Level 30 Gold V ELO.
75 Champions and skins posted below
Complete ADC/AD/AP/Support Rune Page.
3 Rune pages
10+ complete sets of tier 3 runes.
548 Normal Wins

Add me on skype: teeheewoot
Payment through Paypal.
League: iCantLolForBeans

Unchained Alistar
Lord Darius
Commando Galio
Blood Knight Hecarim
Aviator, Frostblade Irelia
Tempest, Victorious Janna
Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV
Pentakill Karthus
Mercenary Katarina
Judgment Kayle
Acolyte Lee Sin
Imperial Lux
Obsidian Malphite
Samurai Yi
Lord Mordekaiser
Ravager Nocturne
Ruthless Pantheon
Bloodfury Renekton
Battle Bunny Riven
Ironscale Shyvana
Divine Soraka
Super Teemo
Buccaneer Tristana
Vandal Vladimir
Undertaker Yorick[/B]