Hey guys. Sell account because havent enough time to play on it. So on account: Platinum division 4 (Gold- season 2) with really sweet K/D/A, 94 champions(a lot of cost 6300ip), 76 skins, 13 full rune page, 1000rp, 5000ip, some nice iconse, spending more then 65,000 Rp and 350,000+ Ip!
All champions and skins down.
1) Ahri- Fox fire Ahri (975 tp)
2) Akali- Blood Moon Akali (975 rp)
3) Alistar- Unchained Alistar ( - ), Infernal AListar(975rp)
4) Anivia- normal
5) Amumu- normal
6) Annie- Frost fire annie (975 rp), Goth Annie (Collector pack)
7) AShe- normal
8) Blitzcrank- normal
9) Brand- Zombie Brand (1820 rp)
10) Caitlyn- Officer Caytlin (975 rp)
11) Cho Gath- Battlecast Prime CHo Gath (1820 rp)
12) Corki- normal
13) Diana- normal
14) Dr Mundo- Executiner Mundo (975 rp), Rageborn Mundo(975 rp), Tpa Mundo (TPa PAc)
15) Elise- normal
16) Evelynn- normal
17) Ezreal- Tpa Ereal (Tpa pack)
18) Fiddlesticks- Spectral Fiddlesticks (520 rp), FIddle Me Timbers (975 rp)
19) Fiora- Royal Guard fiora (975 rp), Nightraven Fiora (975 rp)
20) Fizz- Fisherman Fizz (975 rp)
21) Galio- normal
22) Gangplank- Spooky Gangplakn (520 rp), Special Forces Gangplank (975 rp)
23) Garen- Dreadknight Garen (975 rp)
24) Graves- normal
25) Hecarim- Blood Knight Hecarim (975 rp)
26) Irelia- Frostblade irelia (1350 rp)
27) Janna- victorious Janna (gold season 2)
28) Jarvan 4- Dragon slayer Jarvan 4 (975 rp)
29) Jax- Jaximus (975 rp)
30) Karthus- Grim Reaper Karthus (975 rp)
31) Kassadin- normal
32) Katarina- normal
33) Kayle- Judgment Kayle (season 1), Battleborn kayle (975 rp)
34) Khazix- Mecha Khazix (1350 rp)
35) KOg Maw- Jurassic KogMaw (975rp)
36) Lebalance- Presigious Leblanc (520 rp)
37) Lee sin- normal
38) Lissandra- normal
39) Lulu- normal
40) LUx- Steel Legion Lux (975 rp)
41) Malzahar- Djin Malzahar (975 rp), Overlord Malzahar (975 rp)
42) Mai- Charred Mai (975 rp), Totemic Mai (520rp), Haunted Mai (975rp)
43) Master yi- normal
44) Miss Fortune- Waterloo Miss Fortune (520 rp)
45) Mordekaiser- Lord Mordecaiser (975 rp)
46) Morgana- normal
47) Nasus- Dreadknight Nasus (975 rp)
48) Nidalee- Pharaoh Nidalee (975 rp)
49) Nocturne- Void Nocturne (520 rp), (Eternun Nocturne 1820rp)
50) Nunu- Demolisher Nunu (975 rp), Tpa Nunu (Tpa pack)
51) Olaf- Forsaken olaf (520 rp)
52) Oriana- Gothic Oriana (975 rp), Tpa Oriana (Tpa pack)
53) Panteon- normal
54) Poppy- Scarlet Hammer Poppy (975rp)
55) Renekton- Bloodfury Renekton (975 rp), Rune Wars Renekton (975rp)
56) Rengar- normal
57) Riven- Buttle Bunny Riven (975 rp), Redeemed Riven (975rp)
58) Rumble- normal
59) Ryze- normal
60) Shaco- Royal Shaco (520 rp)
61) Shen- Surgeon shen (975 rp), Warlord Shen (975rp), Tpa shen (Tpa pack)
62) Singed- normal
63) Sion- Lumberjack Sion (520 rp)
64) Sivir- normal
65) Scarner- Sandscourge Scarner (975rp), Earthrune Skarner (520 rp)
66) Soraka- normal
67) Swain- Tyrant Swain (1350 rp)
68) Syndra- Justicar Syndra (975 rp)
69) Talon- Crimson Elite Talon (975 rp)
70) Taric- normal
71) Teemo- Super teemo (975 rp)
72) Tresh- normal
73) Tristana- Buccaneer Tristana (520 rp)
74) Trundle- Lil SLigger Trundle (520 rp)
75) Tryndamere- Demon Blade Tryndamere (1820 rp)
76) Twisted Fate- Underworld Twisted Fate (975rp)
77) Twitch- normal
78) Udyr- Black Belt Udyr (520rp), Primal Udur (975 rp)
79) Urgot- Battlecast urgot (1350 rp)
80) Vayne- normal
81) Veigar- Leprechaun Veigar (520 rp)
82) Viktor- normal
83) Vladimir- normal
84) Wukong- Jade Dragon Wukong (975rp), General Wucong (750 rp)
85) Yorick- Undertraker Yorick (975 rp)
86) Zilean- SHurima Desert Zilean (975 rp)
87) Warwick- unick skin Grey Warwick (1820rp)
88) Ramus- Freljord Ramus (975 rp)
89) Aatrox- Justicar Aatrox (975 rp)
90) Jayce- normal
91) Leona- normal
92) Malhit- Marble Malphit (520 rp)
93) Rammus- Freljord Rammus (975 rp)
94) Tresh- normal

Sell with login, password + email. Server: EU Nordic and East.410$ for account, For details in skype- sasori1610 (Artyom)