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  1. #1
    Shckr57's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    in my room
    My Mood

    Lightbulb Mp_Config Highest Fidelity Possiable

    -Disabled Texture Compression
    -Disabled Double Vision
    -Highest Quality Shadows
    -Highest Quality Anisotropic Filtering
    -Highest Quality Ambient Occlusion
    -Highest Possible LOD
    -High Quality Anti-aliasing -- to increase set {seta r_aaSamples "2"} to (4x){"3"} or (8x){"4"}
    -High Quality Positional Audio

    -Motion Blur Disabled -- to enable set {seta r_blur_allowed "1"}
    -Depth Of Field Disabled -- to enable set {seta r_dof_enable "1"}
    -VSync Disabled -- to enable set {seta r_vsync "1"}
    -Ingame Recording Disabled -- to enable set {seta r_inGameVideo "1"}

    -Change resolution -- seta r_mode "1920x1080"


    I removed the bind settings, so carry yours over. delete all "seta" commands except for the following below, and replace with these
    Change these settings to your own

    seta m_forward "1"
    seta m_pitch "0.2"
    seta m_side "1"
    seta m_yaw "0.2"
    seta sensitivity "1"

    // generated by Infinity Ward, do not modify
    seta af_skipAirFriction "0"
    seta af_skipFriction "0"
    seta af_skipLimits "0"
    seta af_skipSelfCollision "0"
    seta ai_corpseCount "0"
    seta cg_atmosphericeffects "1"
    seta cg_blood "1"
    seta cg_brass "1"
    seta cg_chatHeight "6"
    seta cg_chatTime "20000"
    seta cg_chatWithOtherTeams "1"
    seta cg_connectionIconSize "0"
    seta cg_cursorHints "0"
    seta cg_descriptiveText "0"
    seta cg_draw3dIcons "1"
    seta cg_drawBreathHint "0"
    seta cg_drawfps "1"
    seta cg_drawFPSLabels "1"
    seta cg_drawMantleHint "0"
    seta cg_drawShellshock "0"
    seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
    seta cg_drawStatsSource "0"
    seta cg_drawTurretCrosshair "1"
    seta cg_drawViewpos "0"
    seta cg_gameBoldMessageWidth "390"
    seta cg_gameMessageWidth "455"
    seta cg_gibs "1"
    seta cg_headIconMinScreenRadius "0.025"
    seta cg_hintFadeTime "10"
    seta cg_hudChatIntermissionPosition "5 110"
    seta cg_hudChatPosition "5 200"
    seta cg_hudCompassSize "0.5"
    seta cg_hudDamageIconHeight "10"
    seta cg_hudDamageIconInScope "1"
    seta cg_hudDamageIconOffset "128"
    seta cg_hudDamageIconTime "6000"
    seta cg_hudDamageIconWidth "200"
    seta cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash "1"
    seta cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight "25"
    seta cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope "0"
    seta cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxHeight "104"
    seta cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset "50"
    seta cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth "25"
    seta cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight "12"
    seta cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot "12 27"
    seta cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth "25"
    seta cg_hudProneY "-160"
    seta cg_hudSayPosition "5 175"
    seta cg_hudVotePosition "5 220"
    seta cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval "600"
    seta cg_invalidCmdHintDuration "1800"
    seta cg_laserlight "1"
    seta cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed "0.6"
    seta cg_marks "1"
    seta cg_marks_ents_player_only "0"
    seta cg_markslimit "1000"
    seta cg_nopredict "0"
    seta cg_ScoresPing_BgColor "0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0.501961"
    seta cg_ScoresPing_HighColor "0.8 0 0 1"
    seta cg_ScoresPing_Interval "100"
    seta cg_ScoresPing_LowColor "0 0.74902 0 1"
    seta cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars "10"
    seta cg_ScoresPing_MedColor "0.8 0.8 0 1"
    seta cg_scriptIconSize "0"
    seta cg_shadows "3"
    seta cg_simpleItems "0"
    seta cg_sprintMeterDisabledColor "0.8 0.1 0.1 0.2"
    seta cg_sprintMeterEmptyColor "0.7 0.5 0.2 0.8"
    seta cg_sprintMeterFullColor "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8"
    seta cg_subtitleMinTime "3"
