Why the hell was it even stamped "Bad" by the government in the first place? Marijuana has got to be the most useful drug know to man kind. Its a great stress/pain reliever, doctors proscribe it to patients daily. Which is another funny thing, why is a doctor allowed to just hand the shit out to whoever he feels fit to consume it? Because the government gave him/her the power to distribute it willingly? Honestly its just a big joke to me. Not only me though, I remember watching some documentary on Discovery on Marijuana and two retired police captains were being interviewed. They were both asked which they preferred, Marijuana or Alcohol. Without thinking twice they both said Marijuana. They stated that pot was not only a substance that keeps the user calm, it also prevents them from doing anything dangerous to the outside world. When asked their views on alcohol, they replied with the same basic statement that the poison cause all sorts of problems not just inside the body, but outside as well. Alcohol makes people extremely more aggressive and impairs their ability to drive.

During prohibition the government didn't make private consumption of alcohol illegal, just the distribution of the product. Now that seems completely fair. If you enjoy alcohol enough just make it yourself, but only for yourself. A+ 1920's American Government! Now lets implement that same practice in today's world but for weed. We don't need to be selling it, but if I wanna roll a fat fucking blunt on my front porch and take it straight to the face, I should damn well have the right to.

It's a natural plant after all, it my be invasive to North America but fuck, how many other types of plants shouldn't be here? I feel the issue needs to be dealt with now. Government needs to pull their heads out from their asses and address the huge issue at hand.