I do not have all the champions, I am missing Aatrox, Draven, Fiora, Fizz, Heimerdinger, Lissandra, Malzahar, Mordekaiser, Nami, Quinn, Renekton, Rengar, Sejuani, Swain, Talon, Trundle, Vi, Viktor, Xerath, Zed, and Ziggs. I HAVE EVERYTHING ELSE.

I have every essential rune, which adds up to about 80 - 100.

Comes with the following skins :

Nurse Akali
Golden Alistar
Almost Prom-King Amumu
Sherwood Ashe
Amethyst Ashe
Sheriff Caitlyn
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
Hot Rod Corki
Urfrider Corki
Frosted Ezreal
Spooky Gangplank
Hired Gun Graves
Mafia Graves
Nightblade Irelia
Tempest Janna
Victorious Janna (Season 2 Reward)
Darkforge Jarvan
Nemesis Jax
Debonair Jayce
Judgment Kayle (Season 1 Reward)
Jurassic Kog'Maw
Traditional Lee Sin
Valkyrie Leona
Dragon Trainer Lulu
Spellthief Lux
Waterloo Miss Fortune
Galactic Nasus
French Maid Nidalee
Pharaoh Nidalee
Ravager Nocturne
Eternum Nocturne (Legendary)
Gothic Orianna
Perseus Pantheon
Full Metal Rammus
Battle Bunny Riven
Yellow Jacket Shen
Arcade Sona
Dryad Soraka
Justicar Syndra
Bloodstone Taric
Deep Terror Thresh
Rocket Girl Tristana
Jack Of Hearts Twisted Fate
Gangster Twitch
Black Belt Udyr
Arclight Varus
Aristocrat Vayne
Dragonslayer Vayne
Thunder Lord Volibear
Tundra Hunter Warwick
Firefang Warwick

If you are interested PM me your skype with your offer (Looking for ~180 but negotiable.)