The cost is a 10$ psn card. Or if you have a prestige 8, 9 or 10 account so I can duplicate it for free. You can also give me psn games,just tell me what game it is.
send the code of the psn card to: or
Also send the info of your account to: so I can get your account to prestige master, if you want send me a dummy account or one you dont use.
Contact me on my psn: zecaben

What does the account have:

Master Prestige:

days played: 4 days and 9 hours
kills: 26801
wins: 270
score per minute: 517
Ratio: 3.88
win/lose ratio: 0.52
Diamond: all guns, even secondary
Gold: all guns
Calling Cards: Has a lot even the nuclear killer calling card and chain killer

10th prestige lvl 40:

days played: 4 days and 16 hours
kills: 23327
wins: 457
score per minute: 5396
Ratio: 2.18
win/lose ratio: 1.13
Diamond: all primary.
Calling Cards: Has a lot even the nuclear killer calling card and chain killer