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  1. #1
    shalafidrrod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Question Selling LoL NA Account.

    ok so as it stands im to lazy to post any screen shots cause it will take forever but i will use skype and screen share so you may see that i have everything im going to be claiming.

    Riot Points - 175
    Influence Points - 10857

    Champions + Skins.
    Please Note Champions are listed alphabetically, and some skins are not available to get anymore.

    Ahri - Dynasty and midnight skins.
    Akali - no skins.
    allistar- no skins.
    amumu - pharaoh and little knight skins.
    anivia - no skins.
    annie - goth, red riding and reverse.
    ashe - no skins.
    blitzcrank - no skins.
    brand - no skins.
    caitlyn - no skins.
    cassiopeia - no skins.
    cho gath -no skins.
    corki - no skins
    dr mundo - toxic and mundoverse
    evelynn - masquerade
    ezreal - nottingham
    fiddlesticks - spectral
    fiora - no skins
    fizz - no skins
    galio - no skins
    gangplank - toy soldier
    garen - no skins.
    gragas - scuba
    graves - hired gun and jailbreak
    hecarim - blood knight and reaper.
    heimerdinger -snowmerdinger
    irelia - no skins
    janna - no skins
    Jarven IV - no skins
    Jax - no skins
    Karma - no skins.
    Karthus - no skins
    kassadin - no skins.
    katarina - no skins
    kayle - judgement
    kennen - swamp master
    kog maw - caterpillar, sonoran, monarch
    leblanc - mistletoe
    lee sin - no skins
    leona - valkyrie
    lulu - no skins
    lux - no skins
    malphite - shamrock
    malzahar - no skins.
    mao kai - festive
    master yi - ionia
    miss fortune - road warrior
    mordekaiser - Dragon Knight
    morgana - no skins
    nasus - galactic
    nautilus - abyssal, subterranean
    nidalee - leopard
    nocturne - no skins.
    nunu - sasquatch
    olaf - no skins
    orianna - no skins
    pantheon - no skins
    poppy - no skins
    rammus -molten
    renekton - no skins
    riven - redeemed, Crimson Elite
    rumble - no skins.
    ryze - tribal, professor.
    sejuani - no skins.
    shaco - no skins.
    shen - yellow jacket
    shyvana - ironscale, boneclaw
    singed - no skins.
    sion - hextech
    sivir - spectacular
    skarner - sandscourge
    sona - no skins.
    soraka - no skins
    swain - no skins.
    talon - renegade, Crimson Elite.
    taric - no skins.
    teemo - badger
    tristana - Riot Girl
    trundle - lil slugger
    tryndamere - highland
    twisted fate - no skins
    twitch - kingpin
    udyr - no skins
    urgot - no skins
    vayne - vindicator, dragonslayer.
    veigar - Greybeard
    Viktor - Full Machine, Prototype
    Vladimir - no skins
    volibear - no skins
    warwick - no skin
    wukong - volcanic
    xerath - runeborn, battlecast
    Xin Zhao - no skins.
    Yorick - no skins
    ziggs - no skins.
    zilean - no skins.



    1.7 armor pen x9
    -0.16% cooldown x7
    3.5 health x5
    .95 magic pen x9
    .93 crit chance x9
    2.4 dmg at level 18 x2
    .59 ability power x9
    .91 armor x9
    .95 physical dmg x9
    .77 magic resist x5


    .76% attack speed x9
    2.7 armor at level 18 x1
    -.29% cooldown x10
    5.3 health x1
    .42 crit chance x9
    .59 ability power x9
    1.4 armor x9
    1.7 magic resist at level 18 x1
    .43 physical dmg x10
    .43 health regen /5 x1
    19 health at level 18 x1
    .74 magic resist x2


    .64% attack speed x9
    .99 mana regen /5 at level 18 x1
    3.1 ability power at level 18 x4
    26 mana at level 18 x1
    .28% crit chance x9
    1.2 ability power x9
    .31 mana regen /5 x1
    .70 armor x1
    2.7 magic resist at level 18 x1
    .28 physical dmg x9
    .27 health regen /5 x1
    1.3 magic resist x10


    1.0 gold per 10 x3
    3.3 armor pen x3
    26 health x3
    4.5 crit dmg x3
    75 mana at level 18 x1
    5.0 ability power x3
    2.3 physical dmg x3
    1.5% movement speed x2

    bad part is. ranked 5v5 solo/duo que is 824. wins = 30 loss = 45 * top rating of 1318

    EDIT: its seems so had to add a space in mao kai name
    Last edited by shalafidrrod; 04-30-2012 at 12:15 PM.

  2. #2
    shalafidrrod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    first bump..

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