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  1. #46
    ilovehacks123123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zachair View Post
    When the "Demon" Held me down you could feel the shape of his body wrap around me squeezing me as hard as he could. if this is delusional well.. wait its not, Visit my church sometime 24 - 7 Broadcasting, @Ft. Lauderdale FL - Webcasts | Bible Teachers International or at the
    You are insane stupid, you are like the rest lying religious freaks!
    Can you realize that you were in JUST FU**ING PHENOMENON!
    Please came down to earth.
    Here is explanation for phenomenon:
    Last edited by ilovehacks123123; 03-27-2013 at 03:34 PM.

  2. #47
    EverOnEdge's Avatar
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    There are just some things we can't comprehend, and things our brains just... Can't process. The bible story the video is reffering to is, im sure, just a story. But, a God exsisting may be something our minds can't make out. Also, this is not about technology, or space, or matter, or what you can SEE. Here's a great example: There's no way to see God, right? And there's no proof, right? Try multiplying 48,981 by 23,766 in your head. Don't reply with a smart ass answer to the problem either, because I know you can't do it. Your brain doesn't even know where to start with that. So, eventually, we will find our "calculator" sooner or later to your argument. There's no real answer to everything, if you go in depth with everything. One more thing, if there really isn't a God, then what are we doing here? What is the meaning of life? Please tell me, i'm sure we're all dying to know.

  3. #48
    666HiddenMaster666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EverOnEdge View Post
    There are just some things we can't comprehend, and things our brains just... Can't process. The bible story the video is reffering to is, im sure, just a story. But, a God exsisting may be something our minds can't make out. Also, this is not about technology, or space, or matter, or what you can SEE. Here's a great example: There's no way to see God, right? And there's no proof, right? Try multiplying 48,981 by 23,766 in your head. Don't reply with a smart ass answer to the problem either, because I know you can't do it. Your brain doesn't even know where to start with that. So, eventually, we will find our "calculator" sooner or later to your argument. There's no real answer to everything, if you go in depth with everything. One more thing, if there really isn't a God, then what are we doing here? What is the meaning of life? Please tell me, i'm sure we're all dying to know.
    At the beginning, I see your point, but I think your analogy with the multiplication is off, since anyone who has been properly educated on multiplication knows where to start and can, in a sense, solve it within one's head (usually stopped because one's brain can't handle that many numbers at once)
    As for your questions, both do not require a deity to be present to be raised
    Quote Originally Posted by Extravagant View Post
    The problem is that we're people. People are shitty beings, you just gotta keep that in mind.
    "Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off." - Richard Dawkins
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

    Quote Originally Posted by Lehsyrus View Post
    Troll nomination. Allah and Muhammad for 1400 years of bullshit.

  4. #49
    ilovehacks123123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EverOnEdge View Post
    There are just some things we can't comprehend, and things our brains just... Can't process. The bible story the video is reffering to is, im sure, just a story. But, a God exsisting may be something our minds can't make out. Also, this is not about technology, or space, or matter, or what you can SEE. Here's a great example: There's no way to see God, right? And there's no proof, right? Try multiplying 48,981 by 23,766 in your head. Don't reply with a smart ass answer to the problem either, because I know you can't do it. Your brain doesn't even know where to start with that. So, eventually, we will find our "calculator" sooner or later to your argument. There's no real answer to everything, if you go in depth with everything. One more thing, if there really isn't a God, then what are we doing here? What is the meaning of life? Please tell me, i'm sure we're all dying to know.
    (Sorry for my bad English)
    Why does life need to has meaning?
    If you look at our planet, things are happening randomly...
    There is no needed to ask for every damn thing...
    The same is for life!
    We are not only one in this universe, there are billions of planets like our, and creatures with intelligent like ours...
    We are not even 0.0000000001% matter in this universe, so please, stop finding reason for everything, it doesn't matter, it doesn't have point or meaning, its just because it is...
    And also, there aren't some sort of things about gods or religion that we can't understand...
    Its all just simple story, no need to think about some special gods just because its someone stupid imagination in what should everyone believe.
    Religious was made from mostly primitive people, they knew that people were stupid, so they could believe in everything what they were told...
    But religion actually HAVE meaning and point!
    Do you know what it is?
    Its one group of people, controlling other people, that was basically a plan for religious, and they really FU**ING succeeded.
    One big applause for people!!!
    But in another hand, i am not surprised, as we know, there are more things that are useless, than things that are good/useful, the same is for people.
    But, religion is dying...
    For 200 years, no one is probably going to believe in religion. Yeah, there will still be stupid people as today, even today, there are people that actually believe that earth is flat, and that it doesn't rotate...
    The number of Americans who claim to have no religious affiliation is the highest it has ever been since data on the subject started being collected in the 1930s, new research has found.
    Its 20% of all Americans!
    Its quite a big number...
    Last edited by ilovehacks123123; 03-27-2013 at 08:16 PM.

