Blind Scavenger:

A scavenger of the blind,
I've bet against all odds, and lost my mind.
With heavy eyes, on a hell bent soul search,
What am I, but a smirch?

Clueless as to what I'm looking for,
Not until I find it, will I stop, I swore.
What if, it's a never ending search, and I never do?
After everything I've put myself through.

How much more can I endure?
Destined for demise, rest assure.
How long? How long have I been on this quest?
Never once a harder test.

Pointless, could this all be?
The strength of my spirit hollowing inside of me.
It just gets harder the more that I climb,
Stop now? Turn back, stop wasting time?

I question myself not,
I've strived in the combat, and fought,
Just to press on,
In hope to find something. Something that's gone.

- Toxin