    seta cg_subtitleWidthStandard "520"
    seta cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen "520"
    seta cg_teamChatsOnly "0"
    seta cg_tracerlength "999"
    seta cg_tracerSpeed "0050"
    seta cg_tracerwidth "9"
    seta cg_viewZSmoothingMax "0"
    seta cg_viewZSmoothingMin "0"
    seta cg_viewZSmoothingTime "0"
    seta cg_voiceIconSize "0"
    seta cg_waterSheeting_distortionScaleFactor "0.021961 1 0 0"
    seta cg_waterSheeting_magnitude "0.0655388"
    seta cg_waterSheeting_radius "4.44051"
    seta cg_weaponCycleDelay "0"
    seta cg_youInKillCamSize "1"
    seta cl_enableDedicatedServerBrowser "1"
    seta cl_enableRCon "1"
    seta cl_freelook "1"
    seta cl_maxpackets "100"
    seta cl_maxPing "100"
    seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
    seta cl_nodelta "0"
    seta cl_packetdup "0"
    seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
    seta cl_shadows "1"
    seta cl_voice "1"
    seta cl_weather "0"
    seta cl_yawspeed "140"
    seta com_blood "1"
    seta com_hunkMegs "16384"
    seta com_machineSpec "3"
    seta com_maxfps "0"
    seta com_recommended "0"
    seta com_recommendedSet "1"
    seta com_skipIntroVideo "1"
    seta com_soundMegs "768"
    seta com_videoRam "2048"
    seta com_zoneMegs "768"
    seta compassLocalRadarRadius "2800"
    seta compassLocalRadarUpdateTime "0.5"
    seta compassObjectiveIconHeightZombie "8"
    seta compassObjectiveIconWidthZombie "8"
    seta compassPartialType "0"
    seta compassRadarUpdateFastTime "2"
    seta compassRadarUpdateTime "4"
    seta compassSatellitePingFadeTime "10"
    seta compassSatelliteScanTime "1000"
    seta compassSatelliteStaticImageFadeTime "0"
    seta compassSize "1.25"
    seta compassSpectatorsSeeEnemies "0"
    seta compassStaticImageUpdateTime "5000"
    seta con_errormessagetime "8"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime "0.25"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime "0.5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "gamenotify obituary"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount "4"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime "5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow0ScrollTime "0.25"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow0SplitscreenScale "1.5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime "0.25"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow1FadeOutTime "0.5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "boldgame"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount "1"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow1MsgTime "3"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime "0.25"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow1SplitscreenScale "1.5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow2FadeInTime "0.75"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow2FadeOutTime "0.5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow2Filter "subtitle"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow2LineCount "7"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow2MsgTime "5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow2ScrollTime "0.25"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow2SplitscreenScale "1.5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow3FadeInTime "0.25"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow3FadeOutTime "0.5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow3Filter ""
    seta con_gameMsgWindow3LineCount "5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow3MsgTime "5"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow3ScrollTime "0.25"
    seta con_gameMsgWindow3SplitscreenScale "1.5"
    seta con_inputBoxColor "0.25 0.25 0.2 1"
    seta con_inputHintBoxColor "0.4 0.4 0.35 1"
    seta con_miniconlines "5"
    seta con_minicontime "4"
    seta con_outputBarColor "1 1 0.95 0.6"
    seta con_outputSliderColor "0.15 0.15 0.1 0.6"
    seta con_outputWindowColor "0.35 0.35 0.3 0.75"
    seta con_typewriterColorGlowCheckpoint "0.6 0.5 0.6 1"
    seta con_typewriterColorGlowCompleted "0 0.3 0.8 1"
