Assignment 3
This assignment focuses on branching (chapter 3). We are update the ValentinesDay class from assignment 2. Here are the requirements:

1. Rename the file and class name to ValentinesDay2. Remove the boolean variable feelingLucky, and also remove the part where it asks the user if they're feeling lucky. We are going to later determine if you're lucky using a branching statement.

2. Using a switch statement: Display "female" in the output if the user had entered 'f', "male" if the user had entered 'm', or "unknown" if the user enters anything else. [2 pt]

3. Using a multibranch if-else statement:

If the number of roses is greater than or equal to 6 and and less than or equal to 12, and the amount spent is greater than or equal to $20, then print out "Got Lucky: Yes!". [1 pt]
If the number of roses is greater than 12, and the amount spent is greater than $100, print out "Got Lucky: HELL YES!" [1 pt]
If anything else, print out "Got Lucky: No, we broke up " [1 pt]

Example Interaction with Program: (the blue text represents keyboard input)
What is your dates name?
Lindsay Lohan
What gender is your date?
Where are you taking your date?
Lucha Libre
How many roses are you bringing?
How much do you plan on spending?

Example Output:
My Valentines Day Details:
Name: Lindsay Lohan
Gender: female
Place: Lucha Libre
Number of Roses: 8
Total Spent: $22.50
Got Lucky: Yes!

this is what i have so far
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ValentinesDate2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {



Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
double totalSpent;
int numberOfRoses ;
char gender;
//boolean ;
String datesName1, restaurantName ;

System.out.println("What is your dates name?");
datesName1 =;
System.out.println("What gender is your date?");
String sGender =;
gender = sGender.charAt(0);
System.out.println("Where are you taking your date?");
restaurantName =;
System.out.println("How many roses are you bringing?");
numberOfRoses = keyboard.nextInt();
System.out.println("How much do you plan on spending?");
totalSpent = keyboard.nextDouble();

if(numberOfRoses >= 6 && <= 12 )

System.out.println("Name: "+datesName1);
System.out.println("Gender: "+gender);
System.out.println("Place: "+restaurantName);
System.out.println("Number of Roses: "+numberOfRoses);
System.out.println("Total Spent: $"+totalSpent);




private static void elseif(boolean b) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

