
Payment methods:Paysafe card, Paypal

Price : 110 ~ Euro but you can negotiate)

LvL 30
RP: 365
IP: 3690
Unlocked Champions: ALL
Unlocked Skins: 83
Many Limited Summoner Icons
Season 1 reward(,Kayle Skin)
Season 3 Silver 2 league reached

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Foxfire Ahri ; Stinger Akali ; Youtube Alistair and Inferno Alistair ; Blackfrost Anivia (legendary) ;

Goth Annie(from special pack) ; Frejlord Ashe ; Vandal Brand ; Safari Caitlyn ; Mystic Cassiopeia ;

Red Baron Corki ; Bioforge Darius ; Rageborn Mundo ; Sould Reaver Draven ; Masquerade Evelyn ;

Notthingham Ezreal and TPA Ezreal ; Dark Candy Fiddlesticks ; Nightraven Fiora and Headmistress Fiora ;

Fisherman Fizz ; Spooky Gangplank ; Desert Trooper Garen ; Hired Gun Graves ; Alien Invader Heimerdinger ;

Frostblade Irelia ; Frost Queen Janna ; Angler Jax and Nemesis Jax ; Phantom Karthus ; Harbinger Kassadin ;

Sandstorm Katarina ; Unmasked Kayle ; Karate Kennen ; Mecha Kha`zix ; Jurassic Kog Maw ; Prestigious LeBlanc ;

Acolyte Lee sin ; Valkyrie Leona ; Bloodstone Lissandra ; Imperial Lux ; Glacial Malphite ; Shadow Prince Malzahar ;

Festive Mai ; Headhunter Master Yi ; Mafia Miss Fortune ; Astro Nautilus ; Headhunter Nidalee ;

Void Nocturne ; Sasquatch Nunu ; Myrmidon Pantheon ; Noxus Poppy ; Phoenix Quinn ; Full Metal Rammus ;

Rune Wars Renekton ; Headhunter Rengar ; Crimson Elite Riven and Championship Riven ; Dark Crystal Ryze ;

Royal Shaco and Workshop Shaco ; Yellow Jacket Shen ; Darkflame Shyvana ; ********* Singed ;

Lumberjack Sion ; Arcade Sona ; DragonBlade Talon ; Bloodstone taric ; Austronaut Teemo ; Rocket Tristana ;

King Tryndamere ; Underworld Twisted Fate ; Mafia Twitch ; Primal Udyr ; Battlecast Urgot ; Blight Crystal Varus ;

Aristocrat Vayne ; Leprechaun Veigar and Bad Santa Veigar ; Neon Strike Vi ; Northern Storm Volibear ;

Feral Warwick ; Jade Dragon Wukong ; Winged Hussar Xin Zhao and Warring Kingdoms aswell ; Pentakill Yorick ;

Shockblade Zed ; Mad Scientist Ziggs ; Time Machine Zilean.
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