I KNOW the rules say to buy a book on C++ and learn to code, but I hate doing those things. I used to be known as "CA_", but that profile was rather noobish so I decided to make a brand new account and start fresh.

First off I want to ask for a kind person to give me links to all the necessary downloads? (Such as C++, or VB I'm not so sure) Second, if someone would be the VERY NICEST person and take maybe 1-2 hours of 1 day out of their life to get me going in the right direction? All I need is refreshers and the basics. Such as using addies and setting up the hack, making the menu (which will be easy), and some of the more simple hacks that don't use addies like NX chams. At least that's what I think doesn't use them. Oh, and also maybe texture chams I LOVE texture chams. They remind me of the old days .

I would appreciate all the help I could get, which I know of course will be very little if this forum is the same as it used to be.