Hey guys , so the title says it all. I'm debating between getting a laptop , or a desktop. For me , the advantages of a desktop is , it's cheaper , I find it i play better on desktops instead of laptops due to the small screen. The problem is? The problem is , when i go and chill with my friends , we usually play on there computer. If I brought my laptop with me , we could always play together which is always better than taking turns. I could just connect my laptop to a monitor but , it would still cost me and it would be a hassle to take it everywhere with me.

So vote either Laptop , or Desktop. .

PS: The desktops in my local stores , are great for the price . (Nvidia graphics 70% of the time , 8 gb ram and up)
The laptops in my local stores , are a little overpriced BUT , if I had a laptop i would be able to take it everywhere.