I might be willing to sell this account has take alot of hard work and alot of nx

Inbox: Raven 8 Days, Medkit 1 day, Spec 2 slot license 30 days, Barons m416 cqb 1 day, Claymore 7 days, Spec backpack license 90 days, Scorp's pp19 mod 1 day, Wraith 30 days, g36e 21 days, cyclops bandana 2 days, prankster bandana 8 days.

Equiped: Wrait for around 22 days, Max 13 days, explosive bow 22 days, M416 CQB PERM, TPG1-PRO PERM, DESERT EAGLE SE PERM, AK 47 PERM, Squirt Gun 30 something days, 22 megas, Perm elte mod, Name color change for around 20 days left.
17k GP

Screenshots coming soon.......