetIsOutOfSight = true;
          while (targetIsOutOfSight) {
             Vector3 moveToward = position - transform.position;
             MoveTowards (moveToward);
             //check if we found the target yet
             if (TargetIsInSight ()) {
                targetIsOutOfSight = false;
             //check to see if we should give up our search
             if (Time.time > lostPlayerTimer) {
                targetIsOutOfSight = false;
                playerHasBeenSeen = false;
             yield return null;
       void Patrol () {
          if (pauseWpControl) {
          Vector3 destination = CurrentPath();
          Vector3 moveToward = destination - transform.position;
          float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destination);
          MoveTowards (moveToward);
          if (distance <= 1.5f+floatHeight) {// || (distance < floatHeight+1.5f)) {
             if (pauseAtWaypoints) {
                if (!pauseWpControl) {
                   pauseWpControl = true;
             } else {
       IEnumerator WaypointPause () {
          yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(pauseMin, pauseMax));
          pauseWpControl = false;
       Vector3 CurrentPath () {
          return waypoints[wpPatrol].position;
       void NewPath () {
          if (!wpCountdown) {
             if (wpPatrol >= waypoints.GetLength(0)) {
                if (reversePatrol) {
                   wpCountdown = true;
                   wpPatrol -= 2;
                } else {
                   wpPatrol = 0;
          } else if (reversePatrol) {
             if (wpPatrol < 0) {
                wpCountdown = false;
                wpPatrol = 1;
       //random movement behaviour
       void WalkNewPath () {
          if (!walkInRandomDirection) {
             walkInRandomDirection = true;
             if (!playerHasBeenSeen) {
                randomDirection = new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.15f,0.15f),0,Random.Range(-0.15f,0.15f));
             } else {
                randomDirection = new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.5f,0.5f),0,Random.Range(-0.5f,0.5f));
             randomDirectionTimer = Time.time;
          } else if (walkInRandomDirection) {
             MoveTowards (randomDirection);
          if ((Time.time - randomDirectionTimer) > 2) {
             //choose a new random direction after 2 seconds
             walkInRandomDirection = false;
       //standard movement behaviour
       void MoveTowards (Vector3 direction) {
          direction.y = 0;
          int speed = walkSpeed;
          if (walkInRandomDirection) {
             speed = randomSpeed;
          if (executeBufferState) {
             speed = runSpeed;
          //rotate toward or away from the target
          transform****tation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform****tation, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction), rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
          transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
          //slow down when we are not facing the target
          Vector3 forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
          float speedModifier = Vector3.Dot(forward, direction.normalized);
          speedModifier = Mathf.Clamp01(speedModifier);
          //actually move toward or away from the target
          direction = forward * speed * speedModifier;
          if ((!canFly) && (floatHeight <= 0.0f)) {
             direction.y -= gravity;
          characterController.Move(direction * Time.deltaTime);
       //continuous gravity checks
       void MonitorGravity () {
          Vector3 direction = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
          if ((!canFly) && (floatHeight > 0.0f)) {
             //we need to make sure our enemy is floating.. using evil raycasts! bwahahahah!
             if ((estimateElevation) && (estRayTimer > 0.0f)) {
                if (Time.time > estGravityTimer) {
                   RaycastHit floatCheck;
                   if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out floatCheck)) {
                      if (floatCheck.distance < floatHeight-0.5f) {
                         estCheckDirection = 1;
                         estHeight = floatHeight - floatCheck.distance;
                      } else if (floatCheck.distance > floatHeight+0.5f) {
                         estCheckDirection = 2;
                         estHeight = floatCheck.distance - floatHeight;
                      } else {
                         estCheckDirection = 3;
                   } else {
                      estCheckDirection = 2;
                      estHeight = floatHeight*2;
                   estGravityTimer = Time.time + estRayTimer;
                switch(estCheckDirection) {
                   case 1:
                      direction.y += antigravity;
                      estHeight -= direction.y * Time.deltaTime;
                   case 2:
                      direction.y -= gravity;
                      estHeight -= direction.y * Time.deltaTime;
                      //do nothing
             } else {
                RaycastHit floatCheck;
                if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out floatCheck, floatHeight+1.0f)) {
                   if (floatCheck.distance < floatHeight) {
                      direction.y += antigravity;
                } else {
                   direction.y -= gravity;
          } else {
             //bird like creature! Again with the evil raycasts! :p
             if ((estimateElevation) && (estRayTimer > 0.0f)) {
                if (Time.time > estGravityTimer) {
                   RaycastHit floatCheck;
                   if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out floatCheck)) {
                      if (floatCheck.distance < floatHeight-0.5f) {
                         estCheckDirection = 1;
                         estHeight = floatHeight - floatCheck.distance;
                      } else if (floatCheck.distance > floatHeight+0.5f) {
                         estCheckDirection = 2;
                         estHeight = floatCheck.distance - floatHeight;
                      } else {
                         estCheckDirection = 3;
                   estGravityTimer = Time.time + estRayTimer;
                switch(estCheckDirection) {
                   case 1:
                      direction.y += antigravity;
                      estHeight -= direction.y * Time.deltaTime;
                   case 2:
                      direction.y -= antigravity;
                      estHeight -= direction.y * Time.deltaTime;
                      //do nothing
             } else {
                RaycastHit floatCheck;
                if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out floatCheck)) {
                   if (floatCheck.distance < floatHeight-0.5f) {
                      direction.y += antigravity;
                   } else if (floatCheck.distance > floatHeight+0.5f) {
                      direction.y -= antigravity;
          if ((!estimateElevation) || ((estimateElevation) && (estHeight >= 0.0f))) {
             characterController.Move(direction * Time.deltaTime);