  5. #50
    666HiddenMaster666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilovehacks123123 View Post
    If you look at our planet, things are happening randomly...
    There is no needed to ask for every damn thing...
    The power of second sentence is what's behind many, many religions, and should it engulf the Earth once again, we shall be returning to the Stone Age
    We don't not ask why things are randomly happening, no, we find out why things happen and attempt to explain it, and perhaps finding the pattern behind those things, thus making random not random
    Quote Originally Posted by Extravagant View Post
    The problem is that we're people. People are shitty beings, you just gotta keep that in mind.
    "Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off." - Richard Dawkins
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

    Quote Originally Posted by Lehsyrus View Post
    Troll nomination. Allah and Muhammad for 1400 years of bullshit.

  6. #51
    ilovehacks123123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 666HiddenMaster666 View Post

    The power of second sentence is what's behind many, many religions, and should it engulf the Earth once again, we shall be returning to the Stone Age
    We don't not ask why things are randomly happening, no, we find out why things happen and attempt to explain it, and perhaps finding the pattern behind those things, thus making random not random
    You got me wrong.
    My bad.
    I don't mean for our knowledge about things and etc...
    I want to say that our life doesn't have reason why do we exist, not like, explanation of our existence, but, meaning of life itself...
    There is no reason WHY are we here.
    (Not by meaning HOW,but,WHY)
    We are here just because it happened, one day, you may die in car crash, nobody is going to look for reason why did you have to die,
    Again, not by meaning HOW YOU DIED, but, why.
    This is where you got me wrong.
    Do you understand now what i wanted to say, because i know my english sucks xD

  7. #52
    666HiddenMaster666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilovehacks123123 View Post
    You got me wrong.
    My bad.
    I don't mean for our knowledge about things and etc...
    I want to say that our life doesn't have reason why do we exist, not like, explanation of our existence, but, meaning of life itself...
    There is no reason WHY are we here.
    (Not by meaning HOW,but,WHY)
    We are here just because it happened, one day, you may die in car crash, nobody is going to look for reason why did you have to die,
    Again, not by meaning HOW YOU DIED, but, why.
    This is where you got me wrong.
    Do you understand now what i wanted to say, because i know my english sucks xD
    Yes that's much better
    Your English is good enough to get your point across
    Quote Originally Posted by Extravagant View Post
    The problem is that we're people. People are shitty beings, you just gotta keep that in mind.
    "Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off." - Richard Dawkins
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

    Quote Originally Posted by Lehsyrus View Post
    Troll nomination. Allah and Muhammad for 1400 years of bullshit.

  8. #53
    ilovehacks123123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 666HiddenMaster666 View Post

    Yes that's much better
    Your English is good enough to get your point across
    Glad i clear that, because people at some point find hard to understand me, even on my language

  9. #54
    1991durex's Avatar
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    There's no meaning for life xd It's just what you make out of it and whats your view on the world and others,than youll find the meaning of your life.But hey!Keep believing on your fairy tails thats humanity why is stuck and making almost no progress because we no longer try to find out the cause or explanation for things automaticly people come with some bs that god did it because this or that,glad we still have some ppl that actually care like scientists etc.
    Your God must be pretty mad btw it seems like people only go to him when they need money or are on some big trouble lol I know I'd be.
    Last edited by 1991durex; 03-27-2013 at 09:52 PM.

  10. #55
    zachair's Avatar
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    Ok, if there is no god why is the reason that you posted this thread? why even care? why even share your opinion? 'oh I don't believe in god' ok you don't believe in him, so why post your thoughts. I don't want to hear it! something bothered you to post this? their is something in you that persuaded you to flame about there is no god? why don't just sit back and laugh about people who do believe in god? if you know he is just something made up in our minds. YOU know there is NO GOD why even bother waste your time. let me tell you something the church has changed during the years, some churches teaches false doctrines etc. and has put out an image in the world that religion is a controlling community. but its actually not. 2 is always better than 1, if you are by your self you are most vulnerable but together you are not! your stronger! the only thing I can say to you my friend is, be ye not blinded by the things of the world. I hope god save you from darkness someday, I will pray for you. Visit my church someday as it will be of much benefit. don't think of my church as a stereotype as its very different from most. Watch my church live
    "Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will."

    You have no life.

