So, what are Middlemen and what do they do?

Basically Middlemen are the difference between a successful trade and an unsuccessful trade.
Middlemen provide users with a quick, painless, and safe way to trade accounts and items.

The requirements to be a Middleman consist of the following:

  • The ability to detect a possible scammer
  • Possessing the game(s) in which you'll be middle-manning for
  • Well known and active around the Mpgh Forums
  • Must download msn, aim, and xfire for trades if needed
  • At least 800 posts to even be considered
  • No pending scammer investigations


  • User-tag and name color
  • Staff Benefits

Application Format:
Name: (Your Real Name as we can see your username)
Availability: (Be honest, you will be held up to this.)
Location: (Country + Timezone)
Game(s) you can MM for: 
Email: (the one you will be using to MM)
Are you staff or special member in any other site:

All other posts will result in a ban.
Do not solicit people for support, doing so will result in your application being deleted + ban.