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    haxory's Avatar
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    [guide]Guide to owning every caster mid-KASSADIN

    This guide is all written by me I dont know if there's a thanks button but really dont even bother pressing it. It's a lame concept invented to stimulate people to contribute. I for one care about helping not about being thanked.


    I guessed I'd contribute a little. This is my way of playing kassadin. There is no best way or best build this is just what I use. It's an aggressive build with an end game Banshees. I have a dilemma going on about buying a lich bane. It adds around 500 damage to your burst end game but stimulates coming close to your enemy as you are a PHISICAL caster, you have no range phisical attacks (Deal with it during last hitting) But I'll get back to that.

    Anyways. I'll open up with some skills and lore and runes.

    There is a place between dimensions and between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To most, however, it is called the Void. Despite its name, the Void is not an empty place, but rather the home of unspeakable things, horrors not meant for minds of men. Though such knowledge is lost in modern times, there are those who have unwittingly discovered what lies beyond, and they have been unable to turn away. Kassadin is such a creature. He was once a man forced to look upon the face of the Void and forever changed by what he saw. Once a seeker of forbidden knowledge, he discovered that what he sought was something else entirely. He is one of the few that has found his way to forgotten Icathia and lived to tell the tale, following the scant breadcrumbs hidden in ancient texts.

    Within a decaying cyclopean city, Kassadin found secrets of the kind that he will never share - secrets that made him quake with fear at the visions of things to come that were thrust upon him. The power of the place threatened to consume him forever, but Kassadin took the only route available to him in order to survive - he let the Void inside him. Miraculously, he was able to overcome the alien urges that went with it, and he emerged as something more than human. Though a part of him died that day, he knows that he must protect Valoran from the things scratching at the door, waiting to get in and visit their torments upon the world. They are only one step away... something to which the appearance of the abomination known as Cho'Gath attests.

    If you look upon the Void, you can't put it behind you. If you look upon Kassadin, he is probably already there.

    Kassadin runes
    Flat AP glyphs x3
    Seal of clarity: mana/5 per level (Can also choose armor or mage resist but prefer this due to not starting with a dorans ring (DONT EVER DO THIS)(NEVER!)) x9
    Mark of insight (magpen) x9
    glyphs of force (ap/level) x9

    I choose the mana regen seals because I dont start with a dorans ring. Dorans ring is terrible on kassa. Try it and then try starting with a saphh crystal. It's a magical difference.
    Flat AP quints give good early game damage combined with the magpen from the marks and the ap/level is to make you some stronger late game again benefiting from the magpen/level runes.

    Void Stone (Innate): Kassadin takes 10% reduced magic damage and transforms this damage into bonus attack speed. This effect lasts up to 4 seconds.

    Null Sphere (Active): Kassadin fires an ethereal bolt of void energy, dealing magic damage and silencing the target for a few seconds.
    Cooldown: 9 seconds
    Range: 700
    Cost: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana
    Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+0.7 per ability power)
    Silence Duration: 1 / 1.4 / 1.8 / 2.2 / 2.6 second(s)

    Nether Blade (Passive): Kassadin's melee attacks restore mana. This effect returns triple the mana against champions. Mana Restored: 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20
    (Active): Kassadin's normal attacks become charged, dealing bonus magic damage for 5 seconds.
    Cost: 25 mana
    Cooldown: 12 seconds
    Magic Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+0.15 per ability power)

    Force Pulse (Active): Kassadin draws energy from spells cast in his vicinity, gaining a charge whenever a spell is cast near him, including his own spells. Upon reaching 6 charges, Kassadin can use Force Pulse to deal magic damage and slow enemies in a cone in front of him for 3 seconds.
    Cost: 80 mana
    Cooldown: 6 seconds
    Range: 400
    Cone Width: 90º
    Magic Damage: 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+0.7 per ability power)
    Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 %

    Riftwalk (Active): Kassadin blinks to a nearby location, dealing magic damage to surrounding enemy units. Each subsequent Riftwalk in the next 7 seconds costs 100 additional mana and deals additional damage. The cost and damage can stack up to 10 times.
    Cost: 100 mana
    Range: 400
    Radius of Damage AoE: 150
    Cooldown: 6 / 5 / 4 seconds
    Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 (+0.5 per ability power)
    Additional Damage: 60 / 90 / 12

    My usual level sequence is:
    And level up your ult whenver available
    Q -> E -> Q -> E -> Q -> R -> Q -> E -> Q -> E -> W -> W -> W -> W -> W
    Sometimes if I only land damage once in a while (and we dont want to waste our W too often for its slow is key at killing) I level my Q up like this sometimes if the enemy is careful
    Q -> E -> Q -> E -> Q -> R -> Q -> Q -> E -> E -> W -> W -> W -> W -> W
    A subtle but often clear difference.