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to OBrozz For This Useful Post:

    FlappaDoodles (07-10-2012)

  3. #2
    XX_Kivata_XX's Avatar
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    where do you get this code ?
    KamenRider for Life !!!

    I Ain't Leecher

    Yeah that Right Bitches

    [img]https://i1101.photobucke*****m/albums/g434/Dave_Day/GIF/inui-takumi.gif[/img] [img]https://i1101.photobucke*****m/albums/g434/Dave_Day/GIF/yuji-kiba.gif[/img] [img]https://i1101.photobucke*****m/albums/g434/Dave_Day/GIF/kaidou.gif[/img] [img]https://i1101.photobucke*****m/albums/g434/Dave_Day/GIF/yuka-osada.gif[/img]
    [img]https://i1101.photobucke*****m/albums/g434/Dave_Day/GIF/gmaskot-ex-bl-blade.gif[/img] [img]https://i1101.photobucke*****m/albums/g434/Dave_Day/GIF/gmaskot-ex-bl-gyaren.gif[/img] [img]https://i1101.photobucke*****m/albums/g434/Dave_Day/GIF/Chalice-Ani-Avatar.gif[/img] [img]https://i1101.photobucke*****m/albums/g434/Dave_Day/GIF/gmaskot-ex-kabuto-01.gif[/img] [img]https://i277.photobucke*****m/albums/kk45/Climax_jump_2008/gmaskotexkkickhopnj2.gif[/img]

  4. #3
    OBrozz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XX_Kivata_XX View Post
    where do you get this code ?
    Unity fourms. Most of the scripts i code myself.

  5. #4
    Stephen's Avatar
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    So, did you make this, or leech it from the Unity forums?

  6. #5
    OBrozz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
    So, did you make this, or leech it from the Unity forums?
    Leech bro? Look at the credits.
    I will let everyone know when i created the script.

  7. #6
    Stephen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OBrozz View Post

    Leech bro? Look at the credits.
    I will let everyone know when i created the script.
    Sorry, I missed it.

  8. #7
    Terell.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OBrozz View Post
    To get it to work, just attach it and a CharacterController to your enemy (or a box for a test) and look at the list of settings in the inspector. If you are unsure what anything means, it is all noted in detail in the script itself. Please keep in mind this is a Behavioral script, meaning this will not make your enemy attack, animate it, teach your dog tricks, or magically turn your game into the fully functional version of what's in your head. That should pretty much take care of anything you need.

