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  1. #1
    village8's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Weapon Design notes

    The paste code threads are for posting paste codes and sharing information about the weapons. We have a new editor thread on a regular basis. This is a thread to share what you've learned to speed up the process of designing weapons for others and give those learning a place to ask questions.

    This is not a place for someone with 3 posts to ask "Can you design all the Seraph weapons for me?" This is a place for them to learn how to do it themselves.

    Get the editor. I prefer to use TechnoJacker's. He has it set up to scan the source code repository every hour, build a new one and post it here:
    docs google com/folder/d/0B_f11g1DlLhDQVRBWUhGWG85TkE/edit?pli=1

    You do not need the most up-to date editor out there. Everything in what I've laid out below could be done by a revision in the 70s.

    So you want to design a weapon... what are you looking for? Do you already have something that you like but think you could make it better? If you want help in selecting parts you could try reading Duncanfogg's work ( creakazoidbsn minus com/mMpBcLWKoDSES ) There are a lot of hints in there for what parts you should choose. It is not the most presentable, but things start to make sense pretty quick.

    In general:
    Bandit parts add mag size
    Dahl parts decrease recoil reduction
    Hyperion parts add accuracy
    Jakobs parts add damage
    Maliwan parts add elemental damage
    Torgue parts add explosive damage
    Tediore parts add quick reload
    Vladof parts add fire rate

    Each part generally has another attribute with it. Jakobs parts add damage and recoil, but the primary addition is what I noted above.

    Yes, there are stats that are not on the weapons card. All five of the stocks on the assault rifles change nothing that is visible on the weapons card.

    Back up the characters you won't be changing anything with.
    Get a mule that is appropriate for modding on. The character you play with probably has bunches of things in the inventory that you don't want to sort through while modding. Copy it and name the new file to another number, clear out the inventory and change the in-game name to reflect the name of the file. Makes finding it in game later much easier.

    You're going to need to get a base for the item. Use a paste code (see the bottom of this post) or an existing item in your inventory as a base. In the editor duplicate it five times for most weapons and eight times for pistols. (Pistols generally have 8 different parts to choose from for each slot, anything else has 5)

    Now that we have it duped make the modifications you want. I like to start with the barrel as it changes the most attributes of a weapon. So I'm going to go through each of the weapons in my inventory and select a different barrel for each.

    Load the game, load the character, and begin to make a selection of what one you want. If you can't decide right now do some play testing. If you still can't decide continue with one and make a note of the second one you like. Put the one you like in an equipped slot and the remainder in your inventory.

    Save and quit your character go to select character, select another character and ALT+TAB out of the game.

    Re-open your character in the editor and find the barrel on the weapon in the equipped slot and make the rest of the weapons have that barrel.

    Move on to the next part and keep choosing parts down the list of menus until you have a weapon you like. If you couldn't decide between two different parts select one and continue. Do this for all the parts of the weapon ALT+TABing between your character and the editor. Once you've selected all the parts go back to the portion where you couldn't decide. Maybe they need extended play-testing for you to decide.