    seta con_typewriterColorGlowFailed "0.8 0 0 1"
    seta con_typewriterColorGlowUpdated "0 0.6 0.18 1"
    seta con_typewriterDecayDuration "700"
    seta con_typewriterDecayStartTime "6000"
    seta con_typewriterPrintSpeed "30"
    seta drawLagometer "0"
    seta dynEnt_active "1"
    seta face_skipBlink "0"
    seta face_skipGestures "0"
    seta face_skipHead "0"
    seta face_skipLidDeform "0"
    seta face_skipLipsync "0"
    seta face_skipMood "0"
    seta face_skipProcedural "0"
    seta fx_cullbias "0"
    seta fx_cullscale "1"
    seta fx_marks "1"
    seta fx_marks_ents "1"
    seta fx_marks_smodels "1"
    seta g_AimAssist_Disable_All "1"
    seta g_allowvote "1"
    seta g_banIPs ""
    seta g_bloodEffects "1"
    seta g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity "80"
    seta g_deadChat "1"
    seta g_deathDelay "0"
    seta g_decals "1"
    seta g_doubleVision "0"
    seta g_dropForwardSpeed "10"
    seta g_dropHorzSpeedRand "100"
    seta g_dropUpSpeedBase "10"
    seta g_dropUpSpeedRand "5"
    seta g_enableBreath "1"
    seta g_enableDust "1"
    seta g_muzzleFlash "1"
    seta g_oldVoting "1"
    seta g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "25"
    seta g_projectilelights "1"
    seta g_radiusDamageMax "256"
    seta g_redCrosshairs "1"
    seta g_showBrass "1"
    seta g_skipParticles "0"
    seta g_showPlayerShadow "1"
    seta g_skipBombTimerFailTarget "0"
    seta g_skipBreakableParticles "0"
    seta g_skipCloth "0"
    seta g_skipFX "0"
    seta g_skipFXManager "0"
    seta g_skipViewEffects "1"
    seta g_skipWaterSim "0"
    seta g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500"
    seta g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"
    seta gc_skipFiction "0"
    seta GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic "64"
    seta gl_picmip "0"
    seta glass_angular_vel "5 35"
    seta glass_edge_angle "5 10"
    seta glass_fall_delay "0 0"
    seta glass_fall_gravity "1000"
    seta glass_fall_ratio "1.5 3"
    seta glass_fringe_maxcoverage "0.2"
    seta glass_fringe_maxsize "150"
    seta glass_fx_chance "1"
    seta glass_hinge_friction "50"
    seta glass_linear_vel "200 400"
    seta glass_max_pieces_per_frame "100"
    seta glass_max_shatter_fx_per_frame "100"
    seta glass_physics_chance "0.15"
    seta glass_physics_maxdist "512"
    seta glass_shard_maxsize "300"
    seta glass_shattered_scale "48"
    seta glass_trace_interval "100"
    seta hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000"
    seta hud_enable "1"
    seta hud_fade_ammodisplay "0"
    seta hud_fade_healthbar "2"
    seta hud_fade_offhand "0"
    seta hud_fade_sprint "1.7"
    seta hud_flash_period_offhand "0"
    seta hud_flash_time_offhand "0"
    seta hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5"
    seta hud_health_pulserate_injured "1"
    seta hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33"
    seta hud_health_startpulse_injured "1"
    seta image_anisotropy "64"
    seta image_cacheMegs "4096"
    seta image_cacheMinK "4096"
    seta image_downSize "0"
    seta image_downSizeBump "0"
    seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "24576"
    seta image_downSizeLimit "24576"
    seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
    seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "24576"
    seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
    seta image_forceDownSize "0"
    seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
    seta image_ignoreLowQuality "1"
    seta image_lodbias "-1"
    seta image_lodDistance "1000"
    seta image_picMipEnable "0"
    seta image_preload "0"
    seta image_roundDown "0"
    seta image_useAllFormats "1"
    seta image_useCache "1"
    seta image_useCompression "0"
    seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
    seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
    seta in_mouse "1"
    seta intro "0"
    seta kill_dedicatedserver "0"
    seta laserLight "1"
    seta laserLightWithoutNightvision "0"
    seta loc_forceEnglish "1"
    seta m_customaccel "0"
    seta m_filter "0"