          Copyright 2010 Black Storms Studios, LLC.
          @Author - Rob Pearson
          @Date - November 2010
          @contact -
          @sCripT -
          @Connections - requires CharacterController attached to enemy.
          @TodO -
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class SimpleEnemyAIBehavior : MonoBehaviour {
       //Inspector initiated variables. Defaults are set for ease of use.
       public bool on = true; //Is the AI active? this can be used to place pre-set enemies in you scene.
       public bool canFly = false; //Flying alters float behavior to ignore gravity. The enemy will fly up or down only to sustain floatHeight level.
       public float floatHeight = 0.0f; //If it can fly/hover, you need to let the AI know how high off the ground it should be.
       public bool runAway = false; //Is it the goal of this AI to keep it's distance? If so, it needs to have runaway active.
       public bool runTo = false; //Opposite to runaway, within a certain distance, the enemy will run toward the target.
       public float runDistance = 25.0f; //If the enemy should keep its distance, or charge in, at what point should they begin to run?
       public float runBufferDistance = 50.0f; //Smooth AI buffer. How far apart does AI/Target need to be before the run reason is ended.
       public int walkSpeed = 10; //Standard movement speed.
       public int runSpeed = 15; //Movement speed if it needs to run.
       public int randomSpeed = 10; //Movement speed if the AI is moving in random directions.
       public float rotationSpeed = 20.0f; //Rotation during movement modifier. If AI starts spinning at random, increase this value. (First check to make sure it's not due to visual radius limitations)
       public float visualRadius = 100.0f; //How close does the player need to be to be seen by the enemy? Set to 0 to remove this limitation.
       public float moveableRadius = 200.0f; //If the player is too far away, the AI will auto-matically shut down. Set to 0 to remove this limitation.
       public float attackRange = 10.0f; //How close does the enemy need to be in order to attack?
       public float attackTime = 0.50f; //How frequent or fast an enemy can attack (cool down time).
       public bool useWaypoints = false; //If true, the AI will make use of the waypoints assigned to it until over-ridden by another functionality.
       public bool reversePatrol = true; //if true, patrol units will walk forward and backward along their patrol.
       public Transform[] waypoints; //define a set path for them to follow.
       public bool pauseAtWaypoints = false; //if true, patrol units will pause momentarily at each waypoint as they reach them.
       public float pauseMin = 1.0f; //If pauseAtWaypoints is true, the unit will pause momentarily for minmum of this time.
       public float pauseMax = 3.0f; //If pauseAtWaypoints is true, the unit will pause momentarily formaximum of this time.
       public float huntingTimer = 5.0f; //Search for player timer in seconds. Minimum of 0.1
       public bool estimateElevation = false; //This implements a pause between raycasts for heights and guestimates the need to move up/down in height based on the previous raycast.
       public float estRayTimer = 1.0f; //The amount of time in seconds between raycasts for gravity and elevation checks.
       public bool requireTarget = true; //Waypoint ONLY functionality (still can fly and hover).
       public Transform target; //The target, or whatever the AI is looking for.
       //private script handled variables
       private bool initialGo = false; //AI cannot function until it is initialized.
       private bool go = true; //An on/off override variable
       private Vector3 lastVisTargetPos; //Monitor target position if we lose sight of target. provides semi-intelligent AI.
       CharacterController characterController; //CC used for enemy movement and etc.
       private bool playerHasBeenSeen = false; //An enhancement to how the AI functions prior to visibly seeing the target. Brings AI to life when target is close, but not visible.
       private bool enemyCanAttack = false; //Used to determine if the enemy is within range to attack, regardless of moving or not.
       private bool enemyIsAttacking = false; //An attack interuption method.
       private bool executeBufferState = false; //Smooth AI buffer for runAway AI. Also used as a speed control variable.
       private bool walkInRandomDirection = false; //Speed control variable.
       private float lastShotFired; //Used in conjuction with attackTime to monitor attack durations.
       private float lostPlayerTimer; //Used for hunting down the player.
       private bool targetIsOutOfSight; //Player tracking overload prevention. Makes sure we do not call the same coroutines over and over.
       private Vector3 randomDirection; //Random movement behaviour setting.