    Summ. Spells
    Flash -> awesome spell I nearly always use this
    Ignite -> just fills up your burst to a kill
    Cleanse -> may be used if the enemy has heavy CC
    Exhaust -> if the enemy has lots of AD (ranked game situation)
    Teleport -> if you blow at laning (I generally just take 3 hp pots. That's 4 last hits to earn them back and about 10-20 missed when you die or go back. Doubleplus worth it!)

    I play 9/0/21
    Focussing on magpen with 9 and cdr
    my utility masteries focus on hp/manareg then awareness and one point on expanded mind. get 1 gold/10 seconds and put three points on meditation.
    I now select quickness and ofcourse blink of an eye. after this it's obvious.

    Mana crystal + 2 hp pots.
    Mejais once you aquire some skill.
    If you're rolling ass off get a rabadons.
    Build boots somewhere in between. Sorcerers shoes is the only good choise.
    Otherwise build catalyst then rabadons.
    Save the catalyst for an end game banshees, never get RoE, cope with being a glasscannon already.
    If you dont have mana runes you may want to grab a meki and maybe even a tear of the godess. Then get rabadons then finish the archangel.
    Next you will most likely need magpen so get a void staff.
    If the enemy teams seperates now and then just get a lich bane to polish your burst up otherwise finish the banshees and get situational items. Really I have no strict path for this. Just try getting ap and armor or ap and magresist depending on the team.

    Early game
    At level one and two you use your Q spell to last hit. The mana regen seals and the mana crystal will allow you to do this without losing too much mana. At level three with your Q on level 2 you can start to harass. Dont harass too much and save up your E incase of emergency, it gives a tremendous amount of slow even on level one. At level 5 hit a good amount of Q's on your enemy to make him realise your damage isn't shit. He will get scared when you walk towards him and run back allowing you to last hit. and when he wants to attack you just fire your Q and he should take the most damage. On level 6 get your oponent to half health and R, Q, E, Ignite him USE YOUR AUTOATTACKS! You are a phisical dps meaning you have a good amount of base damage wich will pound in around 150 extra damage at the least. Trust me. If you land the silence. They're f*cking dead. TRY FLASHING AWAY WHILE SILENCED

    Mid game
    I always pick up a nice mejais and start ganking (MAKE SURE YOUR E SPELL IS CHARGED BEFORE YOU GO). The lower levels in the sidelanes are perfect targets. You should be able to nearly burst anyone who hasnt bought magic resist from full health to about 1/2 or even 1/3 hp. The slow from your E will allow your teammates to land damage too and the ignite will finish the job in 9 out of 10 cases. Tell the enemy thank you for the gold and the 2 stacks on your mejais and come back to gank them when they come back with a nicely increased AP. (snowballlllllling) Solo actions can often be permitted due to your rediculous bullshit ultimate : D

    End game
    You do not engage, ever. You wait for the heat of the battle and quickly pick up a kill on the enemy ap nuke (assuming ranked makeup) If you dont kill the nuke somone else will. You have 1 tier one CC and a Tier 2 CC on the enemy: a silence and a amazing slow. The enemy will be useless and killed in no time leaving a 5v4 (easy) Flash out of the fight if you need to or just ult out of there. Once you get your force pulse back it's time to kill the enemies dps if your team didn't take care of that already. Also, keep an eye on your range carry. An enemy gets close? Silence em, see that as a priority! the dps will them pick up an easy kill on the silenced enemy. Use your force pulse if the enemy seems to come out of their silence. Also, it's important to try and pick on the support as much as possible. Use ignite when they're half health and call good fight with a nice R-Q-E-Ignite-Flash-R (What I call the kill and get the hell out combo.

    This is my kassa guide I hope it was helpful. Tell me some feedback if you got some.

    Oh and just a Quick question, is there currently a working zoomhack for the EU servers? If so, I would love to try it out.

    Regards, Haxory'
    Last edited by haxory; 08-05-2011 at 04:43 AM. Reason: Because update teh guide hurr.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to haxory For This Useful Post:

    Ambrosia (09-09-2011),Kirigaya Kazuto (08-21-2011)

  3. #2
    Shocking's Avatar
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    In your pants.
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    I like how you explain the offensive techniques you use in lane.
    Maybe colour code parts, or pictures for the items? (For the newbies.)

  4. #3
    Dextral's Avatar
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    Looks pretty good! (:

  5. #4
    haxory's Avatar
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    I could do that when I find a spare few. Any idea where I could grab those pictures from?

  6. #5
    Skullmaker90's Avatar
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    Mage boots, a rabadons, and 4 archangels is troll build for kass.

  7. #6
    ZeroHackX's Avatar
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    Items | LoL - League of Legends

    This is where you can find the Icons for the Items.

  8. #7
    DigitalMind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullmaker90 View Post
    Mage boots, a rabadons, and 4 archangels is troll build for kass.
    Might be, but if u got some '' good '' enemies. Those who got a brain,will focus you since you got around 1.7k hp for having no Rod of ages :3

  9. #8
    Ambrosia's Avatar
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    thanks, except it's all too monotonous for me to read

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