    seta m_forward "1"
    seta m_pitch "0.2"
    seta m_side "1"
    seta m_yaw "0.2"
    seta monkeytoy "1"
    seta mt_genCompression "none"
    seta net_noipx "0"
    seta net_noudp "0"
    seta net_socksEnabled "0"
    seta net_socksPassword ""
    seta net_socksPort "1080"
    seta net_socksServer ""
    seta net_socksUsername ""
    seta pingtext "1"
    seta player_burstFireCooldown "0"
    seta promod "1"
    seta r_aaAlpha "2"
    seta r_aaMaxQuality "1"
    seta r_aaSamples "2"
    seta r_allowExtensions "1"
    seta r_allowsoftwaregl "0"
    seta r_altModelLightingUpdate "0"
    seta r_ambientScale "0.5"
    seta r_anisotropy "16"
    seta r_aspectRatio "wide 16:9"
    seta r_ati_fsaa_samples "1"
    seta r_ati_truform_normalmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR"
    seta r_ati_truform_pointmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR"
    seta r_ati_truform_tess "4"
    seta r_autopriority "0"
    seta r_blacklevel "0"
    seta r_bloomBlurRadius "0"
    seta r_blur_allowed "0"
    seta r_cachemodellighting "0"
    seta r_cachesmodellighting "0"
    seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
    seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"
    seta r_clear "0"
    seta r_colorbits "32"
    seta r_colorMipLevels "0"
    seta r_compressmodels "0"
    seta r_cosmeticCullMax "1000"
    seta r_cosmeticCullMin "1000"
    seta r_debugLineWidth "0"
    seta r_depthbits "32"
    seta r_depthPrepass "0"
    seta r_depthprepassmodels "0"
    seta r_detailFade "0"
    seta r_detailTexture "1"
    seta r_detailTextures "1"
    seta r_detailRatio "15"
    seta r_dimShadowForceHighQuality "1"
    seta r_dimShadowHeightTweak "0"
    seta r_dimShadowResolution "16384"
    seta r_displayMode "fullscreen"
    seta r_displayRefresh "60 Hz"
    seta r_distortion "1"
    seta r_dlightBacks "1"
    seta r_dlightLimit "32"
    seta r_dlightMaxFullScreenRadius "1"
    seta r_dlightMaxNonFullScreenRadius "1"
    seta r_dlightQuality "1"
    seta r_dof_enable "0"
    seta r_drawSun "1"
    seta r_drawWater "1"
    seta r_drawWorld "1"
    seta r_drawXModels "1"
    seta r_dynamicLight "1"
    seta r_effectLimit "0"
    seta r_effectLimitMax "0"
    seta r_effectLimitMin "0"
    seta r_enableColorCorrect "0"
    seta r_enableDlights "1"
    seta r_enableOccluders "0"
    seta r_enablePlayerShadow "1"
    seta r_entLightCutoff "0.2"
    seta r_envmapspecular "1"
    seta r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "1"
    seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
    seta r_ext_compress_textures "0"
    seta r_ext_compressed_textures "0"
    seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
    seta r_ext_max_anisotropy "64"
    seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
    seta r_ext_swapinterval "0"
    seta r_ext_texenv_add "0"
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    seta r_ext_texture_env_add "0"
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    seta r_fastSkin "0"
    seta r_fastsky "0"
    seta r_finish "0"
    seta r_flame_allowed "1"
    seta r_flameFX_enable "1"
    seta r_flares "1"
    seta r_fog "1"
    seta r_forceLod "0"
    seta r_fullbright "0"
    seta r_gamma "0.8"
    seta r_gfxopt_dynamic_foliage "1"
    seta r_gfxopt_water_simulation "1"
    seta r_glDriver "3dfxvgl"
    seta r_glow_allowed "1"
    seta r_gpusync "0"
    seta r_gpuSync2 "0"
    seta r_grassBurn "1"
    seta r_grassEnable "1"
    seta r_grassWindForceEnable "1"
    seta r_highQualityVideo "1"
    seta r_ignore "1"
    seta r_ignoreFastPath "0"
    seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
    seta r_ignorehwgamma "1"
    seta r_imageQuality "0"
    seta r_inGameVideo "0"
    seta r_intensity "1"
    seta r_lightmap "0"
    seta r_lodbias "-2"
    seta r_lodBiasRigid "-2"
    seta r_lodBiasSkinned "-2"
    seta r_lodCurveError "10000"
    seta r_lodScale "1"
    seta r_lodScaleRigid "1"
    seta r_lodScaleSkinned "1"
    seta r_mapOverBrightBits "0"
    seta r_maxpolys "8192"
    seta r_maxpolyverts "8192"
    seta r_md5LodBias "-1"
    seta r_md5LodScale "1000"
    seta r_megadrawmethod "0"