       private float randomDirectionTimer; //Random movement behaviour tracking.
       private float gravity = 20.0f; //force of gravity pulling the enemy down.
       private float antigravity = 2.0f; //force at which floating/flying enemies repel
       private float estHeight = 0.0f; //floating/flying creatures using estimated elevation use this to estimate height necessities and gravity impacts.
       private float estGravityTimer = 0.0f; //floating/flying creatures using estimated elevation will use this to actually monitor time values.
       private int estCheckDirection = 0; //used to determine if AI is falling or not when estimating elevation.
       private bool wpCountdown = false; //used to determine if we're moving forward or backward through the waypoints.
       private bool monitorRunTo = false; //when AI is set to runTo, they will charge in, and then not charge again to after far enough away.
       private int wpPatrol = 0; //determines what waypoint we are heading toward.
       private bool pauseWpControl; //makes sure unit pauses appropriately.
       private bool smoothAttackRangeBuffer = false; //for runAway AI to not be so messed up by their visual radius and attack range.
       //---Starting/Initializing functions---//
       void Start() {
          StartCoroutine(Initialize()); //co-routine is used incase you need to interupt initiialization until something else is done.
       IEnumerator Initialize() {
          if ((estimateElevation) && (floatHeight > 0.0f)) {
             estGravityTimer = Time.time;
          characterController = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
          initialGo = true;
          yield return null;
       //---Main Functionality---//
       void Update () {
          if (!on || !initialGo) {
          } else {
       void AIFunctionality() {
          if ((!target) && (requireTarget)) {
             return; //if no target was set and we require one, AI will not function.
          //Functionality Updates
          lastVisTargetPos = target.position; //Target tracking method for semi-intelligent AI
          Vector3 moveToward = lastVisTargetPos - transform.position; //Used to face the AI in the direction of the target
          Vector3 moveAway = transform.position - lastVisTargetPos; //Used to face the AI away from the target when running away
          float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position);
          if (go) {
          if (!requireTarget) {
             //waypoint only functionality
          } else if (TargetIsInSight ()) {
             if (!go) { //useWaypoints is false and the player has exceeded moveableRadius, shutdown AI until player is near.
             if ((distance > attackRange) && (!runAway) && (!runTo)) {
                enemyCanAttack = false; //the target is too far away to attack
                MoveTowards (moveToward); //move closer
             } else if ((smoothAttackRangeBuffer) && (distance > attackRange+5.0f)) {
                smoothAttackRangeBuffer = false;
             }else if ((runAway || runTo) && (distance > runDistance) && (!executeBufferState)) {
                //move in random directions.
                if (monitorRunTo) {
                   monitorRunTo = false;
                if (runAway) {
                   WalkNewPath ();
                } else {
                   MoveTowards (moveToward);
             } else if ((runAway || runTo) && (distance < runDistance) && (!executeBufferState)) { //make sure they do not get too close to the target
                //AHH! RUN AWAY!...  or possibly charge :D
                enemyCanAttack = false; //can't attack, we're running!
                if (!monitorRunTo) {
                   executeBufferState = true; //smooth buffer is now active!
                walkInRandomDirection = false; //obviously we're no longer moving at random.
                if (runAway) {
                   MoveTowards (moveAway); //move away
                } else {
                   MoveTowards (moveToward); //move toward
             } else if (executeBufferState && ((runAway) && (distance < runBufferDistance)) || ((runTo) && (distance > runBufferDistance))) {
                //continue to run!
                if (runAway) {
                   MoveTowards (moveAway); //move away
                } else {
                   MoveTowards (moveToward); //move toward
             } else if ((executeBufferState) && (((runAway) && (distance > runBufferDistance)) || ((runTo) && (distance < runBufferDistance)))) {
                monitorRunTo = true; //make sure that when we have made it to our buffer distance (close to user) we stop the charge until far enough away.
                executeBufferState = false; //go back to normal activity
             //start attacking if close enough
             if ((distance < attackRange) || ((!runAway && !runTo) && (distance < runDistance))) {
                if (runAway) {
                   smoothAttackRangeBuffer = true;
