This is some BS!

So the thing is, i go to PP because of the academy, and to post some of my work there too, But there CnC Bs is so stupid i swear to god!
Mostly all the comments people get are, Yeah its good, Wow Amazing, even to this...

and what i said was
"Why do you work with really LQ things?

I bet if you started working with HQ Renders and Background and what not,
your work to me would interest me a bit more.."

and he gets all butt hurt about it and says if i dont like it then dont look at it or post..

so im like wow, Then dont post your work, if you dont want it to get CnC'd im only trying to help you get better, and people sayn oh wow its good dont fix nothing its perfect, YOU ARE NOT GONNA GET BETTER! and your shit is still gonna suck ass because its LQ

and then i start getting called a Troll in Chat Box and sayn people have blocked me and all this stupid shit.. that pisses me off!