most were gifts i amde just yesterday, for YES ********. hacking maple interests me lately. i neva weas ghood at avataars, and lately ive gone abstract style so i dont think these are too bad. theyre simple but not bland IMO

no flaming, but C+C welcome.

[IMG]https://i89.photobucke*****m/albums/k239/standoffGFX/electricwater.png[/IMG] this one im not too fond of but this was what he requested so meh

[IMG]https://i89.photobucke*****m/albums/k239/standoffGFX/yoOsupspikedavatar.png[/IMG] i really like this one, i freballed and it came out nicely.

[IMG]https://i89.photobucke*****m/albums/k239/standoffGFX/standoffglowyversionwithc4d.png[/IMG] i thought id make one for myself

[IMG]https://i89.photobucke*****m/albums/k239/standoffGFX/fractalblueavatar.png[/IMG] again i dont relaly like this but it is as the user requested

[IMG]https://i89.photobucke*****m/albums/k239/standoffGFX/walmartavatarreddevilversion.png[/IMG] he also wanted a myspace devil style avatar, and i just threw his name on and saved it as a new avatar for him. wasnt too good but MEH he likes it

[IMG]https://i89.photobucke*****m/albums/k239/standoffGFX/Ckensglowyavatar.png[/IMG] this one he just asked for an avatar so i went nuts

[IMG]https://i89.photobucke*****m/albums/k239/standoffGFX/blue-line-anime.gif[/IMG] this one, he only requested the moving thing over the text and a nice abstract avatar. so i did it for him :P

ive done more but cbf uploading