                if (Time.time > lastShotFired + attackTime) {
          } else if ((playerHasBeenSeen) && (!targetIsOutOfSight) && (go)) {
             lostPlayerTimer = Time.time + huntingTimer;
          } else if (useWaypoints) {
          } else if (((!playerHasBeenSeen) && (go)) && ((moveableRadius == 0) || (distance < moveableRadius))){
             //the idea here is that the enemy has not yet seen the player, but the player is fairly close while still not visible by the enemy
             //it will move in a random direction continuously altering its direction every 2 seconds until it does see the player.
       //attack stuff...
       IEnumerator Attack() {
          enemyCanAttack = true;
          if (!enemyIsAttacking) {
             enemyIsAttacking = true;
             while (enemyCanAttack) {
                lastShotFired = Time.time;
                //implement attack variables here
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(attackTime);
       //----Helper Functions---//
       //verify enemy can see the target
       bool TargetIsInSight () {
          //determine if the enemy should be doing anything other than standing still
          if ((moveableRadius > 0) && (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position) > moveableRadius)) {
             go = false;
          } else {
             go = true;
          //then lets make sure the target is within the vision radius we allowed our enemy
          //remember, 0 radius means to ignore this check
          if ((visualRadius > 0) && (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position) > visualRadius)) {
             return false;
          //Now check to make sure nothing is blocking the line of sight
          RaycastHit sight;
          if (Physics.Linecast(transform.position, target.position, out sight)) {
             if (!playerHasBeenSeen && sight.transform == target) {
                playerHasBeenSeen = true;
             return sight.transform == target;
          } else {
             return false;
       //target tracking
       IEnumerator HuntDownTarget (Vector3 position) {
          //if this function is called, the enemy has lost sight of the target and must track him down!
          //assuming AI is not too intelligent, they will only move toward his last position, and hope they see him
          //this can be fixed later to update the lastVisTargetPos every couple of seconds to leave some kind of trail
          targetIsOutOfSight = true;
          while (targetIsOutOfSight) {
             Vector3 moveToward = position - transform.position;
             MoveTowards (moveToward);
             //check if we found the target yet
             if (TargetIsInSight ()) {
                targetIsOutOfSight = false;
             //check to see if we should give up our search
             if (Time.time > lostPlayerTimer) {
                targetIsOutOfSight = false;
                playerHasBeenSeen = false;
             yield return null;
       void Patrol () {
          if (pauseWpControl) {
          Vector3 destination = CurrentPath();
          Vector3 moveToward = destination - transform.position;
          float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destination);
          MoveTowards (moveToward);
          if (distance <= 1.5f+floatHeight) {// || (distance < floatHeight+1.5f)) {
             if (pauseAtWaypoints) {
                if (!pauseWpControl) {
                   pauseWpControl = true;
             } else {
       IEnumerator WaypointPause () {
          yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(pauseMin, pauseMax));
          pauseWpControl = false;
       Vector3 CurrentPath () {
          return waypoints[wpPatrol].position;
       void NewPath () {
          if (!wpCountdown) {
             if (wpPatrol >= waypoints.GetLength(0)) {
                if (reversePatrol) {
                   wpCountdown = true;
                   wpPatrol -= 2;
                } else {
                   wpPatrol = 0;
          } else if (reversePatrol) {
             if (wpPatrol < 0) {
                wpCountdown = false;
                wpPatrol = 1;
       //random movement behaviour
       void WalkNewPath () {
          if (!walkInRandomDirection) {
             walkInRandomDirection = true;
             if (!playerHasBeenSeen) {
                randomDirection = new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.15f,0.15f),0,Random.Range(-0.15f,0.15f));
             } else {
                randomDirection = new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.5f,0.5f),0,Random.Range(-0.5f,0.5f));
             randomDirectionTimer = Time.time;
          } else if (walkInRandomDirection) {
             MoveTowards (randomDirection);
          if ((Time.time - randomDirectionTimer) > 2) {
             //choose a new random direction after 2 seconds
             walkInRandomDirection = false;