    And base paste codes for every gun type by every manufacturer in the game:
    Assault Rifles:
    Jakobs: BL2(hwAAAADwzwCCpgI/BiGTzWIYxDCAgQEDIob////////TYohAQoPh)
    Torgue: BL2(hwAAAACr1ACDxgI/CCGT1WIgxDCCYQFDIob////////bYsDBoITh)
    Vladof: BL2(hwAAAAA4IACE5gI/CiGT3WIoxFCAQQGDIoYGDP/////jYhBBQonh)
    Bandit: BL2(hwAAAADrfAABSIJAAiGTiUI5gxIAxQBKG5QKKP////+PQsmDMgfl)
    Tediore: BL2(hwAAAAAUgwADaIJADiGToUJBgyIA5QDKG5QKKP////+nQjlBQgnl)
    Torgue: BL2(hwAAAACNrQAEiIJACCGTqUJJg4ICBQGKG5T///////+vQtFA4gnl)
    Dahl: BL2(hwAAAAAiWACBxwNABCGTmcNwhUEAowHG/38JGP////+fw0BAMgzj)
    Hyperion: BL2(hwAAAAAz2QCCZwRADCGTocOQhYEAIwLG/38JGP////+vw2BBAgfj)
    Jakobs: BL2(hwAAAAABpgCHRwRABiGTscOIhXEAAwLG//////////+3w4hAkgfj)
    Maliwan: BL2(hwAAAABH9gCGJwRAECGTucOAhWEA4wHG/38LGP////+/wziFYQzj)
    Tediore: BL2(hwAAAACZ2ACDpwNADiGTycNghSEAYwHG/38JGP/////PwzhBkgzj)
    Torgue: BL2(hwAAAABHsACFBwRACCGT2cN4hVEAwwHG///////////fw9BAQgjj)
    Vladof: BL2(hwAAAAA6TQCE5wNACiGT6cNohTEAgwHG/38JGP/////vwxBB0gjj)
    Bandit: BL2(hwAAAAD1pgBDB4I/AiGTXaIAQ1GGIgCFGgoIFP////8boGBE0YXi)
    Maliwan: BL2(hwAAAACCPABEZ4I/ECGTVaIYQ4GGggBFGwoKFP////87oNBCgYji)
    Tediore: BL2(hwAAAADp0QBAJ4I/DiGTZaIIQ2GGQgDFGgoIFP////8joDhB0oXi)
    Torgue: BL2(hwAAAACcqwBBh4I/CCGTbaIgQ5GGogCFGwoIFP////8zoMhBAoji)
    Vladof: BL2(hwAAAADo0gBCR4I/CiGTlaIQQ3GGYgAFGwoIFP////8roBBBYoji)
    Sniper Rifles:
    Hyperion: BL2(hwAAAABylwCA6IJBDCGTbYJRAPMA5gUMBRguMP////9zgmFBMgLm)
    Jakobs: BL2(hwAAAADmuwCEyIJBBiGTgYJZAAMBxgVMBZj///////+HgrlB8gHm)
    Vladof: BL2(hwAAAABLlQCCiIJBCiGTmYJpACMBhgXMBRguMP////+fgpFBwgHm)

    ---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

    For ID of Sniper Rifle Scopes & their powers see this: imgur com/a/7m83E

    Dahl: 4.5x zoom
    Hyperion: 9x
    Hyperion Fremington: 11x
    Jakobs: 7x
    Maliwan: 6x
    Vladof: 4.5x

    ---------- Post added at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

    Outside of launchers sights do nothing more than FOV & display when zoomed.

    For launchers the sights change the weapons in the following ways:
    Bandit: Least zoom, Increased maximum accuracy
    Maliwan: Most zoom, increased projectile speed
    Tediore: 3rd best zoom, increased reload speed
    Torgue 4th best zoom, increased minimum accuracy
    Vladof: 2nd best zoom, increased fire rate

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to village8 For This Useful Post:

    arkham81 (10-21-2012),Blackout046 (10-21-2012),lastdecay (10-21-2012),machine56 (12-10-2012),TickleMePipsy (06-24-2013)

  3. #2
    judicator252's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    For grenade mods. You can make legit grenades with 0 fuse time by setting the trigger variable to none.
    For grenade mods that spawn child grenades. You can make bank grenades that spawn child grenades from the child grenades by copying the child variable to an empty slot. You can 3 times if you copy it to the slot where the fuse time used to be.

    For shotguns, the accessory mods go like this:

    tech 2 - accuracy
    tech 3 - 50% critical
    tech 4 - not sure
    moonclip - extra shell in mag
    shotgun shell - damage and reload, maybe fire rate
    vertical grip - adds x2 to the number of pellets in exchange for a hefty accuracy loss

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to judicator252 For This Useful Post:

    machine56 (12-10-2012)

  5. #3
    jaydeedantes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    tnx bro ^_^ ehehehe

  6. #4
    machine56's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    totally looking for this kind of info, thank you so much for sorting them out!

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