    seta r_mmx "1"
    seta r_mode "1920x1080"
    seta r_monitor "0"
    seta r_multiGPU "0"
    seta r_multiSamples "32"
    seta r_multithreaded_device "1"
    seta r_noBreakableShadows "0"
    seta r_norefresh "0"
    seta r_normal "1"
    seta r_normalizeNormalMaps "1"
    seta r_optimize "0"
    seta r_optimizeLightmaps "0"
    seta r_outdoor "1"
    seta r_outdoorAwayBias "-1000"
    seta r_outdoorDownBias "-1000"
    seta r_outdoorfeather "1"
    seta r_overbrightbits "0"
    seta r_picmip "0"
    seta r_picmip2 "0"
    seta r_picmip_bump "0"
    seta r_picmip_manual "1"
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    seta r_picmip_water "0"
    seta r_polygonOffsetBias "-16"
    seta r_polygonOffsetScale "-4"
    seta r_portalBevels "0.7"
    seta r_preloadShaders "0"
    seta r_prepassSizeCull "1"
    seta r_primitives "3"
    seta r_renderer "best"
    seta r_rendererPreference "Default"
    seta r_renderProgramLodDistance "1000"
    seta r_resamplescene "1"
    seta r_resamplescenes "1"
    seta r_roundImagesDown "0"
    seta r_sb_imageSize "16384"
    seta r_shaderSkipSpecCubeMaps "0"
    seta r_shaderWarming "0"
    seta r_shadows "1"
    seta r_shadowsHighQuality "1"
    seta r_showTris "0"
    seta r_simpleMipMaps "0"
    seta r_skinCache "0"
    seta r_skip "0"
    seta r_skipAugment "0"
    seta r_skipAutosprites "0"
    seta r_skipBackend "0"
    seta r_skipBaseSurfaces "0"
    seta r_skipBeams "0"
    seta r_skipBlendedSurfaces "0"
    seta r_skipBlendLights "0"
    seta r_skipBump "0"
    seta r_skipCloth "0"
    seta r_skipCommits "0"
    seta r_skipDecals "0"
    seta r_skipDeforms "0"
    seta r_skipDetailModels "0"
    seta r_skipDetailTris "0"
    seta r_skipDiffuse "0"
    seta r_skipDimShadows "0"
    seta r_skipDistortionSurfaces "0"
    seta r_skipDynamic "0"
    seta r_skipDynamicTextures "0"
    seta r_skipDynamicLighting "0"
    seta r_skipEffects "0"
    seta r_skipEmissiveGlare "0"
    seta r_skipFeedback "0"
    seta r_skipFlares "0"
    seta r_skipFogLights "0"
    seta r_skipFoliage "0"
    seta r_skipGeneratedFileCheck "0"
    seta r_skipGlare "0"
    seta r_skipGuis "0"
    seta r_skipGuiShaders "0"
    seta r_skipInteractions "0"
    seta r_skipLightCPUCulling "0"
    seta r_skipLightGPUCulling "0"
    seta r_skipLights "0"
    seta r_skipMegaTexture "0"
    seta r_skipMergeMeshes "0"
    seta r_skipModelCPUCulling "0"
    seta r_skipModelGPUCulling "0"
    seta r_skipModelRangeCulling "0"
    seta r_skipModels "0"
    seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
    seta r_skipNodeCPUCulling "0"
    seta r_skipNodeGPUCulling "0"
    seta r_skipOcclusionBaseModel "0"
    seta r_skipOverlays "0"
    seta r_skipParticles "0"
    seta r_skipPostProcess "0"
    seta r_skipPrePass "0"
    seta r_skipSlowLights "0"
    seta r_skipSpecular "0"
    seta r_skipStripDeadCode "0"
    seta r_skipSuppress "0"
    seta r_skipSurfaceCPUCulling "0"
    seta r_skipTranslucent "0"
    seta r_skipTransparencySort "0"
    seta r_skipUpdateInView "0"
    seta r_skipUpdates "0"
    seta r_skipViewParms "0"
    seta r_skipVmtrs "0"
    seta r_skipWaterSurfaces "0"
    seta r_skipWorld "0"
    seta r_skipZCullReconstruct "0"
    seta r_smp "1"
    seta r_softParticles "1"
    seta r_specular "1"
    seta r_ssao "2"
    seta r_stencilBits "32"
    seta r_subDivisions "1"
    seta r_sun_from "1"
    seta r_swapInterval "0"
    seta r_texFilterAnisoMax "64"
    seta r_texFilterAnisoMin "16"
    seta r_texFilterMipMode "anisotropic"
    seta r_texMipFading "0"
    seta r_textureBits "32"
    seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
    seta r_textureQuality "32"
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    seta rate "25000"
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    seta vt_uncompressedVmtr "1"
    seta vt_useCudaTranscode "1"
    seta wayPointSize "0.5"
    seta winvoice_mic_mute "0"
    seta winvoice_mic_reclevel "65535"
    seta winvoice_mic_scaler "1"
    seta winvoice_save_voice "0"
    seta zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1"
    exec autoexec.cfg
    Virus Scan