       //standard movement behaviour
       void MoveTowards (Vector3 direction) {
          direction.y = 0;
          int speed = walkSpeed;
          if (walkInRandomDirection) {
             speed = randomSpeed;
          if (executeBufferState) {
             speed = runSpeed;
          //rotate toward or away from the target
          transform****tation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform****tation, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction), rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
          transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
          //slow down when we are not facing the target
          Vector3 forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
          float speedModifier = Vector3.Dot(forward, direction.normalized);
          speedModifier = Mathf.Clamp01(speedModifier);
          //actually move toward or away from the target
          direction = forward * speed * speedModifier;
          if ((!canFly) && (floatHeight <= 0.0f)) {
             direction.y -= gravity;
          characterController.Move(direction * Time.deltaTime);
       //continuous gravity checks
       void MonitorGravity () {
          Vector3 direction = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
          if ((!canFly) && (floatHeight > 0.0f)) {
             //we need to make sure our enemy is floating.. using evil raycasts! bwahahahah!
             if ((estimateElevation) && (estRayTimer > 0.0f)) {
                if (Time.time > estGravityTimer) {
                   RaycastHit floatCheck;
                   if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out floatCheck)) {
                      if (floatCheck.distance < floatHeight-0.5f) {
                         estCheckDirection = 1;
                         estHeight = floatHeight - floatCheck.distance;
                      } else if (floatCheck.distance > floatHeight+0.5f) {
                         estCheckDirection = 2;
                         estHeight = floatCheck.distance - floatHeight;
                      } else {
                         estCheckDirection = 3;
                   } else {
                      estCheckDirection = 2;
                      estHeight = floatHeight*2;
                   estGravityTimer = Time.time + estRayTimer;
                switch(estCheckDirection) {
                   case 1:
                      direction.y += antigravity;
                      estHeight -= direction.y * Time.deltaTime;
                   case 2:
                      direction.y -= gravity;
                      estHeight -= direction.y * Time.deltaTime;
                      //do nothing
             } else {
                RaycastHit floatCheck;
                if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out floatCheck, floatHeight+1.0f)) {
                   if (floatCheck.distance < floatHeight) {
                      direction.y += antigravity;
                } else {
                   direction.y -= gravity;
          } else {
             //bird like creature! Again with the evil raycasts! :p
             if ((estimateElevation) && (estRayTimer > 0.0f)) {
                if (Time.time > estGravityTimer) {
                   RaycastHit floatCheck;
                   if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out floatCheck)) {
                      if (floatCheck.distance < floatHeight-0.5f) {
                         estCheckDirection = 1;
                         estHeight = floatHeight - floatCheck.distance;
                      } else if (floatCheck.distance > floatHeight+0.5f) {
                         estCheckDirection = 2;
                         estHeight = floatCheck.distance - floatHeight;
                      } else {
                         estCheckDirection = 3;
                   estGravityTimer = Time.time + estRayTimer;
                switch(estCheckDirection) {
                   case 1:
                      direction.y += antigravity;
                      estHeight -= direction.y * Time.deltaTime;
                   case 2:
                      direction.y -= antigravity;
                      estHeight -= direction.y * Time.deltaTime;
                      //do nothing
             } else {
                RaycastHit floatCheck;
                if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out floatCheck)) {
                   if (floatCheck.distance < floatHeight-0.5f) {
                      direction.y += antigravity;
                   } else if (floatCheck.distance > floatHeight+0.5f) {
                      direction.y -= antigravity;
          if ((!estimateElevation) || ((estimateElevation) && (estHeight >= 0.0f))) {
             characterController.Move(direction * Time.deltaTime);
    I had no idea that C# would be needed.

    Warrock Minion 8-13-2011 - N/A
    A.V.A Minion since 11-1-11 - 11-12-11

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