  11. #56
    1991durex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zachair View Post
    Ok, if there is no god why is the reason that you posted this thread? why even care? why even share your opinion? 'oh I don't believe in god' ok you don't believe in him, so why post your thoughts. I don't want to hear it! something bothered you to post this? their is something in you that persuaded you to flame about there is no god? why don't just sit back and laugh about people who do believe in god? if you know he is just something made up in our minds. YOU know there is NO GOD why even bother waste your time. let me tell you something the church has changed during the years, some churches teaches false doctrines etc. and has put out an image in the world that religion is a controlling community. but its actually not. 2 is always better than 1, if you are by your self you are most vulnerable but together you are not! your stronger! the only thing I can say to you my friend is, be ye not blinded by the things of the world. I hope god save you from darkness someday, I will pray for you. Visit my church someday as it will be of much benefit. don't think of my church as a stereotype as its very different from most. Watch my church live
    So many times you contradicted yourself there man.
    1. This is an debate about religious and non-religious ppl opinnions and we all learn from each other.
    2.The thread title is about there not being a god,if you believe there is an God why waste post here?Why not just keep believing there is one and move on?
    I came here to share opinnions and educate myself more thats why I post my thoughs,It's a debate you post your thoughts and learn from other's opinnions aswell.
    3.Community is stuck because of depending too much on others-religions/friends/families etc,the only way you can make progress in yourlife is by being independent and doing the shit that is need'a be done by your own hands,if you want you can wait for God to help you life,that is fine youll just be wasting time of your life.

    4.Fuck religions all of them contradict themself.
    And lets say there was a god,why the fuck he'd make so many religions that just fight each other to prove how stupid the other one is.

    Sorry for my grammar not that very good in english.

  12. #57
    Rance-Sama's Avatar
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    The answer to life, universe and everything is 42.

    I know a lot of people follow several religions blindly but overall (Let's take Christianity as an example) an eternity in heaven or hell doesn't sound pleasurable, nothing is good forever.

  13. #58
    666HiddenMaster666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AqworldThunder View Post
    The answer to life, universe and everything is 42. I know a lot of people follow several religions blindly but overall (Let's take Christianity as an example) an eternity in heaven or hell doesn't sound pleasurable, nothing is good forever.
    Becoming immortal and being able to live in this Universe for forever
    Doesn't sound good?
    Quote Originally Posted by Extravagant View Post
    The problem is that we're people. People are shitty beings, you just gotta keep that in mind.
    "Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off." - Richard Dawkins
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

    Quote Originally Posted by Lehsyrus View Post
    Troll nomination. Allah and Muhammad for 1400 years of bullshit.

  14. #59
    zachair's Avatar
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    being in heaven.... hmmm... you probably get orgasms from praising god
    "Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will."

    You have no life.

  15. #60
    ilovehacks123123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zachair View Post
    Ok, if there is no god why is the reason that you posted this thread? why even care? why even share your opinion? 'oh I don't believe in god' ok you don't believe in him, so why post your thoughts. I don't want to hear it! something bothered you to post this? their is something in you that persuaded you to flame about there is no god? why don't just sit back and laugh about people who do believe in god? if you know he is just something made up in our minds. YOU know there is NO GOD why even bother waste your time. let me tell you something the church has changed during the years, some churches teaches false doctrines etc. and has put out an image in the world that religion is a controlling community. but its actually not. 2 is always better than 1, if you are by your self you are most vulnerable but together you are not! your stronger! the only thing I can say to you my friend is, be ye not blinded by the things of the world. I hope god save you from darkness someday, I will pray for you. Visit my church someday as it will be of much benefit. don't think of my church as a stereotype as its very different from most. Watch my church live
    Oh, okay...
    Your are basically an idiot who just wants to advertise your live stream... But i am gonna respond to you anyway...
    First, you are not gonna pray for me because you don't give a f**k about me, i am just an random guy for you.
    Second, why should i visit your live stream if i am an atheist???
    Tell me what does god have to do with any of our decision? We have our intelligence, our decision, so please stop saying nonsenses. We all want to share our opinions about something with other people, in hope that they will like it, and you will fell better... Its boring to always think about something in your head without sharing it with someone, we all want that, we learn from each other, and thats how things works, why not share opinions with other people? If they don't care, then they can just fuck off...
    Your argument is so dumb that it doesn't even have logic in it. Eeeem, why did fart if theres no god, why did you kill if theres no god, why did you fail your exam if theres no god... You can seriously put anything in there without explaining, what the F**K does that have to do with GOD.

    " let me tell you something the church has changed during the years, some churches teaches false doctrines etc. and has put out an image in the world that religion is a controlling community. but its actually not."

    Okay, lol, you just typed out what i write/think, and you just added NO.
    Lol, what did you want to tell me with 'no'??? Good explanation man, one big applause for you!

    "2 is always better than 1, if you are by your self you are most vulnerable but together you are not! your stronger! the only thing I can say to you my friend is, be ye not blinded by the things of the world. I hope god save you from darkness someday, I will pray for you. Visit my church someday as it will be of much benefit. don't think of my church as a stereotype as its very different from most."

    That doesn't have to with anything of this thread. Oh, one is lonely, if you add another one they are now together, WOHOOOOOO!!!, im so freaking smaaart!!!
    Stop typing random things to add little more text.
    You are the one who is blind, because, i don't buy any christian bullshit story or any other religious story. I am normal person who looks at real world and lives normal life. You are even less than other stereotype christians or whatever you are...

    Adversing is not allowed here!

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