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  1. #1
    DarkOfIkuto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    NA - Lvl 30 - 57 Champions - 28 Skins - 2 Rune pages - Bronze I

    I am selling a level 30 league of legend NA account, with 57 champions, 28 skins, 2 rune page (One full AD page, and Incomplete AP page(Almost done)), and is in bronze I.

    Champions I have are

    Ahri - Midnight Ahri
    Akali - Crimson, and Nurse Akali
    Alister - Longhorn Alister
    Annie - Panda Annie
    Ashe - Wood Ashe
    Blitzcrank - iBlitzcrank
    Cho gath - Battle Cast prime Cho'gath
    Corki - Dragonwing Corki
    Dr. Mundo - Corporate Mundo
    Evelynn -
    Fiddlesticks -
    Gangplank -
    Garen - Steel Legion Garen
    Gragas -
    Heimerdinger -
    Irelia - Frostblade Irelia
    Jarvan IV -
    Jax -
    Karma - Traditional Karma
    Katarina - Mercenary Katarina
    Kayle - Aether Wing Kayle
    Kha'Zix -
    Lee sin - Muay Thai Lee Sin
    Lux -
    Malphite -
    Mai -
    Master Yi -
    Miss fortune - Mafia Miss Fortune
    Mordekaiser -
    Nami - Koi Nami
    Nasus -
    Nidalee - Headhunter, and Maid Nidalee
    Nunu -
    Poppy -
    Quinn - Phoenix Quinn
    Riven - Battle Bunny Riven
    Shaco -
    Shen - Blood Moon Shen
    Shyvana -
    Singed -
    Sivir -
    Sona - Arcade Sona
    Soraka -
    Syndra -
    Talon -
    Taric - Blood stone Taric
    Teemo - Panda, and Easter Egg Teemo
    Tristana -
    Tryndamere -
    Twisted Fate -
    Veigar -
    Vi - Neon Vi
    Warwick -
    Xin Zhao - Warrior Kingdom Xin Zhao
    Zac -
    Zed -
    Zyra - Wildfire Zyra

    I am looking into more on trading the account for a high level Atlantica account. Screen shots on the account too and I will be doing a safe trade (here ).
    Last edited by DarkOfIkuto; 04-20-2013 at 10:40 AM.

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