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  1. #1
    maximalista's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
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    Exclamation League of Legends EU Account for a Diablo 3 account !

    The League of Legends account has the following:

    1/Account wins:

    - 500 total

    2/ Rune Pages:

    10 available rune pages.Including:
    +0.91 Armor - x9
    +1.3 Armor Pen. - x9
    +1.7% Attack Speed - x9
    +0.87 Magic Pen. - x9
    +0.77 Magic Resist - x1


    +0.59 Ability Power - x9
    +0.41 Mana Regen/5 - x9
    +19 Health at level 18 - x9
    +1.2 Mana Regen/5 at level 18 - x2


    +1.2 Ability Power - x9
    +3.1 Ability Power at level 18 - x9
    +2.7 Magic Resist at level 18 - x10
    +0.99Mana Regen/5 at level 18 - x2

    +5.0 Ability Power - x3
    +4.3 Armor - x3
    +2.6 Armor Pen. - x3
    +3.4 Attack Speed - x3
    +1.0 Gold per 10s - x3
    +2.0 Magic Pen. - x1
    +1.5% Movement Speed - x3

    4/ Champions
    Total : 59(owned) + whatever is free to play
    Champion list:
    - Ahri
    - Akali
    - Alistar
    - Amumu
    - Ani
    - Ashe
    - Blitzcrank
    - Caitlyn
    - Cassiopeia
    - Cho'Gath
    - Corki
    - Dr.Mundo
    - Evelyn
    - Ezreal
    - Fiddlesticks
    - Garen
    - Graves
    - Janna
    - Jarvan IV
    - Jax
    - Katarina
    - Kayle
    - Leblanc
    - Lee Sin
    - Malphite
    - Mao kai
    - Master Yi
    - Mordekaiser
    - Morgana
    - Nasus
    - Nidalee
    - Nocturne
    - Nunu
    - Olaf
    - Pantheon
    - Poppy
    - Rammus
    - Riven
    - Ryze
    - Shaco
    - Shen
    - Shyvana
    - Singed
    - Sion
    - Sivir
    - Skarner
    - Soraka
    - Taric
    - Teemo
    - Tristana
    - Tryndamere
    - Twisted Fate
    - Udyr
    - Vayne
    - Veigar
    - Vladimir
    - Warwick
    - Xin Zhao
    - Zilean

    5/ Skins

    Only 1 Legendary skin on Evelynn - "Masquerade Evelynn"

    6/ Account Level : 30
    - 12939 Takedowns
    - 114980 Monster and Minion Kills
    - 3IP Win Boosts (3)
    - IP(Influence points) - 3023IP

    Contact me via:
    Skype: tseno.tsenov95
    E-mail: (less reliable)
    Last edited by maximalista; 01-25-2013 at 01:06 PM.

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