    Recommended Requirements

    Duel Core CPU: Quad Core CPU recommended
    GPU with min 1GB ram: 2GB ram recommended
    2GB Ram: 4GB Ram recommended
    Raid 0 hdd, or ssd for faster map loading times

    I use core i5 3570k, gtx 680 2GB, 16GB Ram, SSD, 1080p Display


    Last edited by Shckr57; 08-14-2012 at 01:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Blitz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    [notice]Extracted the screenshots from your .rar, uploaded them to imgur, embedded them within a spoiler on your thread. [/notice].

  3. #3
    Horror's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    My Mood
    Looks nice, but im afraid my PC cant handle it tbh ... Too bad, cus it might actually make MW3 playable

    Minion+ : February 2014 - January 2015
    Counter Strike: Global Offensive Minion : November 2014 - January 2015
    Alliance of Valiant Arms Minion : August 2014 - January 2015
    Need For Speed World Minion : January 2014 - January 2015
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    Call of Duty Minion : January 2013 - January 2015
    Editor : December 2012 - April 2013
    Donator : March 2014 - Current
    Member : October 2010 - Current

    Previously known as "Isaakske".

  4. #4
    Mueller1337's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    My Mood
    THis config is awesome...but now my mouse is fucked up...its horizontal faster than vertikal how to reset my mouse to normal?

  5. #5
    Larity2056's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    UDF 2457
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mueller1337 View Post
    THis config is awesome...but now my mouse is fucked up...its horizontal faster than vertikal how to reset my mouse to normal?
    Go to controls In-Game and hit reset, this will delete the old .CFG and create a new one

  6. #6
    Mueller1337's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    My Mood
    still the same....if i use the old one everything is ok....maybe the fault is in the cfg

  7. #7
    Shckr57's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    in my room
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz View Post
    [notice]Extracted the screenshots from your .rar, uploaded them to imgur, embedded them within a spoiler on your thread. [/notice].
    I put them in a rar file so imagur would not compress them. They look like shit when compressed over and over.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mueller1337 View Post
    THis config is awesome...but now my mouse is fucked up...its horizontal faster than vertikal how to reset my mouse to normal?
    lol sry about that. change these values

    seta m_forward "1"
    seta m_pitch "0.2"
    seta m_side "1"
    seta m_yaw "0.2"
    seta sensitivity "1"

    lower them to reduce sensitivity. i prefer a higher sensitivity

    you can also copy them from your config and place them in this one to carry over your settings

    Quote Originally Posted by Isaakske View Post
    Looks nice, but im afraid my PC cant handle it tbh ... Too bad, cus it might actually make MW3 playable
    You should turn off SSAO, and AA by setting these values

    seta r_ssao "0"
    seta r_aaSamples "0"

    this should more than double your fps
    Last edited by Shckr57; 08-14-2012 at 01:47 PM.

  8. #8
    Blitz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Shckr57 View Post
    I put them in a rar file so imagur would not compress them. They look like shit when compressed over and over.
    Oh, sorry. Couldn't you have uploaded them as individual attachments?

  9. #9
    Mueller1337's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    My Mood
    lol sry about that. change these values

    seta m_forward "1"
    seta m_pitch "0.2"
    seta m_side "1"
    seta m_yaw "0.2"
    seta sensitivity "1"

    lower them to reduce sensitivity. i prefer a higher sensitivity
    All is working now...thank you

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